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Witchcraft gains mainstream popularity in the US as Christianity diminishes, with millennials seeking spiritualism outside traditional religion. Dakota Bracciale, co-founder of Catland Books, notes the political and dark aspect of modern witchcraft.
Witchcraft moves to the mainstream in America as Christianity declines… Rachel Ray 21 December 2018 • Witchcraft is thriving in the US, with an estimated 1.5 million Americans now identifying as witches - more than the total number of Presbyterians. As Christianity declines across the country, paganism has swung to the mainstream, with witchcraft paraphernalia for sale on every high street and practises normalised across popular culture. In the past two years, it has also become darkly politicised... • Millennials, says [Dakota] Bracciale [cofounder of Catland Books], are looking for spiritualism outside traditional religion. “The hex centres on the notion that we live in a universe of chaos, entropy, destruction, death, decay with a final ending of oblivion - scientists are telling us. So the witch does everything for themselves - there is no other help in this universe of decay and chaos. If you don’t get in the driver’s seat things will just get worse,” the witch said… • Catland Books is replete with Christian images including the Archangel Michael, Christian defender against the demonic, and the Virgin Mary. Bracciale, a self-described sexual abuse survivor, who grew up in a born-again-Christian evangelical cult in Arizona, takes umbrage at the notion that witchcraft and Christianity are mutually exclusive. Witchcraft “has a ton of roots in Christianity”, the Brooklyn witch says. Indeed, in Bracciale’s view, the Bible is a spell book, particularly the Book of Psalms. The ‘witch’ Tituba of Salem with Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams during the witchcraft delusion of 1692
Key Transcendent Principles of Spirituality Dispensation of Law Baseline Parameters Man Law (innate struggle with good and evil) Works-Based Righteousness 1 Sam 13:8-12; 15:7-9, 20-21; Isa 29:13 Positive Volition (orientation with God’s will) Fear of the Lord Pr 14:26-27; Ps 103:17-18; Is 66:1-5; Ec 12:13 Faith Isa 43:10; Ps 106:10ff; Jon 3:5; 2 Sam 22:3,31 Identification with the Deliverer Ps 19:14; Is 41:14; Ps 2; Heb 11:26; Jn 15 Spirituality-Based Righteousness God Grace Works Rejected1 Sam 13:13-14; 15:22-23, 26-28; Isa 29:14 Promised DelivererIsa 52:13-53:12 Vicarious Blood Sacrifice Lv 5:1-13; Ex 12:1-14; 2 Chr 7:1-7; Lv 12, 16 Regeneration Jer 9:24; Mic 6:8; 1 Sam 13:14; John 3:3, 7 Imputed Righteousness Psa 89:16, 103:17, 4:1-3; Rom 4:5-8; Mt 5:20
Key Transcendent Principles of Spirituality Dispensation of Law Baseline Parameters Man Law (innate struggle with good and evil) Works-Based Righteousness 1 Sam 13:8-12; 15:7-9, 20-21; Isa 29:13 Positive Volition (orientation with God’s will) Fear of the Lord Pr 14:26-27; Ps 103:17-18; Is 66:1-5; Ec 12:13 Faith Isa 43:10; Ps 106:10ff; Jon 3:5; 2 Sam 22:3,31 Identification with the Deliverer Ps 19:14; Is 41:14; Ps 2; Heb 11:26; Jn 15 Spirituality-Based RighteousnessPs 4:1-3 God Grace Works Rejected1 Sam 13:13-14; 15:22-23, 26-28; Isa 29:14 Promised DelivererIsa 52:13-53:12 Vicarious Blood Sacrifice Lv 5:1-13; Ex 12:1-14; 2 Chr 7:1-7; Lv 12, 16 Regeneration Jer 9:24; Mic 6:8; 1 Sam 13:14; John 3:3, 7 Imputed Righteousness Psa 89:16, 103:17, 4:1-3; Rom 4:5-8; Mt 5:20
Key Transcendent Principles of Spirituality Dispensation of Law Baseline Parameters Man Law (innate struggle with good and evil) Works-Based Righteousness 1 Sam 13:8-12; 15:7-9, 20-21; Isa 29:13 Positive Volition (orientation with God’s will) Fear of the Lord Pr 14:26-27; Ps 103:17-18; Is 66:1-5; Ec 12:13 Faith Isa 43:10; Ps 106:10ff; Jon 3:5; 2 Sam 22:3,31 Identification with the Deliverer Ps 19:14; Is 41:14; Ps 2; Heb 11:26; Jn 15 Spirituality-Based Righteousness Ps 4:1-3; Ps 18:20-32 God Grace Works Rejected1 Sam 13:13-14; 15:22-23, 26-28; Isa 29:14 Promised DelivererIsa 52:13-53:12 Vicarious Blood Sacrifice Lv 5:1-13; Ex 12:1-14; 2 Chr 7:1-7; Lv 12, 16 Regeneration Jer 9:24; Mic 6:8; 1 Sam 13:14; John 3:3, 7 Imputed Righteousness Psa 89:16, 103:17, 4:1-3; Rom 4:5-8; Mt 5:20
