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SCOPE OF PRESENTATION. Aim of presentation Composition of Region Progress against the operational plan Current Inmate totals and Cases in Community Corrections Security Corporate Services Finances. AIM OF PRESENTATION.
SCOPE OF PRESENTATION • Aim of presentation • Composition of Region • Progress against the operational plan • Current Inmate totals and Cases in Community Corrections • Security • Corporate Services • Finances
AIM OF PRESENTATION To brief the Correctional Services Portfolio Committee on the conditions of prisons and related matters in the Free State and Northern Cape Region
No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 1. Training of officials on the implementation of Act 111 of 1998 and Regulations. 1.1 ÞAll Area Commissioners: Free State & Northern Cape Region. Finalized None 1.2 ÞHead Correctional Centres & Area Co-ordinators. 40x Finalized 40x Pending None Unavailability of training facilities 1.3 ÞTrainers (Train the Trainer) 13x Finalized None 1.4 ÞCommunity Corrections personnel 300x Finalized None Booking made for pending officials 1.5 ÞVocationalists as co-facilitators 30x Finalized None 1.6 ÞRegional Office Senior Staff 27x Finalized None 1.7 ÞAll officials 4500x officials to be trained during the financial year ending 31/05/2005 Inadequate internal training and accommodation facilities. Poor attendance by officials. 2. 82x New Parole Board Staff pending Awaiting appointments. 40x Disciplinary officials and case presenters To be finalized by the end of August 2004 Vocationalists & CMC’s 40x Trained 40x Pending To be finalized by the end of August 2004. Booking made for pending officials OPERATIONAL PLAN “Our belie” “We are working for change, nothing can be the same again.”
Independent prison visitors to be trained by HCC None No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges Members of Community Forums to be orientated by Head Community Corrections None Nutrition to be trained by Regional Co-ordinator Health Care None 3. BAS –Training 53x officials were trained BAS training finalized None PFMA 106x were trained PFMA Training finalized None 11xtrainers on communication skills programme Finalized None Restorative Justice 210-trained Restorative Justice None Posting 14x trained Posting None Grievance Procedure 216- trained Grievance Procedure None Strategic Planning 17-trained Strategic Planning None Induction Programme 6-trained Induction Programme None Commissioner of oaths 6-trained Commissioner of Oaths None Investment in excellence 15-trained Investment in excellence None COMMUNICATION 1 All Management Areas compile their own operational plan. Implementing the regional and National Operational plan. Appointment of regional Co-ordinator Communication. 2. Survey of available notice boards finalized. Busy with action to rectify needs Project must be finalized before 1 Sept. 2004. 2.1 Database of key opinion formers finalized N/A N/A 2.2 Weekly feedback and “Goodnews” stories to DC Communication. N/A Co-operation of A/C’s.
2.3 Attendance of GCIS meetings N/A N/A 2.4 Worksession at Protea Hotel with all MEC’s and Area Commissioners for the Free State & Northern Cape. Development of corporate marketing CD’s and videos for region (Bloemshow, visit of the Deputy Minister to Kroonstad). N/A Funds available No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges 2.4 Issuing of Regional weekly Media Bulletin N/A N/A 2.5 Monthly Internal Newsletter to all Areas. N/A N/A 3. Bloemshow – received trophy and gold medal for exhibition: Þ Best indoor exhibition Þ Most original exhibition Þ Biggest input from a government department Busy with arrangements for Kimberley show 28 September – 2 October 2004. N/A 4. Cleaning actions in Bloemfontein City, Heidedal and Mangaung to build the image of DCS. Received positive letters from the community N/A 5. Networking at the DCS suite at Vodacom Park (Soccer & Rugby) Entertain high profile persons, sponsors, etc. N/A 6. 40x Nurses trained 27-28 June 2004 White Paper None N/A 7. 35x Area Commissioners including Area Co-ordinators orientated around the White Paper None N/A 8. 50x Members of the Free State Provincial Legislature & other government departments were oriented around the White Paper on the 26 July 2004 . None N/A 9. 30x HIV/Aids Co-ordinators from Correctional Centres will be orientated on the 17th August 2004. None N/A
