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Black Holes and Singularities in Higher Dimensions. YITP Hideo Kodama. Black Hole and Singularity Workshop at TIFR, 3 – 10 March 2006. Four Dimensions. Classical Problems. “To be naked or not to be naked, it is the problem!’’ Cosmic Censorship in the Gravitational Collapse
Black Holes and Singularities in Higher Dimensions YITP Hideo Kodama Black Hole and Singularity Workshop at TIFR, 3 – 10 March 2006
Classical Problems “To be naked or not to be naked, it is the problem!’’ • Cosmic Censorship in the Gravitational Collapse Spherically symmetric ⇒Non-spherically symmetric ⇒ Non-Einstein theories • Black Hole Uniqueness and Stability Established for AF EMS ⇒extension of theories
Classical Problems “To be naked or not to be naked, it is the problem!’’ • Cosmic Censorship in the Gravitational Collapse Spherically symmetric ⇒Non-spherically symmetric ⇒ Non-Einstein theories • Black Hole Uniqueness and Stability Established for AF EMS ⇒extension of theories cf. Positive Energy Theorems, topological censorship Extension to non-empty systems such as a ring-bh system • Structures and Classifications of (Naked) Singularities Massless, null, spherical ⇒ non-spherical, massive & time-like cf. TS & ZVW solutions [Kodama & Hikida 2003]
Horizons and singularity of the TS2 Kodama & Hikida, Class.Quant.Grav.20:5121-5140,2003
Zipoy-Voorhees Spacetime In the non-rotating limit, the TS family approaches the Zipoy-Voorhees family of static Weyl solutions.
Classical Problems “To be naked or not to be naked, it is the problem!’’ • Cosmic Censorship in the Gravitational Collapse Spherically symmetric ⇒Non-spherically symmetric ⇒ Non-Einstein theories • Black Hole Uniqueness and Stability Established for AF EMS ⇒extension of theories cf. Positive Energy Theorems, topological censorship Extension to non-empty systems such as a ring-bh system • Structures and Classifications of (Naked) Singularities Massless, null, spherical ⇒ non-spherical, massive & time-like cf. TS & ZVW solutions [Kodama & Hikida 2003] • Stability and Smoothness of Various Horizons Strong (curvuture) singularities ⇒ weak singularities • Other Problems Hoop Conjecture, Causality Violation
Quantum Problems “Does naked singularities produce macroscopic phenomena?“ • Black hole evaporation and information loss problem • Black hole thermodynamics • Quantum Gravity: LQG, superstring/M theory • Physical effects of naked singularities • Diverging flux?, back reaction? • Quantum particle creation • Cosmic singularity avoidance Big-bang, big crunch, big rip • Quantum gravity, higher-dimensions?
Static AF Black Holes are Unique • Vacuum: unique (Tangherlini-Schwarzschild) [S. Hwang(1998), Rogatko(2003)] • Einstein-Maxwell: unique (HD RN or Majumdar-Papapetrou) [Gibbons, Ida & Shiromizu(2002), Rogatko(2003)] • Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton system (non-degenerate): unique (Gibbons-Maeda sol)[Gibbons, Ida & Shiromizu(2002)] • Einstein-Harmonic scalar system (non-degenerate): unique (Tangherlini-Schwarzschild)[Rogatko (2002)]
BH Horizon Can Be Non-Spherical • 5-dim Black Ring Solution[Emparan & Reall 2002] AF, rotating, regular vacuum solution with horizon • What kind of topologies can black hole horizons have? • General restrictions on AF bhs under the weak energy condition • Horizon of a static black hole has a positive scalar curvature or is Ricci flat. [Cai & Galloway 2001] • Horizon (and an outer apparent horizon) is of the positive Yamabe type [Galloway & Schoen 2005] • In 5 dims, horizon [Helfgot, Oz, Yanay 2005] • In 6 dims, horizon [ibid.] Cf. For the D1-D5-P supertube black solution in IIB sugra, horizon geometry is .[Elvang, Emparan, Mateos & Reall 2004] Is a black ring solution exists for D>5 ? Is there a more exotic black hole in spacetime with D>6 ?
Rotating Black Holes Are Not Unique • For the 5-dim vacuum system, there exist two families of stationary 'axisymmetric' regular solutions: • Myers-Perry solution (1986): 3 params, horizon • Emparan-Reall solution (2002): 2 params, horizon
Regular AF BH Solutions in Higher Dimensions M=Myers, R=Reall, E=Emparan, MP=M&Perry, ER=E&R, GG=Gauntlett&Gutowski, EEMR=E&Elvang&Mateos&R, BMPV=Breckenridge& M& Peet & Vafa, BLMPSV=BMPV&Lowe&Strominger
Infinite Non-uniqueness Black Rings • For the Einstein-Maxwell(-Dilaton) system, there exists a continuous family of regular black ring solutions parametrized by a dipole charge Q for fixed mass and angular momenta [Emparan (2004)] • The dipole charge Q appears in the thermodyanamical formula: Supertubes • A configuration consisting of 3 M2-branes and 3 M5-branes wrapped on in M-theory gives 1/8-BPS solutions with 7 parameters. [EEMR 2005] • By dimensional reduction, this leads to 7 param solutions with 5 conserved charges in 5 dimensions.
