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Creature Feature

Creature Feature. Goblin Shark ( Mitsukurina owstoni ). Bottom dwelling sharks Usually inhabit continental slope region (885 - 3149 ft) Rarely seen at the surface or in shallow coastal waters (very elusive) Identified by its elongated and flattened snout

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Creature Feature

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creature Feature

  2. Goblin Shark(Mitsukurina owstoni)

  3. Bottom dwelling sharks • Usually inhabit continental slope region (885 - 3149 ft) • Rarely seen at the surface or in shallow coastal waters (very elusive) • Identified by its elongated and flattened snout • Pinkish/white in color with bluish fins

  4. Distribution

  5. Grow up to 11ft and weigh 250 lbs Identified by its elongated and flattened snout Up to 25% of the shark's body weight can be its liver Next to nothing is known of the goblin shark's reproductive habits Thought to be ovoviviparous Have never caught a pregnant female

  6. Feeding • Feed on deep sea squid, crabs, and fish • Hunt by sensing the presence of prey with electro-sensitive organs in the rostrum • Protrudes its jaws, while using a tongue-like muscle to suck the victim into its sharp front teeth

  7. Conservation • Listed as a species of Least Concern by the IUCN • Most often caught as fisheries bycatch • Deep bottom-set gillnets • Sea-bottom long line fishing • Trawling • Deep-sea fishing line entanglement

  8. Creature Feature

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