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The key thing that separates most successful apps from their competiton is the iphone app designs that they have. Of course functionality, marketing and usefulness are close runners – but with Apple’s all encompassing design philoshophy, most iOS users are very sensitive to the quality of designs in iphone apps. And in most cases, it can make or break the success of them. In short, no app makes it very far in the app store without a very good iphone app design – barring a few surprising exceptions.
The2ThingsThatMakeAn iPhoneApp Design Ugly Thekeythingthatseparates mostsuccessfulapps from theircompetitonis the iphoneapp designs that theyhave. Of course functionality,marketingand usefulness are close runners – but withApple’s allencompassing design philoshophy,most iOS users areverysensitive to the qualityof designs iniphone apps.And inmostcases, itcan make or breakthe success of them.In short, no appmakes itveryfar inthe app storewithoutaverygood iphone appdesign – barring a few surprising exceptions. For mostpeople, a great iphoneapp design is outof reach. Mainlydue tothe fact thatgetting one is quite expensive.Our custom iphoneapp templates attemptto solve thatproblemfor peoplein thatposition.But ifyou’reinclined tomake youown design fromscratch then hereare some of thekeyiphoneapp design pitfalls youshould tryto avoid. Note:Wedid not include pictures of actualapps in this postas we did notwant to offend independentdevelopers. Web 2.0 Design Elements Example: Web 2.0 elementsfor the mostpart, makeiphoneapp designs look incrediblytacky.Thestyleof design,though once fashionable, justdoesn’tfitwith apples highend app design philosophy.You should avoidusing design elementslike these as much as possibleand insteadof them,optfor designs morelikethis:http://dribbble.com/TaphaNgum/buckets/58725-app BadColor Combinations Example: Colorcombinations areextremelyimportant.So much infact, that this simpleerror is what makes mostdesigns out there lookugly.For a quickand easywayto make powerfulcolor choices. Checkoutresources likethe Dribbble colorsearch tool.Where youcantype ina color
thensearch for theones thatmatchit, byviewing theresults and how theyuse it.You canalso use Colourlovers, theyallow youto searchthrough endless colorwheels and select thebest colorsfor youriphone app designs needs. Formoreinformationvisitthelinksbelow IPhoneapptemplates IPhonetemplates