Black Objects Are Not Stable Black Brane Solutions Direct-product-type spacetime Vacuum Einstein equations • For D ≤ 4, possible solutions are locally • For D ≥ 5, there are infinitely many solutions if m≥ 4: e.g.
Gregory-Laflamme Instability For the black brane solution the linearised Einstein equations for the S-mode perturbations can be reduced to the following two equations
Black branes are unstable against S-mode perturbations with[Gregory & Laflamme 1993] • Black strings in the Λ<0 background are also unstable [Gregory 2000; Hirayama & Kang 2001] • Magnetically charged branes (NS5, Dp) in a system also exihibit similar instabilty. However, BPS branes are always stable [Gregory & Laflamme 1994; Hirayama, Kang & Lee 2003]
Implication of Gregory-Laflamme Instability Non-uniqueness of black holes in spacetimes SxM [Kudoh & Wiseman 2003, 2004]
Fate of Instability • Naked Singularities • Due to the famous theorem by Hawking and Ellis, a black hole horizon cannot bifurcate without formation of naked singularities. • Further, it was shown that even if naked singularities are allowed, a black string cannot be pinched off to localised black holes within a finite affine time. [Horowitz & Maeda 2001] • Nevertheless, some people argue that such a pinching off can be realised in a finite time with respect to some observers. • Kaluza-Klein Bubbles • In addition to the black string, non-uniform black string and caged black holes,there is a large family of solutions consisting of black holes and static Kaluza-Klein bubbles[Elvang & Horowitz 2003;Elvang, Harmark & Obers 2005]
Cosmology Orders Naked Singularities Basic Problems in Higher-Dimensional Unification • Moduli stabilisation • Primordial inflation and dark energy Einstein Equations in IIB Sugra If is y-dependent. Hence, the 4D metricdepends not only on x but also on the internal coordinate y. Warped Compactification Moduli stabilisation requires non-vanishing flux and the warped compactification
Conifold compactification • When Y is Ricci flat, 3-form flux vanishes and the 5-form flux takes the form the field equations are reduced to • For example, for the 5-form flux produced by D3 branes with flat X, we obtain a regular spacetime with full SUSY: • In general, the warp factor h is written
Naked Singularities • For generic flux, the equation for h is written • From this, it follows that if Y is a compact manifold without boundary, h is smooth and , then h must be constant, i.e. no warp. • Hence, in order to get a warped solution with compact Y, we have to introduce some singular sources, such as orientifold O3with negative charge, to cancel the negative term in the right-hand side of the equation • Such a source gives rise to a singular negative contribution to the warp factor h in general, and produces naked singularity.
Size Moduli Instability Assumptions • Metric • All moduli except for the size modulus are stabilised • Form fields General solution[Kodama & Uzawa, JHEP0507:061(2005),hep-th/0512104] where
In the cosmological context, this instability may produce a Big-Rip singularity: Cf. In the case, this instability can be interpreted as representing D3 brane collision and associated naked singularity production[Gibbons, Lu & Pope 2004] • This size modulus instability can be stabilised only by some quantum effects and for rather special models. Cf. KKLT construction utilising instantons [Kachru, Kallosh, Linde & Trivedi 2003; Witten 1996; Denef, Douglas and Florea 2004; Denef et al 2005;Aspinwall & Kallosh 2005]
NO-GO Theorem against Inflation Assume • The spacetime metric is of the warped product type • The internal space is static and compact without boundary. • The warp factor is regular and bounded everywhere. • The strong energy condition is satisfied in the full theory. Then, no accelerated expansion is allowed for the four-dimensional spacetime This theorem implies that if the string/M theory is the fundamental theory, the internal space has a boundary or is singular, or some quantum effects play crucial roles
Proof For the geometry from the relation for any time-like unit vector V on X, we obtain Hence, if Y is a compact manifold without boundary, W is a smooth function on Y, and the strong energy condition is satsified in the (n+4)-dimensional theory, then the strong energy condition is satisfied on X. Cf. Raychaudhuri eq.
