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The non living physical features of the environment are called ABIOTIC FACTORS

The f eatures of the environment that are alive or were once live are called BIOTIC FACTORS the term Biotic means “living”. The non living physical features of the environment are called ABIOTIC FACTORS ABIOTIC FACTORS OFTEN DETERMINE WHICH KINDS OF ORGANISMS CAN LIVE THERE. Air

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The non living physical features of the environment are called ABIOTIC FACTORS

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  1. Thefeatures of theenvironmentthat are aliveorwere once live are called BIOTIC FACTORS thetermBioticmeans “living”

  2. The non living physical features of the environment are called ABIOTIC FACTORS ABIOTIC FACTORS OFTEN DETERMINE WHICH KINDS OF ORGANISMS CAN LIVE THERE

  3. Air The air thatsurroundsearthiscalledAtmosphere Air contains 78% of Nitrogen, 21% of Oxygen, 0.94% Argon 0.03% CO2 and therest are trace gases

  4. Water Itisessentialforlife Organisms are from 50%to 95% water

  5. Soilbiotic and abiotic factor Is a mixture of mineral and rock particles, theremains of deadorganisms,water and air. It´s de topmostlayer of earth´scrust and supports plan growth Istherelife in soil?

  6. Sunlight Istheenergysourceformostalmostalllifeonearthviaphotosynthesis

  7. Elevation It´sdirectlycorrelatedwithambienttemperature and theexistence of life At higherelevationslesstemperaturebecausethere are less air moleculestobewarmedbysun

  8. Temperature Heatenergyprovidedbysunisvery importan Becausemostorganisms can surviveonlyiftheirbodytemperaturestaywithintherange of 0°C to 50°C Temperaturedependsontheamount of sun light thatitreceivesfromthesun at itdependsonlatitude

  9. Homework Explainwhysoilisconsideredanabiotic and a biotic factor. Imagine you are hikingonhollydays, thefirstdayyouhike in shadeundertalltrees. Onday 2, thetrees are shorter and fartherapart. Onday 3, youseesmallplantsbut no trees. Onday 4 youseesnow. Whatabiotcfactorsmightcontributetothesechanges?

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