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k eeping the balance

Ivan Mathieson Psychologist Director of Counselling. k eeping the balance. overview. Balance Role of Parents Study habits Depression Anxiety Questions. t he balance. Academic rigour Sporting/co-curricular commitments Television Computer Doing nothing. p arents.

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k eeping the balance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ivan Mathieson Psychologist Director of Counselling keeping the balance

  2. overview • Balance • Role of Parents • Study habits • Depression • Anxiety • Questions

  3. the balance • Academic rigour • Sporting/co-curricular commitments • Television • Computer • Doing nothing

  4. parents • Look after yourself • Be aware of own anxiety • Personal activities • Maintain routines and rituals • Provide comforts • Build and maintain trust • Don’t nag • Pick your battles • Maintain expectations of rules and values

  5. study habits • Create routines • Regular sleep time • Regular meals • Keep hydrated • Reward yourself • Use study periods wisely

  6. Signs

  7. anxiety

  8. academic decline

  9. anxiety

  10. Anxiety Signs

  11. procrastination

  12. Ivan Mathieson Psychologist Director of Counselling icmathieson@mgs.vic.edu.au 9865 7639 Dr Justin McNamara Psychologist jzmcnamara@mgs.vic.edu.au 9865 7594

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