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Jeopardy. Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin. Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy. Causes of WWI. Course and Conduct . Home Front. Random. 10 Point. 10 Point. 10 Point.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

  2. Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy

  3. Causes of WWI Course and Conduct Home Front Random 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

  4. President Wilson Responded to the sinking of this ship by demanding that Germany stop unrestricted submarine warfare

  5. What is the Lusitania?

  6. The assassination of this person started the fighting in the Balkans between Austira-Hungary and Serbia

  7. What who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

  8. In the Zimmerman Note Germany promised this to Mexico for their support

  9. What is to regain their lost territory?

  10. The United States declared war on this country when entering WWI

  11. What is Germany?

  12. International law called for boats to do this before sinking them (German U-boats don’t)

  13. What is allow passengers to flee to safety?

  14. These new German ships allowed one to move undetectably under sea and sink opposing ships

  15. What are U-Boats?

  16. This new kind of warfare developed because new long-range weapons turned battlefields into death traps

  17. What is Trench Warfare?

  18. The area between enemy trenches was known as this

  19. What is no man’s land?

  20. This country signed a peace treaty and left the war right before American forces joined

  21. What is Russia?

  22. This regiment was the all-Black U.S. regiment that partook in active combat

  23. What is the 369 Regiment?

  24. The government sold these raise most of the funds for WWI

  25. What are bonds or Liberty Bonds?

  26. Socialists were against the war for this reason

  27. What is they thought the war was about wealth and power?

  28. People were asked to plant their own gardens in WWI. This was the nickname for those gardens

  29. What are victory gardens?

  30. This act gave the federal government the power to fight dissent that could damage the war effort

  31. What is the Sedition Act?

  32. In Schenckvs United States, schenck’s conviction for promoting draft resistance was upheld as constitutional on the grounds that free speech can be denied when this exists

  33. What is a clear and present danger?

  34. The United States established this in order to build the large fighting force it would need for WWI

  35. What is a draft of people 21-30?

  36. Other countries used this to persuade the United States to join their side. It was also used by the U.S. to gain support for the war

  37. What is propaganda?

  38. President Wilson created the Committee on Public Information to do this

  39. What is make propaganda/ sell the war?

  40. This was the nickname given to U.S. Soldiers in WWI

  41. What is the Doughboys?

  42. Shortly after this battle the Germans agreed to a truce

  43. What is the Meuse-Argonne Offensive?

  44. Final Jeopardy Make your wager

  45. U-boat stands for this

  46. What isUnterseeboot?

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