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Upgraded 4 PAS Alpha Computers at Groenpunt Kroonstad Kimberley Grootvlei Awaiting commencement of upgrading of 75 Novell servers hardware and upgrading of software Held first work session out of all the regions for IT staff in the country to improve communication, improve set standards and sensitise members on audit queries Funding of quarterly standards to uphold moral and improve teamwork. Increased users awareness of call logging and call logging procedures. Work study session held at Leeuwkop to expand current post establishment from 13 to 30 with 3 Sub-regional managers (Northern Free State, Southern Free State and Northern Cape) Awaiting Job evaluation results according to set new norms and financing of new posts. Improved efficiency on Network Controllers side: 920 calls handled from 1 September 2003 to 1 April 2004 (6 months) 1456 calls handled from 1 April 2004 to 30 July 2004 (4 months) Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges INSPECTORATE Yearly detail inspection finalised Regional Office awaiting reports from Area Commissioners. Area Commissioners Inspection Status Report NA In line with the approved schedule for 2004/2005 on high-risk area. Regional Office Inspection Status Report. Finance, Persal, Personnel and Logistic Section not inspected due to unavailability of specialists.
10. The therapeutic diets, OHS Act, Firearms and ammunition control, control prison type keys and checking and control were identified as critical risk area. Regional Office Inspection Status Report Different specialists must empower relevant officials. FINANCE 11. Implementation of new financial system BAS Filing system for financial documentation. Education of finance and logistical personnel to use BAS more effectively. Proper infrastructure at all correctional centre levels. Balancing of budget on BAS. Capturing of internal charges on BAS. Posting of incorrect expenditure to correct responsibilities. Providing of updated FAP to all financial role-players in the Region. No proper filing system for BAS input documentation, however, proposal in this regard was made to Head Office. On-the-job training by means of PC Everywhere will continuo. BAS computers needs will be addressed and reported accordingly. Unable to draw budget reports. Fault has been registered at Head Office. Unable to capture internal charges on the Special journal functionality. Fault has been registered at Head Office. Unable to post expenditure through internal clearance, but fault was registered at Head Office. Awaiting updated (BAS information) FAP from Head Office.
Spending of regional budget as on 29th July ’04 was 33.08% while the ideal should be 33.333%. (Deviation –0.25%) See point 1, as mentioned above. Overtime: The % should be 30.77% however it is 46.37%. Reduce overspending
No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges 1. Awaiting trail detainees: identification of high profile at DCS. Identify the correct placement of high profile /risk awaiting trial detainees. 2. Erecting of security fence with cameras. Availability of structures 3. Erecting of security fences: Grootvlei, Hennenman, Douglas. Training of officials in security matters e.g. Arsenal Control, Firearm training. Training of EST’s. Dilapidated structures 4. Achieved searching of inmates Proper security fences with cameras. 5. Investigation of escapes Reduction of escape 6. Surprise visit to correctional centres Vetting of officials 7. Control of monitors Arsenal control
No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges RELIGIOUS CARE 1. Church services - Target 891 Achieved 3805 Church services Financial shortages in running the programmes. Shortage of spiritual Workers 2. Group session - Target - 738 Achieved 2046 Group session Financial shortages in running the programmes. Shortage of spiritual Workers 3. Personal interviews - Target- 1746 Achieved 3533 Personal interviews Financial shortages in running the programmes. Shortage of spiritual Workers 4. Training Spiritual workers on model of intervention Assessment of offenders Shortage of spiritual Workers 5. Training of Spiritual workers on Restorative Justice Approach. Restorative Justice programme Lack of role clarification in the Restorative Justice programme 6. Submission of statistics Correct Lan information on the Computer system Shortage of computers 7. PROJECTS: Non-involvement of most of the churches in our Region. Less involvement of CBO’s, FBO’s and NGO’s in giving programmes in our Region.
