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Generosity For Every Generation St. Louis, Missouri March 11-13, 2013

Generosity For Every Generation St. Louis, Missouri March 11-13, 2013 http://stewardshipkaleidoscope.org. Workshop topics:. Congregational giving analysis for your church Giving through technology (both online giving and social media generosity) Stewardship in small membership churches

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Generosity For Every Generation St. Louis, Missouri March 11-13, 2013

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  1. GenerosityFor Every Generation St. Louis, Missouri March 11-13, 2013 http://stewardshipkaleidoscope.org

  2. Workshop topics: • Congregational giving analysis for your church • Giving through technology (both online giving and social media generosity) • Stewardship in small membership churches • How presbytery teams can train congregations • Endowment 101—beginning and growing one • Role of the pastor in Stewardship • Capital campaigns that work

  3. Some ideas…

  4. Spirit of Generosity • A culture of generosity needs to be created, yet it takes time • The Circle of Generosity • Prospect identification: identifying members • Cultivation: Building Relationships and Sharing the Vision (Strategic plan for the church is a must!) • Solicitation: Opportunity for Stewardship and Generosity • Recognition: Expressing Appreciation and Celebrating Generosity

  5. Generosity Teams • Stewardship Committees being called Generosity Teams • Generosity Teams focus on a year long campaign (not just November) • Focus on how giving is needed and utilized throughout the year (divvy out over time) • Utilize stories of members and folks outside the church walls to share the impact of giving

  6. Needed Transitions • Membership • Shift from: Member to Personal Call • Institution to Community • Spectator to Participant • Consumer to Contributor

  7. Worship • Shift from an entertainment-oriented spectator experience to a worship Christ-focused engagement of spiritual formation and missional sending • Stewardship • Shift from a budget focus to a whole life discipleship focus, centered in the practice of gratitude and generosity

  8. Communication • Shift from an occasional distribution of information to an immediate, two-way interaction that builds trust • Church Structure • Shift from a traditional leadership to a network of relationships with a community structure

  9. Five Guides to Action • Create Impact • Encourage Initiative • Practice Gratitude • Put Relationships First • Life Is Worship

  10. 5 Questions to Ask about Impact • What has changed in the church (how are we in transition)? • What is our impact (how are we making a difference)? • Who are we impacting? • What opportunities do we have now to create impact? • What obstacles keep us from creating impact now?

  11. # 1 Reason Why People Give • They See Results • “Can I make a difference?”

  12. STEWARDSHIP KALEIDOSCOPE 2014 March 17-19 St. Louis, MO Contact us at Info@stewardshipkaleidoscope.org http://stewardshipkaleidoscope.org/about-the-conference/conference-resources/2013-conference-resources/

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