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Independence in D-posets. Chovanec Ferdinand, Drobná Eva Department of Natural Sciences, Armed Forces Academy, Liptovský Mikuláš , Slovakia Nánásiová Oľga Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Faculty of Civil Engineering Slovak Technical University, Bratislava , Slovakia
Independence in D-posets Chovanec Ferdinand, Drobná Eva Department of Natural Sciences, Armed ForcesAcademy, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia Nánásiová Oľga Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Faculty of Civil Engineering Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovakia Mathematical Structures for Nonstandard Logics Prague, Czech Republic, December 10-11, 2009
Classical approach • Kolmogorov, A. N. Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheikchkeitsrechnung. Springer, Berlin, 1933. • De Finetti • Rényi, A. On a new axiomatic theory of probability. Acta Math Acad Sci Hung 6: 285–335, 1955. • Bayes
Kolmogorov ( Ω , S, P ) (Ω∩E , SE , PE ) E , AS,P(E) > 0
De Finetti, Rényi S0 S f: S × S 0 → [0, 1] 1. f ( E, E ) = 1 for everyES 0 2. f ( . ,E ) σ – additive measure 3. f (A ∩ B, C ) = f ( A, B ∩ C ) f (B, C ) for everyA, BS , C, B ∩ CS 0
Comparison • These approaches give the same result • Independence of random events
Algebraic structures D-posets Orthoalgebras D-lattices Orthomodular Posets Multivalued Algebras Orthomodular Lattices Boolean Algebras
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D-poset Kôpka F, Chovanec F(1994) D-posets, Mathematica Slovaca, 44 (P,, 0P, 1P)bounded poset ⊖partial binary operation –difference on P b ⊖aexists iff a b (D1) a ⊖0P= a for any a P (D2) a b cimplies c ⊖ b c ⊖a and (c ⊖ a)⊖(c ⊖ b) = b ⊖ a (P, , 0P, 1P, ⊖)D-poset (P, , , , 0P , 1P, ⊖)D-lattice
dual partial binary operation to a difference – orthogonal sum a b = (a⊖b)for a b where x = 1P⊖x – orthosupplement ⊙partial binary operation – product a ⊙b = a⊖b for ba Chovanec F, Kôpka F(2007) D-posets, handbook of quantum logic and quantum structures: quantum structures. Elsevier B.V.,Amsterdam, pp 367–428 Chovanec F, Rybáriková E(1998) Ideals and filters in D-posets. Int J Theor Phys 37:17–22
Conditional state on a D-poset LetP be a D-poset and P 0 P be its nonempty subset. f:P × P 0 → [0, 1] is said to be a conditional state on P iff (CS1)f(a, a) = 1 for everyaP 0 (CS2)Ifb, bnPforn = 1, 2, ..., and bn b then f(bn , a) f(b, a) (CS3) Ifb, cP, bcthen f(c⊖b, a) = f(c, a) – f(b, a)for everyaP 0 (CS4) IfbP 0 , baand a⊖b P 0 then for everyxP f(x, a) = f(x, b) f(b, a) (CS5) Ifb, a⊖bP 0 then for everyxP f(x, a) = f(x, b)f(b, a) + f(x, a⊖b) f(a⊖b, a)
Example 1 P0= { a, a , b, b ,1 } 1 b a b a 0
Filter in a D-poset A non-empty subset F of a D-poset P is said to be a filter in Piff (F1) a F, bP, a bbF (F2) a F, bP, b aand(a ⊖ b) F bF (F2*) a F, bF, b aa ⊙ bF F is a proper filter in a D-poset P iff 0PF a F a F
Example 2 F 1 = { b, a , 1 } 1 b a a b 0
Example 3 F 2 = { b , 1 } 1 b a a b 0
Example4 P0= { b, b , a , 1 } 1 b a b a 0
Maximal conditional system is a union of all proper filters in a D-poset. ( Ω , S, P ) E S ,P(E) > 0 SE = { A S ; E A} is a proper filter in S S 0= SE
Independence in D-posets LetP be a D-poset bP , aP 0 and f be a conditional state on P . b is said to be independent of an element a with respect to f iff f(b, a) = f(b, 1P) b ↪a
Boolean algebras B↪A iff A↪B Orthomodular lattices, MV-algebras, D-posets B↪A ⇏ A↪B Chovanec F, Drobná E, Kôpka F, Nánásiová O Conditional states and independence in D-posets. Soft Computing (2010) DOI 10.1007/s00500-009-0487-0
Example5 f(a,b) = 1/2f(a,1P) = 1 ais not ↪ b f(b,a) = 0f(b,1P) = 0 b↪a 1 b a b a 0