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Developing wonder…

Developing wonder…. A process model for learning, inquiry, research, and creativity for WCPSS K-8 students. Consistency across grade levels and schools Scaffolding for learning and development of skills Emphasis on engagement: tapping into each student’s sense of wonder

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Developing wonder…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing wonder… A process model for learning, inquiry, research, and creativity for WCPSS K-8 students

  2. Consistency across grade levels and schools • Scaffolding for learning and development of skills • Emphasis on engagement: tapping into each student’s sense of wonder • Deliberate focus on questioning • Closely parallel current literacy language and strategies http://wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Student_in_Ban_Khung_Taphao_School_1.JPG Why a systemwide model?

  3. Thinking and research are NOT LINEAR PROCESSES • Start with COMPELLING CONTENT • Develop BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE • Connect to the learner’s REAL WORLD • Build on quality QUESTIONS • Authentic learners need CHOICES • Authentic learners have VOICES • ENGAGEMENT is critical • CHALLENGE leads to depth of understanding • SOCIAL INTERACTION boosts success • COMMUNICATION and sharing build learning communities • NEW KNOWLEDGE is the goal • Wise learners REFLECT and EVALUATE continually • Wise teachers ASSESS and provide ongoing feedback • Authentic learning and research take TIME. Basic principles

  4. eWISE

  5. Ongoing and continually – through every phase of the learning process - not just at the end • Modeling metacognition • Focus on process, materials, media, and product • Student-centered http://www.blog.edweek.org/372975834_6/dr4_17.KB.jpeg evaluate

  6. Activate thinking • Generate curiosity • Tap prior knowledge • Build background information • Develop and frame multiple quality questions: essential, irreverent, inventive, hypothetical, probing, divergent, provocative, unanswerable? http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3160/2552147120_45574bdf14_o.jpg Wonder

  7. Construct meaning from multiple resources: text, graphics, multimedia • Use facts to build ideas • Determine relationships between ideas • Manage search process • Record information using own words http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7378/8720604364_2ebdc6df85_o.jpg Investigate

  8. Use facts to build meaning • Connect ideas • Determine relationships between ideas • Differentiate important or central ideas and concepts • Draw conclusions • Use vocabulary of content knowingly • Design product(s) that create new understanding http://farm1.staticflickr.com/4/5484879_697653b956_o.jpg Synthesize

  9. Communicate new knowledge • Communicate clearly main idea and supporting points • Use appropriate format for audience • Self-assess and revise product based on feedback • Encourage student freedom of expression through multiple modalities and technologies • Encourage creativity http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5063/5734036151_624576010b_o.jpg Express

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