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Discovering Your Personality Type and Ideal Occupation

Unveil the theory that connects personality type to future occupations. Find if you're a Doer, Thinker, Creator, Helper, Persuader, Organizer, or other by answering revealing questions and drawing shapes correspondingly. Discover potential professions for each type and create a personalized acrostic poem using vivid vocabulary, similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, or alliteration, including your personality symbols. Unleash your self-awareness and career potential!

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Discovering Your Personality Type and Ideal Occupation

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  1. What do you really know about yourself? There is a theory that states that your personality type influences the occupation you choose someday Are you a Doer? Are you a Thinker? Are you a Creator? Are you a Helper? Are you a Persuader? Are you an Organizer?

  2. draw a triangle on your paper for every one of the following that is true for you. • You enjoy physical activity, sports, and the outdoors. • You like to learn by doing; you enjoy working with your hands. • You are good at building, repairing, and taking things apart. • You ell people straight out what you are thinking and what you want to do • You like to grow and nurture things (plants, animals, etc. • You like to examine a situation and make a decision • You like to work independently or as part of a team as long as the people are motivated to get the job done.

  3. draw a square on your paper for every one of the following that is true for you. • You prefer to work on your own. • You like to solve problems and puzzles • You would enjoy taking your ipod apart to find out how it workds • You like to explain things to people • You enjoy subjects like math, science, and technology • You like a challenge of learning and exploring the unknown • You like science fiction novels, movies, and shows on the Discovery Channel

  4. draw a z on your paper for every one of the following that is true for you. • You prefer to work with other people and / or as a part of a small team • You like to be creative and express your ideas and emotions • You would like to influence the way things are done • You like to work in an unstructured environment and avoid routine • You enjoy subjects like drama, art, music, and Language Arts • You like to try new things and use your imagination • You enjoy plays, movies, novels, and shows about interesting people.

  5. draw a + on your paper for every one of the following that is true for you. • You prefer to work in a supporting group environment • You value other people’s opinions and you are sensitive to their feelings • You need to be understood and express your feelings and emotions in a positive environment • You like to look for the “bright” side in every situation • You enjoy feeling needed and accepted and work well with others • You communicate well with people and you are a good listener • You enjoy helping people solve problems and learn

  6. draw a diamond on your paper for every one of the following that is true for you. • You like to be the leader of a group • You enjoy debating and expressing your opinion on issues you feel strongly about • You like competition • You like the challenge of setting goals for yourself and take the responsibility to achieve them • You like to organize people and activities • You are highly energetic and ambitious and you like tot generate new ideas • You enjoy subjects that allow you to participate and be challenged

  7. draw a circle on your paper for every one of the following that is true for you. • you like to know the expectations of each member of the group • You thrive on structure and routine • You take your tasks and your commitment and loyalty to people seriously • You like to work first and play later • You are dependable and reliable and you like to be in control of your own situation • You like the feeling of accomplishment when you set and achieve a goal for yourself • You like to study subjects that have clear expectations and outcomes

  8. Doer – aerospace engineer; animal caretaker; chef; construction manager; mechanic; electrician; landscape architect; software technician; vet Doer Thinker – Archaeologist; chemical engineer; chiropractor; computer specialist; dentist; psychologist; marine biologist; pharmacist thinker Creator – actor; biographer; fashion designer; dancer; dj; writer; florist; interior designer; musician; photographer Creator

  9. Helper – counselor; dentist; teacher; librarian; nurse; physical therapist; school psychologist; social worker; sports instructor Helper Persuader – accountant; banker; financial planner; judge; lawyer; manager; construction manager; politician persuader Organizer – accountant; bank teller; building inspector; court reporter; teacher; engineer; travel agent; computer operator; legal secretary organizer

  10. The top three personality types can tell a lot about the kinds of occupations you might be interested in. • Which personality type are you most like? • Which personality type are you next, most like? • Which personality is your 3rd most like? • Which personality type are you least like?

  11. Now with the newly learned info about yourself, create an acrostic poem of your first and last name on the front cover of your poetry packet.Try to use vivid vocabulary. Maybe even try similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, or alliteration.Illustrate it as you wish BUT you must include your personality symbols!

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