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Original Chart By: Donnie S. Barnes, Th.D. Minister – Church of Christ Red Boiling Springs, Tn. Power Point and Animations Prepared BY Jack Wheeler Minister AT LARGE Church of Christ Placerville, Ca. JACK@powerpointstojesus.com. The Patriarchal Mosaical Christian Ages. Mosaic.
Original Chart By:Donnie S. Barnes, Th.D.Minister – Church of ChristRed Boiling Springs, Tn.Power Point and Animations Prepared BYJack WheelerMinister AT LARGE Church of ChristPlacerville, Ca.JACK@powerpointstojesus.com
Mosaic Patriarchal AGE Mosaic AGE Christian AGE Mt Sinai Exodus 19 WILDERNESS WANDERINGSSS 40 Years Numbers 14:33 6:13 6:3 Red Sea Heb 1:1
587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph The Lineage of Christ is Underlined Adam - Eve - Cain - Abel - Seth Some dates obviously are suggested I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Judah Jerusalem Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph Patriarchal I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah Mesopotamia-Tigris-Euphrates- Garden of Eden 4004 BC ? THE FALL Genesis 1-7 PRE-FLOOD Adam - Eve - Cain - Abel - Seth
Patriarchal AGE Christian AGE Mosaic AGE Mt Sinai Exodus 19 WILDERNESS WANDERINGSSS 40 Years Numbers 14:33 6:13 6:3 Red Sea Heb 1:1
God Spoke to the Fathers Hebrews 1:1 God, having of old time spoken unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers manners, Heb 1:1 Family Religion Animal Sacrifice Family Alter
Patriarchal AGE Mosaic AGE Christian AGE Mt Sinai Exodus 19 WILDERNESS WANDERINGSSS 40 Years Numbers 14:33 6:13 6:3 Red Sea Heb 1:1
Patriarchal Age ADAM Patriarchal AGE Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
Patriarchal Age GARDEN OF EDEN - Sin Patriarchal AGE Genesis 3:14-15 14 And Jehovah God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, cursed art thou above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. 6:13 6:3 Heb 1:1
Patriarchal Age CAIN & ABEL - Murder Patriarchal AGE Genesis 4:1 And the man knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man with the help of Jehovah. Genesis 4:8 And Cain told Abel his brother. And it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. 6:3 Heb 1:1
Patriarchal Age WICKEDNESS PREVAILED Patriarchal AGE Genesis 6:5 And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6:3 Heb 1:1
Patriarchal Age NOAH Patriarchal AGE Genesis 6:8-9 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah. 9 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, and perfect in his generations: Noah walked with God. Genesis 6:13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Genesis 6:3 Yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years. 6:13 6:3 Heb 1:1
587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Patriarchal Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah Genesis 8-11 POST-FLOOD 2348 BC ? THE FLOOD Noah - Shem - Ham - Japheth Mt Ararat-Mesopotamia-Tigris-Euphrates
Patriarchal Age THE GREAT FLOOD Patriarchal AGE Genesis 7:11-12 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 12 And the rainwas upon the earth forty days and forty nights. 6:13 6:3 Heb 1:1
587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Patriarchal Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah Mesopotamia – Canaan – Egypt - Goshen Genesis 12-50 PATRIARCHAL 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Judah-Joseph
Patriarchal Age ABRAHAM –Great Nation Patriarchal AGE Genesis 12:1-3 1 Now Jehovah said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee: 2 and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make they name great; and be thou a blessing; 3 and I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curses thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. 6:13 6:3 Heb 1:1
Patriarchal Age ISSAC –Blessing Continues Patriarchal AGE Genesis 26:24-25 24 And Jehovah appeared unto Isaac the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father. Fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake. 25 And he built an altar there, and called upon the name of Jehovah, and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac's servants digged a well. 6:13 6:3 Heb 1:1
Patriarchal Age JACOB –Ladder Blessing Patriarchal AGE Genesis 28:13-14 13 And, behold, Jehovah stood above it, and said, I am Jehovah, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac. The land whereon you (Jacob) land, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed. 14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south. And in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. 6:13 6:3 Heb 1:1