Key Transcendent Principles of Spirituality Dispensation of Law Baseline Parameters Man Law (innate struggle with good and evil) Works-Based Righteousness 1 Sam 13:8-12; 15:7-9, 20-21; Isa 29:13 Positive Volition (orientation with God’s will) Fear of the Lord Pr 14:26-27; Ps 103:17-18; Is 66:1-5; Ec 12:13 Faith Isa 43:10; Ps 106:10ff; Jon 3:5; 2 Sam 22:3,31 Identification with the Deliverer Ps 19:14; Is 41:14; Ps 2; Heb 11:26; Jn 15 Spirituality-Based Righteousness Ps 4:1-3; Ps 18:20-32; Dt 6:1-6 God Grace Works Rejected1 Sam 13:13-14; 15:22-23, 26-28; Isa 29:14 Promised DelivererIsa 52:13-53:12 Vicarious Blood Sacrifice Lv 5:1-13; Ex 12:1-14; 2 Chr 7:1-7; Lv 12, 16 Regeneration Jer 9:24; Mic 6:8; 1 Sam 13:14; John 3:3, 7 Imputed Righteousness Psa 89:16, 103:17, 4:1-3; Rom 4:5-8; Mt 5:20
Key Transcendent Principles of Spirituality Dispensation of Law Baseline Parameters Man Law (innate struggle with good and evil) Works-Based Righteousness 1 Sam 13:8-12; 15:7-9, 20-21; Isa 29:13 Positive Volition (orientation with God’s will) Fear of the Lord Pr 14:26-27; Ps 103:17-18; Is 66:1-5; Ec 12:13 Faith Isa 43:10; Ps 106:10ff; Jon 3:5; 2 Sam 22:3,31 Identification with the Deliverer Ps 19:14; Is 41:14; Ps 2; Heb 11:26; Jn 15 Spirituality-Based Righteousness Ps 4:1-3; Ps 18:20-32; Dt 6:1-6; Jn 15:4-7 God Grace Works Rejected1 Sam 13:13-14; 15:22-23, 26-28; Isa 29:14 Promised DelivererIsa 52:13-53:12 Vicarious Blood Sacrifice Lv 5:1-13; Ex 12:1-14; 2 Chr 7:1-7; Lv 12, 16 Regeneration Jer 9:24; Mic 6:8; 1 Sam 13:14; John 3:3, 7 Imputed Righteousness Psa 89:16, 103:17, 4:1-3; Rom 4:5-8; Mt 5:20
Baseline Parameters Transcendent Principles of Spirituality GodMan Grace Law (innate struggle with good and evil) Works Rejected Works-based Righteousness Promised Deliverer Positive Volition (orientation with God’s will) Vicarious Blood Sacrifice Fear of the Lord Regeneration Faith Imputed Righteousness Identification with the Deliverer Spirituality-Based Righteousness
Notes on Hebrews 2017 Edition Dr. Thomas L. Constable • God gave many revelations of Himself to Old Testament believers, “fathers” being a shorthand way of referring to them (cf. v. 2)… God gave these revelations in many periods of history. He did this by various means and in various ways (“in many portions and in many ways”). Another rendering of this phrase is “different modes . . . and . . . different occasions.” For example, His “means” included types, symbols, commandments, precepts, warnings, exhortations, visions, dreams, signs, parables, events, and face-to-face visitations (cf. Num. 12:6-8)… • God's “ways” included supernatural interventions into history, as well as natural phenomena such as storms, plagues, and other historical events. They also included people, namely, "the prophets," through whom He spoke (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21)… • God's most recent revelation had come through “His [own] Son.” The writer was not denying divine revelation to the apostles. He was stressing the culminating character of God's revelation in Jesus Christ, compared with what He had given the Old Testament prophets. His statement establishes the fact of progressive revelation, and strongly suggests the cessation of revelation in the apostolic age. God's final revelation through His Son came first as Jesus conducted His earthly ministry, but then it continued after Jesus ascended to heaven, from where He gave further revelation through the apostles (cf. Acts 1:1-2). Man has not taken the initiative to discover God, but God has taken the initiative to reveal Himself to man.