No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges Training of 240 officials with regard to LAN Admin and Release System Establishment of new CSPB Effective implementation of unit management Clarifying roles of CMC v/s CSPB to all parole boards and CMC’s. Training of New Parole Boards’ chairpersons and committee members Appointment of Unit managers as Chairpersons of CMS’s. Readiness of establishing CSPB’s w.r.t facilities and equipments. Identification of centres of excellence Reduction of overcrowding Training of chairpersons of case management committees (Unit Managers) Establishment of Maximum Female Section Establishment of postponement Court at Grootvlei Med A Effective implementation of Unit Management Preparation of the community with regard to the new CSPB.
No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges HIV/AIDS 1. Committees established in Regional Office, management Area and correctional centre. HIV/AIDS impact assessment for implementation of HIV/AIDS workplace program. Management Area HIV/AIDS co-ordinators appointed on adhoc basis. 2. Voluntary counselling and testing: Þ14 Nurses were trained in basic counselling. Voluntary counselling and testing training. N/A 3. Peer education Þ45 Juveniles were trained. Þ15 Officials were trained at Groenpunt, Kimberley and Kroonstad. Peer education training for officials (Grootvlei & Goedemoed) Program for members not in place. 4. Budget for inmates available at Regional Commissioners Office level and in all Management Area. Marketing of HIV/AIDS programs and policies in management areas and correctional centres. Lack of budget for HIV/AIDS workplace program. HEALTH 5. Training / Workshop/ Conference Nurses trained on the new mental health Act 17 of 2002 The management of sexually transmitted disease, training due in August. 2004. Inability of nursing staff to attend training due to staff shortage. 6. ÞNurses conference for the region held as a capacity building exercise. The managing of Anti retroviral to doctors and nursed, training due in August. The absence of doctors and pharmacist in our centres. 7. Training for newly appointed pharmacist Unavailability of contracts for doctors availing themselves to provide services. 8. Training on the OHSA to 44-officials 9. Establishment / opening of a pharmacy in Kroonstad that will service part of the region. Establishment of a 24-hours nursing care service in Kimberley. Present policy gaps caused by changes in legislation. Causing practise problems.
No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges 10. Implementation of the 3-meals system in most centres. Implementation of 3-meals system and primary health care in remaining centres 11. The implementation of primary health care in most centres. The launching and roll out of the comprehensive treatment of HIV/AIDS (Anti-Retroviral) to inmates. EDUCATION & TRAINING 12. Educator Training: Assessors Nicro Creative Arts Competitions Funds 13. Educator training: Skills Development Facilitators Prize Giving for Offender 14. Operational Visits President Awards Ceremony: Northern Cape. 15. Procurement of Abet materials Completion of inputs on education and training policies. Compilation of Assessment Guidelines. Accreditation of training centres. Operational visits Training of educators Training of tutors.
SOCIAL WORK SERVICES Interviews New Admission Interviews: Target - 1152 Achieved - 1220 New Admission Interviews Shortage of Social Workers and offices Model of intervention Interviiews: Target - 2112 Achieved - 1350 Model of intervention Interviews Group Work
1. Group Work Target- 576 chieved- 662 Group Work Shortage of Social Workers and Programme rooms Offenders Involved in Group Work 1. Life Skills 3055 Life Skills Financial shortages in running the programmes. The vastness of our Region. Shortage of offices. Shortage of computers Infrastructure that is not accommodative. Shortage of appointed Social Workers especially in small stations. 2. Alcohol Program 860 Alcohol Program 3. Orientation Program 1835 Orientation Program 4. HIV Related 996 HIV Related 5. Sexual Related Program 396 Sexual Related Program 6. Crime Prevention 196 Crime Prevention 7. Marriage & Family 1101 Marriage & Family 8. Drug Program 396 Drug Program 9. Trauma/Detraumatisation 231 Trauma/Detraumatisation 10. Pre-Release Preparation 717 Pre-Release Preparation 11. Supportive Services 4835 Supportive Services 12. Aggression Related Program 533 Aggression Related Program 13. Other (Restorative Justice) 34 Other (Restorative Justice) Community Projects 1. Community projects Achieved 21 Youth Day Shortage of Social Workers Psychological Services 1. Individual Interviews Target 228 Achieved 168 Individual Interviews Shortage of Psychologists 2. Group Work Target 18 Achieved 30 Group Work Shortage of offices
No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges 1. Procurement of new leasing offices: 1) RC Offices 2) Senekal Community Corrections 3) Bethulie Community Corrections 4) Odendaalsrus Comm. Corrections 5) Harrismith Community Correct. Procurement of new leasing offices: Botshebelo Comm. Corrections offices Colesburg Community Corrections Kurumann Community Correct. Upington AC Offices Colesburg AC Offices Procurement More interaction with Dept. of Public Works means more knowledge.