Patriarchal Age JOSEPH –Dreams/Prisoner Patriarchal AGE Genesis 37:5 And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it to his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. Genesis 39:21 But Jehovah was with Joseph, and showed kindness unto him, and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. 6:13 6:3 Heb 1:1
Patriarchal Age BONDAGE - 400 Yrs in Egypt Patriarchal AGE Exodus 13:3 And Moses said unto the people, Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out from this place: there shall no leavened bread be eaten. 6:13 6:3 Heb 1:1
THE EXODUS After 400 Years in Egypt Lead by Moses
Egypt – Nile – Red Sea – Mt Sinai 1571 BC MOSES BORN Exodus-Leviticus BONDAGE-EXODUS Moses – Aaron – Judah - Pharaoh 587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden Mosaic 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
Patriarchal AGE Mosaic AGE Christian AGE Mt Sinai Exodus 19 WILDERNESS WANDERINGSSS 40 Years Numbers 14:33 6:13 6:3 Red Sea Heb 1:1
Mosaic Age Mosaic AGE MOSES – Mt Sinai Exodus 19:1 In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. Exodus 31:18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God. Mt Sinai Exodus 19
Patriarchal AGE Mosaic AGE Christian AGE Mt Sinai Exodus 19 WILDERNESS WANDERINGSSS 40 Years Numbers 14:33 6:13 6:3 Red Sea Heb 1:1
Law Came By Moses John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Law was Abolished Colossians 2:14 Having blotted out the bond written in ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us: and he hath taken it out that way, nailing it to the cross;
Law was a Tutor Galatians 3:24-25 24 So that the law is become our tutor tobring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now faith that is come, we are no longer under a tutor.
Law had Animal Sacrifices Hebrews 7:27 Who needeth not daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people: for this he did once for all, when he offered up himself.
Law had Sabbath Day Acts 20:7 And upon the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul discoursed with them, intending to depart on the morrow; and prolonged his speech until midnight.
Red Sea – Mt Ararat - Mt Nebo 1491 BC RED SEA Numbers WILDERNESS Moses – Aaron – Judah - Pharaoh 587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah Mosaic 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
Mosaic Age Mosaic AGE WILDERNESS WANDERING Numbers 14:33 And your children shall be wanderers in the wilderness forty years, and shall bear your whoredoms, until your dead bodies be consumed in the wilderness.
Prior to the crossing of the Jordon River DEUTERONOMY Repeat of the Law 587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph Mosaic I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
Crossing Jordon River – Mt Nebo 1451 – 1444 BC Joshua CONQUEST Joshua – Caleb - Judah 587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph I-II CHRONICLES Mosaic Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
Mosaic Age Mosaic AGE CONQUEST -Joshua Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Canaan - Israel - Shiloh 1394 – 1095 BC JudgesJUDGES Gideon-Barak-Jephthah- Samson-Judah 587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph Mosaic I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
Mosaic Age Mosaic AGE JUDGES Judges 2:16-17 16 Nevertheless the Lord raised up judges, which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them. 17 And yet they would not hearken unto their judges, but they went a whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves unto them: they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in, obeying the commandments of the Lord; but they did not so.
Ruth Naomi - Boaz - Ruth - Obed 587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph Mosaic I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
Israel - Jerusalem 1095 – 975 BC 3 Kings 1-11 Samuel 1 Kings 1-11 UNITED KINGS Samuel – Saul - David - Solomon 587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph Mosaic I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
Mosaic Age Mosaic AGE UNITED KINGS Saul – David – Solomon 1 Samuel 8:19-22 19 Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; 20 That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles. 21 And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed them in the ears of the Lord. 22 And the Lord said to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel said unto the men of Israel, Go ye every man unto his city.
