A research show that about 25%-30% males above the age of 60-70 generally have issues with impotency. Thus if we mention impotence in human males as they age the chances of getting one simply increases, however it surely can be avoided while ageing. The main reasons leading to impotency may actually be physical or psychological rather than aging being the main factor. Let’s go through a few causes of ED that are quite common nowadays:
MEDICAL CONDITIONS Some medical conditions that are severe, like heart or cardiovascular disease, could be the origin of your impotence. In fact, causes of male erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease are quite similar. ED symptoms may occur well before those of cardiovascular disease as a result of heart issues like atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, the narrowing of blood vessels throughout all the parts of the body, is believed to be one among the most common reason for ED as well as a wake-up call of a future stroke or maybe a heart attack. Other medical conditions that really put men in danger for impotence are diabetes, MS (multiple sclerosis), chronic renal disorder as well as Peyronie’s disease.
MEDICATIONS Are you really taking any prescribed or unprescribed drugs on a daily basis? Some medications may make it really difficult for a human male to keep or even get an erection. Medication such as antihistamines, antidepressants or even blood pressure medications can cause such a reaction. While these drugs may actually treat a condition, they can even affect hormones, nerves, or blood circulation that can all increase the risk of impotency. If you feel like your ED may be the result of a medication, it’s best to consult our best physician.
EMOTIONAL DISTRESS Did you have a fight with your spouse? Problems caused due to relationship may lead to stress that can further result into struggling in the bedroom. low self- esteem, depression, anxiety as well as fear of sexual failure are some of the other factors that contribute or lead to impotency.
LIFESTYLE CHOICES If on a daily basis you make bad decision regarding your health it can affect your ability to get an erection. Human males who are habitual smokers, or who are obese, are alcoholics, or substance abusers are actually much more prone to getting impotency. Eating foods that are quite high in flavonoids, such as blueberries, help decrease or reduce the risk of ED. Increased flavonoid intake can even help men smoke less, drink less as well as exercise more.
PHYSICAL INJURY While exercise is great for your health, one must be cautious of any physical activity that could injure your lower half, as injuries to these areas of the body can lead to erectile dysfunction. With the increasing popularity of cycling, men have actually expressed concern about whether this exercise contributes to Erectile Dysfunction. A recent study that was published in the Journal of Men’s Health concluded that there was absolutely no relationship between prolonged cycling and impotence.