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Terminology Gland : ghiandola Disease : malattia, disfunzione Thyroid gland : ghiandola tiroidea To affect : colpire To harm : compromettere, danneggiare, arrecare danno To occur : verificarsi Pregnancy : gravidanza. Located: situato Sides: lobi Shaped: a forma di To make: produrre
Terminology Gland: ghiandola Disease: malattia, disfunzione Thyroidgland: ghiandola tiroidea Toaffect: colpire Toharm: compromettere, danneggiare, arrecare danno Tooccur: verificarsi Pregnancy: gravidanza
Located: situato • Sides: lobi • Shaped: a forma di • To make: produrre • To store: accumulare, immagazzinare • To release: rilasciare • Thyroxine: tiroxina • Triiodothyronine: triiodotiroidina
ThyroidDisease The thyroidis a glandthatcontrols key functionsofyour body. Diseaseof the thyroidgland can affectnearlyeveryorgan in your body and harmyourhealth. Thyroiddiseaseiseighttimes more likelytooccur in women than in men. In some women itoccursduring or afterpregnancy. In mostcases, treatment ofthyroiddiseaseissafe and simple.
The Thyroid Gland • The thyroid gland is located at the base of your neck in front of your trachea (or windpipe). It has two sides and is shaped like a butterfly. • The thyroid gland makes, stores, and releases two hormones — T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). Thyroid hormones control your metabolism.
Pituitarygland: ipofisi • thyroid-stimulatinghormone: ormone di stimolazione della tiroide • Bloodstream: flusso sanguigno • To slow down: rallentare • Tospeed up: accelerare • Underactive: ipoattivo • Overactive: iperattivo • Blood test: analisi del sangue • Ultrasound exam: ultrasuoni (ecografie) • Thyroidscan: scansione tiroidea
The thyroidglandiscontrolledby the pituitarygland (a gland in yourbrain). The pituitaryglandmakesthyroid-stimulatinghormone (TSH). • Ifthereisnotenoughthyroidhormone in the bloodstream, the body's metabolismslows down. Thisiscalledhypothyroidism (underactivethyroid). Ifthereistoomuchthyroidhormone, yourmetabolismspeeds up. Thisiscalledhyperthyroidism (overactivethyroid).
DiagnosingThyroidDisease Thyroiddiseaseisdiagnosedbyyoursymptoms, anexam and tests. Symptomsofthyroiddisease can bemuchlikesymptomsofotherhealthproblems. Yourdoctorwilluseteststo help find the exact cause of the problem. Youmayhave: Bloodtests Ultrasound exam (duringpregnancy) Thyroidscan
Hashimoto's disease: morbo di HashimotoToenlarge: ingrossarsi • Goiter: gozzo • Iodine: iodio • slow todevelop: a sviluppo lento • Weightgain: aumento ponderale (di peso) • Decreased appetite: diminuzione dell’appetito • Change in menstrualperiods: alterazione del ciclo mestruale • Loss of sex drive: diminuzione della libido • Constipation: stipsi
Hashimoto's disease: morbo di HashimotoToenlarge: ingrossarsi • Goiter: gozzo • Iodine: iodio • slow todevelop: a sviluppo lento • Weightgain: aumento ponderale (di peso) • Decreased appetite: diminuzione dell’appetito • Change in menstrualperiods: alterazione del ciclo mestruale • Loss of sex drive: diminuzione della libido • Constipation: stipsi
Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidismoccurswhen the thyroidglandisnotworking hard enough. CausesThe most common cause ofhypothyroidismis a disorderknownasthyroiditis — aninflammationof the thyroidgland. ThisalsoiscalledHashimoto's disease. It can cause the thyroidglandtoenlarge. Thisenlargementiscalled a goiter. Hypothyroidismalso can resultfrom a dietthatdoesnothaveenoughiodine.
Symptoms The symptomsofhypothyroidism are slow todevelop. Common symptomsofhypothyroidism are: Fatigue or weakness Weightgain Decreased appetite Change in menstrualperiods Loss of sex drive Feeling coldwhenothers don't Constipation
Muscleaches: dolori muscolari Puffiness: gonfiore Brittlenails: unghile fragili Medication: farmaci Toresult: verificarsi, manifestarsi Disorder: disfunzione Toaffect: colpire
Muscleaches Puffinessaround the eyes Brittlenails Hair loss Ifyourlabtests show that the hormonelevelsare normal, some otherconditionmaybecausingyoursymptoms. Treatment In mostcases, hypothyroidismistreatedwithmedicationthatcontainsthyroidhormone.
Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidismresultswhen the thyroidglandismakingtoomuchthyroidhormone. Thiscausesyourmetabolismtospeed up. CausesThe most common cause ofhyperthyroidismis a disorderknownasGraves' disease. Itmostoftenaffects women between the agesof 20 and 40 years.
Rapidheart beat: accelerazione del battito cardiaco Increasedsweating: aumento della sudorazione More frequentbowelmovements: aumentata frequenza dei movimenti intestinali (peristalsi intestinale) Amount: quantità
Symptoms The more common symptomsofhyperthyroidism are: Fatigue Weight loss Nervousness Rapidheart beat Increasedsweating Feeling hot whenothers don't Changes in menstrualperiods More frequentbowelmovements Tremors
Treatment Treatment forhyperthyroidismwilllower the amountofthyroidhormone and relieveyoursymptoms.