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The Review Game Show

Final. The Review Game Show. Native Americans of North America. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Vocabulary for 100. Group of families under one leadership. What are tribes?.

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The Review Game Show

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  1. Final The Review Game Show Native Americans of North America 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Vocabulary for 100 Group of families under one leadership. What are tribes? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  3. Vocabulary for 200 Hut built over a large hole. What is a lodge? Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  4. Vocabulary for 300 Land set aside for Native Americans by the government. What is a reservation? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  5. Vocabulary for 400 Party at which the host gives guests gifts. What is a potlatch? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  6. Vocabulary for 500 Gathering. What is a pow-wow Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  7. Eastern Woodlands for 100 Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca What is the Iroquois League? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  8. Eastern Woodlands for 200 An Iroquois building using young trees for poles, and slabs of elm bark for walls; could be 150 feet long and house 12 families. What is a longhouse? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  9. Eastern Woodlands for 300 Elder women chose the men as representatives of Great Council which made decisions for the Iroquoise League. How did tribes of Iroquois League work together to govern themselves? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  10. Eastern Woodlands for 400 Longhouses, canoes, food, clothing, fields for crops, hunting, maple syrup. How did Iroquois use tree/forest resources? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  11. Eastern Woodlands for 500 Deep connection to animals, trees, and resources; thanked animal when killed for food and clothing provided to family; seashell wampum belts What are some Iroquois beliefs and customs? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  12. Great Plains for 100 Lakota, Sioux, Pawnee, Osage, and later Cheyenne What are some tribes of the Great Plains? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  13. Great Plains for 200 In winter, large round huts built over a deep hole using earth packed over a wood frame; in summer, poles covered with buffalo hides. What are lodges and teepees? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  14. Great Plains for 300 Crouching near buffalo in animal disguise to get close enough for spears or bows; stampede over cliffs How did Plains Indians hunt buffalo? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  15. Great Plains for 400 Hunters were able to get closer to buffalo for increased success; Cheyenne settlements became more mobile, easier to move around; measured wealth; became skilled in war; raids How did the horse change Cheyenne way of life? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  16. Great Plains for 500 Wear traditional clothes for annual powwow, dances, games, keep language and ceremonies alive How do Cheyenne keep their traditions alive? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  17. Southwest Desert for 100 Hopi, Pueblo, Anasazi, Navajo, Apache, and Zuni What are some tribes of the Southwest? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  18. Southwest Deserts for 200 Apartment style buildings rising up several stories, on top of mesas What type of homes do Pueblo Indians live in? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  19. Southwest Deserts for 300 Used irrigation system to grow corn, beans, squash, and cotton; apartment dwellings on top of mesas What are some Anasazi traditions did Pueblo people follow? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  20. Southwest Deserts for 400 Men – governed village; weavers of cloth; groom’s father wove wedding robe for son’s bride Women – owned all property, passed to daughters; weavers of baskets; wove special basket for groom What are different roles of men and women in Hopi culture? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  21. Southwest Deserts for 500 Kachinas – bring rain and other help, and to educate Hopi children about customs and traditions; dance ceremonies and masks – honored kachinas and sought aid; snake dance - rain; kiva ceremonies; squash blossom hair style – ready for marriage What were the main purposes of Hopi ceremonies? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  22. Northwest Coast for 100 Kwakiutl, Tlingit, Haida, Chinook, and Nootka What are some tribes of Northwest Coast? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  23. Northwest Coast for 200 Cedar logs used for upright posts for house and roof beams; cedar planks used for walls and roof What resources do NW Coastal Indians use to make homes? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  24. Northwest Coast for 300 Game for hunting provided food and clothing; fish, sea otters, whales, and seals from rivers and coastal waters provided meat for food, fur for clothing, oil for lamps and heating; cedar logs to make canoes and homes; cedar bark for shirts and skirts; What are some ways the Kwakiutl used forest and ocean resources? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  25. Northwest Coast for 400 A man or woman respected, that people came to when not feeling well; people believed they could cure them; performed dancing ceremonies; wore carved masks that reflected respect for spirits they felt around them What is a shaman? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  26. Northwest Coast for 500 Totem poles; carved masks, rattles, serving dishes decorated with paint; hunting; potlatches What are ways Kwakiutl natives keep traditions of past? Push the Space Bar to check your answer.

  27. Final • Which groups were hunter/gatherers? • Which groups were hunters/farmers? • What were main crops? • What is the oldest Hopi city? • What is a cultural region?

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