Acts 2 Timothy Revelation Micah 2 Chronicles John 1 Timothy Jonah Jude 1 Chronicles Luke 2 Thess Obadiah 3 John 2 Kings Mark Song of Sol 1 Thess Amos 2 John 1 Kings Matthew Ecclesiastes Philippians Joel 1 John 2 Samuel Proverbs Colossians Malachi Hosea 2 Peter 1 Samuel Psalms Ephesians Zechariah Daniel 1 Peter Ruth Job Galatians Haggai Ezekiel James Judges Esther 2 Corinthians Zephaniah Lamentations Hebrews Joshua Nehemiah 1 Corinthians Habakuk Jeremiah Philemon Ezra Romans Nahum Isaiah Titus Deuteronomy Numbers Leviticus Church Exodus Genesis 21st Century Us
Song of Sol Ecclesiastes 2 Samuel Proverbs 1 Samuel Psalms Ruth Job Judges Joshua Deuteronomy Numbers ~10th Century BC ~11th Century BC ~14th Century BC ~1450 - 1410 BC Leviticus Promise Human Government Conscience Innocence Law Exodus Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Genesis Abel Enoch ~2,000 BC ~2,350 BC Pre 4,000 BC ~1,500 BC ~4,000 BC Adam/Eve Solomon Moses David Noah
Acts 2 Timothy Revelation Micah 2 Chronicles John 1 Timothy Jonah Jude 1 Chronicles Luke 2 Thess Obadiah 3 John 2 Kings Mark Song of Sol 1 Thess Amos 2 John 1 Kings Matthew Ecclesiastes Philippians Joel 1 John 2 Samuel Proverbs Colossians Malachi Hosea 2 Peter 1 Samuel Psalms Ephesians Zechariah Daniel 1 Peter Ruth Job Galatians Haggai Ezekiel James Judges Esther 2 Corinthians Zephaniah Lamentations Hebrews Joshua Nehemiah 1 Corinthians Habakuk Jeremiah Philemon Ezra Romans Nahum Isaiah Titus Deuteronomy Numbers ~7th Century BC ~5th Century BC ~8th Century BC ~6th Century BC 45 – 95 AD Leviticus Church Law Exodus Genesis Christ Disciples ~1,500 BC ~30 AD Daniel Us
Conscience Enoch ~3,400 - 3,050 BC
Promise Abraham ~2,000 - 1,800 BC
Judges Joshua Deuteronomy Numbers ~11th Century BC Leviticus Law Exodus Genesis 1,040 - 970 BC David
Micah 2 Chronicles Jonah 1 Chronicles Obadiah 2 Kings Song of Sol Amos 1 Kings Ecclesiastes Joel 2 Samuel Proverbs Malachi Hosea 1 Samuel Psalms Zechariah Daniel Ruth Job Haggai Ezekiel Judges Esther Zephaniah Lamentations Joshua Nehemiah Habakuk Jeremiah Ezra Nahum Isaiah Deuteronomy Numbers Nicodemus Leviticus Law → Church Pharisees Exodus Cleopas/Fellow Disciple Genesis The Eleven ~30 - 60 AD Ethiopian Eunuch Berean Believers