2. Upgrading of Correctional Centres 1)Kroonstad Med. A 2)Harrismith 3)College kitchen 4)Vereeniging: Tarring of roads 5)Brandfort: Upgrading of Prison 6)Bethlehem roofs 7)New mess to Grootvlei 8)New logistics warehouse & cold rooms 9)New additional AC offices to Grootvlei Upgrading of Correctional Centres 1)Kroonstad Med. B 2)Heilbron 3)Sasolburg 4)Goedemoed Med. A 5)Douglas: New entrance control 6)Convert Boilers into electrical No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges 3. Security fences: 1)Hennenman 2)Grootvlei 3)Lindley 4)Kroonstad premises 5)Goedemoed; AC offices 6)Douglas 7)Bethulie Security fences: 1)Sasolburg 2)Kurumann 3)Kroonstad Med. A 4. Own resources building projects 1)Goedemoed: New entrance control 2)Zastron: New Office block 3) Own resources building projects 1)Groenpunt Correctional Centre 2)College Major repairs
5. RAMP Projects completed 1)Grootvlei 2)Groenpunt 3)Kimberley 4)Upington 5)Douglas RAMP Projects new 1)Kuruman 2)College
No. Achievements Current programmes and Projects Current Constraints and challenges 1. Awaiting trail detainees: identification of high profile at DCS. Identify the correct placement of high profile /risk awaiting trial detainees. 2. Erecting of security fence with cameras. Availability of structures 3. Erecting of security fences: Grootvlei, Hennenman, Douglas. Training of officials in security matters e.g. Arsenal Control, Firearm training. Training of EST’s. Dilapidated structures 4. Achieved searching of inmates Proper security fences with cameras. 5. Investigation of escapes Reduction of escape 6. Surprise visit to correctional centres Vetting of officials 7. Control of monitors Arsenal control
STRATEGY TO EVEN OUT LEVELS OF OVERCROWDING • Transfer inmates to less accommodated correctional centres
INTERVENTIONS TO CURB ESCAPES Removed high risk awaiting trial prisoners to more secured Correctional Centres like Groenpunt Maximum, Kroonstad Medium A, Odendaalsrus, Virginia & Grootvlei Medium A. All awaiting trial prisoners at Ventersburg were transferred to the above-mentioned Centres. All high risk and high profile sentenced prisoners were transferred to the above secured centres. Free State Security plan for escapes throughout the Region was made by the Regional Commissioner with his Management to curb these escapes.
STATISTICS: COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS: FS & NC: JULY 2004 • No. of Members at Community Correction-252 • Total number of Probationers: 2660 • Total number of Parolees: 3619 • Classification: • Maximum: 3952 • Medium: 1443 • Min: 928
WORK CONDITIONS AND STAFF MORALE 1.Conditions of work are mainly adversely affected the severe overcrowding in our facilities as well as staff establishment that has not been revisited over a period of time. It is only now with the current management that parity with inmate totals is being sought. 2. The department’s facilities are as well being overburdened by the large number of inmates and the strain on it’s infrastructure. This situation is risky . 3. The departments facilities are however, continuously being evaluated and assessed i.t.o the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. The staff as well is appointed i.t.o the Department of Correctional Services Act 9/1959 and 111/1998. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Act 75/1997 is being adhered to within the allocated means of the department.