Hidden Singularities 4-dim Braneworld Model SO(2) symmetric static regular bh solution is obtained from a half of the C-metric. The conic singularity associated with a string is hidden behind the brane.[Empran,Gregory,Santos 2001] 5-dim Braneworld Model SO(3) symmetric static regular bh solution yet to be found should have naked singularity or non-compact horizon back behind the brane, provided that a regular static AdS bh is unique. [Chamblin,Hawking,Reall 2000;Kodama 2002]
Topology Change and Decompactification • Compactification produces richness in the black hole classification problem • Black hole spacetime in the real world has a (twisted) product structure in the infinity: • The black hole spacetime may decompactify near horizon. [Ishihara & Matsuno 2005] • In the universe, the structure of compactification may change spatially and/or dynamically.
Supersymmetric light-like solution in M-theory The metric and 4-form flux gives a supersymmetric solution to the M-theory iff all functions depend only on u and satisfy [Ishino,Kodama,Ohta 2005] In particular, the metric gives a solution if f(u) and E(u) satisfy
Dynamica decompactification? • When is constant or αu, the spacetime is flat (or a Rindler wedge), because the curvature tensor is proportional to . In the latter case, we can extend the spacetime across the null boundary to another flat region: • We can compactify this spacetime by the discrete isometry group , where
In particular, if we compactify a solution such that by this method, the size of the internal space approaches constant at u=0 and diverges as u →∞. • Hence, this solution represent a dynamical decompactification transition. Unfortunately, however, we can show that there always exists a value of u for which F(u) vanishes and the transfromation becomes null boosts. At this null surface, the action of Γ become degenerate to produce a singularity.
Open Problems Black Hole Classification • For each horizon topology, is there a single continuous family of black holes? • Near the Schwarzschild-Tanghelini solution, the MP solutions are unique regular AF stationary vacuum solutions [Kodama 2004] • Vacuum, stationary axisymmetric black holes with spherical horizon are unique [Morisawa & Ida 2004] • For the 5-dim N=1 minimal SUGRA, the answer is yes.[Gutowski 2004] • How large is the maximum number of parameters characterising a black hole/ring family? Cf. Horowitz & Reall(hep-th/0411286)’s critique against Bene & Warner, hep-th/0408106 • Is there a vacuum black ring solution with generic angular momenta?
Classify all BPS objects in 11 & 10 dimensions. • The same classification is completed for minimum sugra in 4, 5 and 6 dimensions[Tod 1983, Gauntlett et al 2002, Gauntlett & Gutowski 2003] Cf. The analysis was extended to sugras coupled with abelian 1-multiplets and led to the multi-ring solutions and the EEMP solution. • General structure of supersymmetric solutions is determined for the M-theory and IIA/IIB sugras. [Gauntlett & Pakis 2003; Gutowski, Martelli & Reall 2003; Gauntlett, Gutowski & Pakis 2003; Gran, Papadopoulos & Gutowski 2005] Cf. Mathur Conjecture[e.g. Mathur, hep-th/0502050] • Are supersymmetric bh solutions are representative with regard to spacetime symmetry and horizon topology? A black hole is a quantum state or a fussy ball that can be described as an ensemble of microstates. Each microstate is represented by a regular classical solution without horizon.
Black Hole/Brane Stability • Prove analytically that black branes are unstable only for S-modes. Cf. Seahra, Clarkson & Maartens 2005 • What the fate of the Gregory-Laflamme instability? • Are Myers-Perry solutions and black ring solutions stable? Cf. Emparan & Myers 2003; Marolf & Virmani 2005 • Develop a tractible formulation for perturbations of a rotating black hole/ring in higher dimensions. • Does the horizon area really provide a criteria for stability? • Is supersymmetry really a sufficient condition for stability in supergravity?
Black Brane Perturbations Black Brane Solution Perturbation
Tensor-Scalar, Vector-Vector Components • Tensor-Scalar where • Scalar-Tensor • Vector-Vector
Vector-Scalar & Scalar-Vector Components • Vector-Scalar Component In terms of , let us define the vector Φ as Then, Φ obeys the coupled system of 2nd-order ODEs where • Scalar-Vector Component The equations for the scalar-vector component are obtained by the replacement from the above equations.
Diagonalisable? • Special mode (l=1 ) For the special mode, by introducing the new variable Ψ defined by we obtain the decoupled 2nd-order ODEs: The first mode is also stable because
Stability? From the equations for Ψ, we obtain where From this we see that there exists no mode with , but it is difficult to show that there is no unstable mode with .
Generic modes ( l >1 ⇔ ) For generic modes, the above transformation yields where The eigenvalues of the matrix K are
Scalar-Scalar Component • Gauge-Invariant Variables • Einstein Equations The Einstein equations lead to the following decoupled single ODE for : where
The other variables obey the following intricate coupled system of ODEs:
Canonical form Let Φ be the 3-component vector defined by Then, we obtain where And W is the 3-dim matrix with entries