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“The Worldview War”. Radical Islam and Secular Humanism are at war with Judeo-Christian America. Brad Hughes September 15, 2011. America’s Worldview War.
“The Worldview War” Radical Islam and Secular Humanism are at war with Judeo-Christian America Brad Hughes September 15, 2011
America’s Worldview War “There is a worldview war raging in this nation and it threatens to divide the country, steal your religious liberty, and destroy America from within. There is no neutral ground in this war. Those that sit on the sidelines are aiding the enemy. The worldview war is between Judeo-Christianity and those opposed to Judeo-Christian ideals.” The Worldview War by Gary DeMar American Vision 2007 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12 “Surrender is not an option” Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. “Jerry” Boykin Original Delta Force leader
What is a worldview? Comprehensive framework of ideas and beliefs that an individual interprets the world and interacts with it. Guides decisions and actions. Includes philosophy, politics, psychology, economics, theology, sociology, biology, history, ethics, and law. Some may add the arts. 6 major worldviews compete in the world for about 6.9 billion people. Christianity (2.1B) Islam (1.6B) Marxism (1.3B) Secular Humanism (1B) Cosmic Humanism (1B) and Post-Modernism (colleges). Globalization, technology, demography, and immigration have brought worldviews into conflict. USA is 24% and China is 9% of world GDP. Christianity, Islam, and Humanism will dominate 21st century worldview war.
Humanism is a Religion Humanism has a theological component (Atheism) integral to its worldview. “Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others.” US Supreme Court Torcaso v Watkins (1961) p. 495 “Humanism is a philosophical, religious, and moral point of view.” Paul Kurtz, “Father of Secular Humanism” Human Manifesto II Preamble Pitzer College (CA) first in US w/ Secular Studies (Religion) department and major. American Humanist Association has an IRS religious tax exemption. Harvard (many colleges) have a Humanist Chaplain. “Humanist Manifesto was drafted by Roy Wood Sellars for the explicit purpose of proclaiming Humanism as a new religion.” Tom Flynn, editor Free Inquiry 3/07 p.65
George Soros Humanist Billionaire Invested over $5B through his OSI network in 161 Humanist organizations since 1979. Has invested $48M in various media interests since ’03 ACLU,Arab American Institute, Intl Crisis Group,ACORN,MoveOn.org Air America, Planned Parenthood, La Raza, American Fed. Teachers Common Cause, NOW, J Street, Media Matters, NPR, Tides Foundation Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Free Press Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Sentencing Project, Critical ResistanceLeadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Center for Community ChangeGamaliel FoundationRuckus SocietyAmerican Institute for Social JusticeInstitute for America's Future People for the American WayDemocracy For AmericaMidwest AcademyCenter for Economic and Policy ResearchCenter on Budget and Policy PrioritiesElla Baker Center for Human RightsEmma Lazarus Fund Health Care for America Now Project Vote Catalist Center for JusticeProgressive States NetworkProgressive Change Campaign CommitteeAmerican Prospect, Independent Media Institute Nation InstitutePacifica FoundationSundance InstituteAlliance for JusticeAmerican Constitution Society for Law and Policy Justice at StakeCatholics in Alliance for the Common Good SojournersPeople Improving Communities through Organizing Institute for Policy StudiesNew America FoundationUrban InstituteAmerican Immigration CouncilCasa de Maryland Immigrant Legal Resource CenterMigration Policy InstituteLatinoJustice PRLDFImmigration Policy CenterNational Immigration Forum National Immigration Law CenterCenter for Constitutional RightsNational Security Archive FundAmerican Civil Liberties Union Human Rights WatchConstitution ProjectLynne Stewart Defense CommitteeAmnesty InternationlGlobal Exchange American Friends Service CommitteeEarthjusticeGreen For AllNatural Resources Defense CouncilAlliance for Climate Protection Friends of the EarthEarth Island InstituteNew Yorkers Against the Death Penalty Witness to Innocence Equal Justice USA Death Penalty Information CenterPeople of Faith against the Death Penalty Fair Trial InitiativeFeminist Majority Foundation Ms. Foundation for WomenNational Partnership for Women and FamiliesCenter for Reproductive RightsNARAL Pro-Choice America National Abortion FederationChoice USAUnited Nations FoundationCoalition for an International Criminal CourtDrug Policy Alliance Andean Council of Coca LeafProject on Death in AmericaDeath with Dignity National CenterCompassion in Dying Federation of America Greenlining InstituteCenter for Responsible LendingAmerica Coming TogetherAmerica VotesCenter for American Progress Joint Victory Campaign 2004Media FundThunder Road GroupPeople for American Way
Islamic and Humanist totalitarianism cause religious persecution 100M Christians/Jews are being persecuted for their faith worldwide. Represents 75% of worldwide religious persecution.1 Top 10 oppressors are Muslims and Humanists. North Korea is most religiously oppressive,then Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia,Somalia,Maldives,Yemen, Iraq, Uzbekistan, and Laos.2 Of the top 31 oppressors, all are Muslim, except NK, Laos, China, Vietnam (which are Humanist countries). 1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-12738479 2 http://www.opendoorsusa.org/downloads/pdf-downloads/world-watch-list-2011.pdf 3http://www.uncoverage.net/2010/09/how-many-people-have-been-killed-by-muslims/
Wisdom of the Ages… “What is at stake today is nothing less than the survival of civilization.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.” Dr.Samuel Huntington (Harvard) The Clash of Civilizations “…all nations who don’t acknowledge [Islamic] authority were sinners and it is [Islamic] duty to make war upon them wherever they are found and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners…” Thomas Jefferson (private letter to John Adams 1818)
Conclusion Judeo-Christian believers must educate themselves/others, engage the culture (schools,churches,synagogues,families,government, and communities) to reverse Secular Humanism and slow the progress of Islamic cultural and combat jihad. Judeo-Christian worldview maximizes freedom and equality. We are in a worldview war with Radical Islam and Secular Humanism. They have the will but not the power (yet) to destroy the Judeo-Christian way of life. There are evil, incompetent, and indifferent combatants. We must educate the latter two to defeat the former. We must either fight against the advance of Secular Humanism and Islam or risk being ruled by them. Time is not an ally. Prayer and action are required now. There are no excuses.
Thank you… Questions: bradleyhughes@comcast.net