The moral of staff in the region can be said to be average as one moves from bigger facilities to good and acceptable in smaller facilities. This deduction is derived at as a result of service delivery feedback surveys in bigger and smaller facilities. Also the level of compliance and discipline at the above mentioned facilities. The recent restructuring of the department brought apprehension, uncertainty and disappointment to some officials as they had high hopes of being appointed automatically with the upgrading of positions. The recent wild cat strikes that were encountered in other regions were not experienced in this region. We already had started in reclucing the weekend establishment as early as 1 May 2004. However, even with that pro-active approach, we as well as other regions experience an overspending on the weekend budget.
WORK CONDITIONS AND STAFF MORALE 1. Conditions of work are mainly adversely affected the severe overcrowding in our facilities as well as staff establishment that has not been revisited over a period of time. It is only now with the current management that parity with inmate totals is being sought. 2. The department’s facilities are as well being overburdened by the large number of inmates and the strain on it’s infrastructure. This situation is risky . 3. The departments facilities are however, continuously being evaluated and assessed i.t.o the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. 4. The staff as well is appointed i.t.o the Department of Correctional Services Act 9/1959 and 111/1998. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Act 75/1997 is being adhered to within the allocated means of the department.
THE ANTI-CORRUPTION STRATEGY The strategy that is currently in place is the one that has been derived from the National Anti-Corruption Strategy. It however has to be updated as a new risk assessment of the region has just been completed. The focus areas of the current strategy are: Control and use of state vehicles The use of Petrol/toll cards Nursing services - Medication - G111’s
Logistics Stock and equipment Rations Orders and payments Tender procedures Agriculture Livestock Animal medication and poison Personnel Persal Overtime payment Z168 register Claim S + T
Maintenance Stock and equipment Chaletwork Finance Data Handling of cash Clubs and messes Parole boards Warrants Parole approvals Prison Administration Prisoners cash Gratuity Arsenals
FINANCE CURRENT STATE OF EXPENDITURE: AS ON 1 AUGUST 2004: FS & NC REGION R’ 000 • Original budget allocation 726,190,500 • Additional Budget 0 • Plus: roll over funds 0 • Revised budget allocation 726,190,500 • Less: exp. Up to date 231,643,011 • Outstanding commitments 8,567,157 • Total amount available 486,017,332 • % Without commitments 31.90 % • Plus : % commitments 1.18 % • % Spend with commitments 33.12 % • Ideal : 33.333% (Deviation –0.25%)
FINANCE - CHALLENGES • General • Vacant posts: • Various critical vacant posts within region – e.g. Regional Head Finance; Branch Head at RC office. Head Finance at AC Groenpunt. • Many posts created through restructuring not yet financed e.g. Coordinators finance on AC level • Financial Directives and Policies • Current policies based on FMS – not yet updated for BAS • Current policy does not allow for new Economic Reporting format • Management accounting • Budget : • To be balanced on BAS by the 18th of august 2004 – not balancing yet • Expenditure: • Transport expenses from April 2004 – not yet cleared out to expenditure objectives – reflects on suspense acc. • Some telephone expenses still reflect on suspense accounts; • R 20 million incorrect allocation on program administration on SCOA item goods & services which will be suspended after first report; • Financial accounting • BAS: • Still very slow • Computer equipment and infra structure inadequate • Internal Control - Filling of source documents w.r.t BAS – proposal send to HO no policy at this point in time • Ledger : • Transfer persal related balances ( 255518;257034; 258179) from FMS to BAS target date 1st of September 2004
FACILITIES Capital Works Program • Currently there are 32 projects in the Free State province in progress under the Capital Works Program. The projects are at 15 different Correctional Centres. • There is a good partnership between DCS and PWD in the Free State as well as in the Northern Cape. • The Allocated funds for Planned Maintenance works is R 51 020 703-00. • According to the funds 42% of the funds has been spend at present.
Planned Maintenance Program • Currently there are 7 projects in the Free State Province in progress under the Planned Maintenance Program. • The projects are at 5 ddifferent Correctional Centres. • The Allocated funds for Capital works is R 5 530979-00. • According to the funds 33% of the funds has been spend at present.