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CRYSTAL REPORTS. REPORTS AND FORMS. Using Report Wizard. Select the OLE DB Provider. Connection Information. Advance Information. Design view. Crystal Forms. Check Formats Invoice Formats Purchase Order Formats Estimating Quote Formats Label Formats.

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  2. Using Report Wizard

  3. Select the OLE DB Provider

  4. Connection Information

  5. Advance Information

  6. Design view

  7. Crystal Forms • Check Formats • Invoice Formats • Purchase Order Formats • Estimating Quote Formats • Label Formats

  8. Start from an existing form or start from scatch

  9. Current formats are located under C:\Program Files (86)\VMS\VMS.Net\Crystal Reports xxx = vms for standard formats aainxxx1.rpt – AIA Invoice arinxxx1.rpt – AR Invoice arstxxx1.rpt – AR Statement oeinxxx1.rpt – Sales Order Invoice sbcnxxx1. – Contract Billing Invoice sbinxxx1.rpt – Service Invoice sbtkxxx1.rpt – Service Work Order tminxxx1.rpt – Time & Billing Invoice apckxxx1..rpt – AP Check prckxxx1.rpt – Payroll Check Existing File Location esxxx1.rpt – Estimating Quote inlbxxx1.rpt – Inventory Labels popoxxx1.rpt – Purchase Order

  10. Located in the same directory Blank60line.rpt is used for AR Statement, Labels, Sales Order Invoice, Purchase Order, and T & M Billing Invoice.Blank66line.rpt is used for Checks, AIA Invoice, AR Invoice, Sales Estimating Quote, Order Invoice, Contract Billing Invoice, Service Invoice, and Service Work Order. Blank formats

  11. Getting Started • Rename the file you want use. Replace the XXX to something different using My Computer or Windows Explorer. • Open the file that was renamed in Crystal Reports.

  12. Text Objects will provide the user to draw a box for writing text. Line will draw a straight line. Box will draw a box Picture will import a logo or picture Adding Items to your Format

  13. Box Line Picture Text Box

  14. To edit the items shown on the form, in Report Explorer find the item, right click, and select Format. The color can be change and resized. The Color is the outside, and File is the inside color. Colors can be customized by selecting the Color dropdown.

  15. The color of the Line can be change along with the width of the line.

  16. Select Picture, and then browse for the logo or picture.

  17. Regardless if the item is a Line, Picture, or Box the item can be made bigger or smaller by dragging the blue squares or the corner marks in or out.

  18. When all changes are complete save your work. The file has to exist in the VMS.Net Crystal Report directory to be used in Ventus.

  19. The Format in Ventus • The information that prints on the crystal form is setup in Ventus under Maintain. • If a blank form was used, then a new format will need to be created in Ventus. • If a existing form was change, the format will need to be edited.

  20. The sample we have been using is the service invoice. The service invoice format can be found under Maintain/Service Management/Invoice Format Code. Select the Fing button on the bottom menu, and select the format or select New to create a new format. If creating a new format, take screen shots of an existing format to use as a guide.

  21. The General tab contains the description, number of lines on the invoice, an option for printing nonbillable items added to an invoice, the number of columns on the invoice, the first detail line and the number of detail lines.

  22. Section of a format Header Section Detail Section Bottom Section

  23. The first column is the field name. Row requires a number that does not exceed the number the total number of lines on the invoice which horizontal across the page. Column requires a number that does not exceed the number for the number of columns. The size requiers a number that does not exceed the space allow for the field.

  24. In Crystal Reports, it provides line numbers down the left side of the page to be used as a guideline for row numbers. Across the top of the page is grid to use as a guideline for column numbers.

  25. The Formu tab works with the Subtotal 1$, Subtotal 2$, and Subtotal 3$. All the boxes under Subtotal 1 column on the Formu screen is set to Yes will total on the invoice in the row and column assigned on the Bot tab.

  26. Save Changes for the format • Save the changes made to the format. • Print an invoice to test the format. • Adjustments to the format may have to be made. • The format screen and the screen to used to test the print of the format can be open at the same time.

  27. questions

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