10 Northern Israel 2 Southern Judah Jeroboam-Israel-Rehoboam-Judah 975 BC 1 Kings 12-22 11 Kings 1-17 DIVIDED KINGS Israel – Samaria – Judah - Jerusalem 587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph I-II CHRONICLES Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Mosaic Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah
Mosaic Age Mosaic AGE DIVIDED KINGS Israel 10 Northern Judah 2 Southern 1 Kings 12:19-20 19 So Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day. 20 And it came to pass, when all Israel heard that Jeroboam was come again, that they sent and called him unto the congregation, and made him king over all Israel: there was none that followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only.
DIVIDED KINGS Northern Tribes Southern Tribes
Mosaic Age Prophets Mosaic AGE Matthew 23:37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.
Prophets 9 O’clock Divided Kings Jonah – Joel Amos – Isaiah Hosea - Micah 11 O’clock Captivity Ezekiel Daniel 12 11 10 9 10 O’clock Judah Alone Nahum Lamentations Zephaniah Obadiah Jeremiah Habakkuk 12 O’clock Restoration Haggai Zechariah Malachi Message Repent
587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth Israel-Jerusalem 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph I-II CHRONICLES Mosaic Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah 11 Kings 18-23 JUDAH ALONE 721 BC FALL OF ISRAEL Hezekian - Amon - Manasseh - Josiah Judah - Jerusalem
Mosaic Age Mosaic AGE JUDAH ALONE Benjamin & Judah 2 Kings 17:22-23 22 For the children of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they departed not from them; 23 Until the Lord removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day.
587 – 400 BCEZRA 1-6 ESTHER EZRA 7-10 NEHEMIAHRESTORATIONKing Cyrus Zerubbabel-Esther-Mordecai 4004 BC THE FALLGENESIS 1-7PRE-FLOODAdam-EveCain-Abel-Seth 586 BC Jerusalem Leveled II KINGS 24-25 CAPTIVITY Jehoiakim Jehoiachin 12 Israel-Jerusalem 721 BC Fall of Israel II KINGS 18-23 JUDAH ALONE Hezekiah-Amon Manasseh-Josiah 2348 BC THE FLOODGENESIS 8-11POST-FLOODNoah Shem-Ham-Japheth 1 11 Babylon Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Garden of Eden 2 10 Mt. Ararat Mesopotamia Tigris-Euphrates Judah Jerusalem 975 BC I KINGS 12-22 II KINGS 1-17 DIVIDED KING Jeroboam-Israel Rehoboam-Judah 1921 BC ABRAHAM CALLED GENESIS 12-50PATRIARCHALAbraham-Isaac-Jacob Judah-Joseph I-II CHRONICLES Mosaic Israel Samaria Judah Jerusalem Mesopotamia Canaan Egypt-Goshen 9 3 Egypt-Nile Red Sea Mt. Sinai Israel Jerusalem 4 1095 – 975 BC 3 KINGS I-II SAMUEL I KINGS 1-11UNITED KINGDOMS Samuel-Saul-David-Solomon 8 1751 BC MOSES BORN EXODUS-LEVITICUSBONDAGE EXODUSMoses-Aaron-Judah-Pharaoh Red Sea Mt. Nebo Canaan-Israel Shiloh Jordan Mt. Nebo 5 7 1394 – 1095 BC JUDGESJUDGESGideon-Barak Jephthah-Samson Judah 1491 BC RED SEA NUMBERSWILDERNESSMoses-Aaron-Judah Joshua-Caleb 6 DEUTERONOMY RUTH Naomi Boaz Ruth Obed 1451 – 1444 BC JOSHUACONQUESTJoshua-Caleb-Judah 11 Kings 24-25 CAPTIVITY 586 BC JERUSALEM LEVELED Jehoiakim - Jehoiachin Babylon - Mesopotamia