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The Tactical Information Service Supporting Practice Based Commissioning

The Tactical Information Service (TIS) is a project funded by all GM Trusts, designed to deliver information and support decision making, service redesign, and modernization. The TIS Analyser is a web-based system that provides NHS professionals with access to data analyses, allowing them to view data from different perspectives and stages of the patient journey.

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The Tactical Information Service Supporting Practice Based Commissioning

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  1. The Tactical Information ServiceSupportingPractice Based Commissioning Paul Davies Programme Manager

  2. The Future NHS • Patient Choice • Payment by Results • Foundation Trusts • Care in the community setting

  3. Commissioning • Describes the process by which the NHS spends its money • Services are procured to improve and maintain the public’s health

  4. Level of Commissioning Individual --- Practitioner --- Practice --- Locality --- Community --- Region --- Nation Multi-practice or locality commissioning Patient Choice PCT commissioning National commissioning Single practice-based commissioning Joint commissioning or health plan commissioning Lead PCT/LHB/HB commissioning

  5. Innovative high quality services Outcome For Patient Genuine choice Improved care pathways Practice based Commissioning Groups Required Mechanisms Delegated budgets Supporting information Freedom to move and develop resources & services

  6. PbC Data Requirements Summary • Benchmarking • Referral Rates • Admission Rates • Outpatient Attendances • Activity & Financial • Elective • Non Elective • Outpatients • Prescribing • Community Activity • Mental Health • Primary Care

  7. What is the Tactical Information Service? A project funded by all GM Trusts, created to: • Deliver information to users’ desktops • Support decision making, service redesign and modernisation • Train a cohort of new information managers

  8. What can the TIS Analyser do for you? • The TIS Analyser is a web-based system developed to deliver analyses to the desktops of NHS professionals. • It enables users to: • Access NHS data analyses from their desktops • View data from different perspectives • View data from different stages of the patient journey • View data from a range of data sources • Access comparative data

  9. Presentation Layer Role based access Navigation & drill-through Graphical representation & tabulated data Support GIS Analysis Layer Standard, specialist, & ad-hoc analysis Aggregations & dimensions Forecasting & comparisons Pattern identification Waiting List Data Mental Health Data Population Data Quality Outcomes Framework Mortality/ Births Data Inpatient/ Outpatient Activity Referral Management Information Information to users’ desktop Data Management Layer

  10. On-line Demo

  11. Plus… • Inpatient / Day Case waiting list • Mortality data from Office of National Statistics (ONS) • Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) • Central Returns – Annual, Quarterly returns to DoH • Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) – for National Benchmarking • Diagnostic central returns

  12. PbC is not a project! Innovative high quality services Outcome For Patient Genuine choice Improved care pathways Practice based Commissioning Groups Required Mechanisms Delegated budgets Supporting information Freedom to move and develop resources & services

  13. Future Challenges • Financial Information • - Forecasting • - Local Arrangements • Data Quality • Data Updates – Timeliness of Submission • Data Linkage

  14. TIS Analyser nww.gmtis.nhs.uk TIS Project Website nww.gmtis.nhs.uk/abouttis TIS Helpdesk 0161 237 2591

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