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Gospel of Grace for M uslims

Gospel of Grace for M uslims. B e an ambassador of Jesus Christ among Muslims All scriptures from NASB Trans. . you may ask: why Muslims? Don’t they believe in one God like we do? believe Jesus, heaven and hell, judgment day and return of Christ? So, why should we reach Muslims for Christ?

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Gospel of Grace for M uslims

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  1. Gospel of Grace for Muslims

    Be an ambassador of Jesus Christ among Muslims All scriptures from NASB Trans.
  2. you may ask: why Muslims? Don’t they believe in one God like we do? believe Jesus, heaven and hell, judgment day and return of Christ? So, why should we reach Muslims for Christ? Or you may ask: we hear all the negative story about them: killing, Jihad, wars, hate, they burning our flags; they hate us… are they really reachable? If this is your knowledge and understanding about Islam and Muslims, you don’t have a full understanding about them and you are missing your great commission and purpose to be a Christ Ambassador on earth. So…
  3. 9 Biblical reasons why Muslims need Christ 1- Christ came on earth to set the captive Free. 2- we are Christ’s minister and witness. 3- We all been called to be a great commissioner. 4- God has no pleasure in the death of the sinners 5- God commend us to save others for Christ. 6- Salvation comes from hearing. 7- there are souls who cry for the Truth about God and His grace. 8- God knows your heart! 9- Muslim do not know Jesus as God and savior, by this, they are still under guilt and condemnation of sin. Let us observe these 9 reasons from the Bible:
  4. Why Muslims? Because: 1- Christ came on earth to set the captive Free. “ And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. And He opened the book and found the place where it was written, “The spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has send Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4: 17- 19)
  5. Why Muslims? Because: 2- we are Christ’s minister and witness. “but get up and stand on your feet; for this purpose I have appeared to you, to appoint you a minister and a witness not only to the things which you have seen, but also to the things in which I will appear to you; rescuing you from the Jewish people and from gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.” ( Act. 26: 16- 18)
  6. Why Muslims? Because: 3- We all been called to be a great commissioner of our Lord and Savior, all around the world. “all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and Io, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages.” ( Matt. 28:18-20)
  7. Why Muslims? Because: 4- God has no pleasure in the death of the sinners, why should we? “ The person who sins will die…do I have any pleasure of the wicked”, declares the Lord God, “rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?” (Eze. 18: 20, 23)…Therefore 5- God commend us to save others for Christ “ keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.” ( Jude 21-23)
  8. Why Muslims? Because: 6- Salvation comes from hearing; hearing of the Word of God. word of God need to be told, word of God can't be told if anyone not go. “ for “whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are send? Just as is it written. “ How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things! However, they did not all heed the good news; for Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” so faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” ( Rom. 10: 13- 17)
  9. Why Muslims? Because: 7- There are souls who cry for the Truth about God and His mercy. “ hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come unto thee…To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death.” ( ps. 102: 1 , 20 )
  10. Why Muslims? Because: 8- God knows your heart if you have compassion for lost or not! “Deliver those who are being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter, oh hold them back. If you say, “see, we did not know this,” does He not considering it who weighs the hearts? And does He not know is who keeps your soul? And will He not render to man according to his work?” ( Prov. 24: 11- 12)
  11. Why Muslims? 9-Muslim do not know Jesus as God and as savior, by this they are still under guilt and condemnation of sin. Jesus said to him “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” ( John 14: 6 ) Peter said to them “ Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” (Act. 2: 38 ) “ for there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” ( 2 Tim. 2: 5)
  12. How should we prepare? 1- Pray Everything start from here! So, Pray Passionately; for the power of the Holy Spirit in your words and action, to be full of grace and not judgment; be compassionate and not indifferent; be humble and not boastful.(pray in the time of conversation and after!) 2- Know your Bible very well, then you can study the Quran! They have incorrect knowledge about the Bible, you shouldn’t add to that!! And do not read the Quran if you do not read and know your bible! 3- Interact with a muslim Find a muslim. Be their friend. Let them talk to you about their belief. 4- listen to them carefully and pay attention to what they say! Not only we need to listen to them because they are opening their mind to us, so we need to be compassionate to them; but also You will be surprised of how much refutations and contradictions about their knowledge of Christ and Bible; these are you great Tools! 5- Avoid heated Argument Never turn your conversation to a battle field of two different religions! 6- Never fall to the political argument unless already been started! Give a balance between spiritual, political and social arguments; but always hold your ground on the Bible as a source and not a political party or a agenda. 7- Consider your goal You are winning the person not for yourself; but for Christ Jesus. 8- Never compromise the Gospel for the sake of just make a muslim feel good or welcomed. Love them and be humble but never take anything away from Gospel, they have already taken everything from Christ and Christianity!
  13. Know the Islam and Muslim worldview about Christ and Christianity. Seven Truth which can't be compromise: a Muslim’s worldview about Christianity: 1- Scripture: Holy Bible 2- Original Sin, Atonement 3- Death and Resurrection of Christ 4- Divinity of Christ 5- Holy Trinity 6- Holy Spirit 7- Eternal Life
  14. 1- Scripture: Holy Bible We believe: +All the scripture is word of GOD. Isa. 4: 8 (Eternal) Luke 21:33(Eternal) 2Pet. 1:20- 21(inspired by Holy Spirit) +Biblical accounts been proved: 1-Historically 2- Geographically 3- Archeologically Muslims believe: However ,Been corrupted by Man. “woe! Then to those who write the book with their hands then say, this is from Allah; so that they may take for it a small price. So woe! To them for what their hands write and woe! To them for what they earn”( AL-Bagharah(2) 79).
  15. 2- Original Sin, Atonement we believe: we all sinned.( Rom. 3:23) , we were death.(Eph. 2:1) Therefore, a dead personcannot take his/her own burden. we cannot forgive ourselves, our good deeds are not enough, but only God can forgive the sins. in fact Jesus claimed He will forgive the sins(Matt. 9: 1-6) Muslims believe: We are not sinners; because: Devil caused.( Al-Bagharah(2) 36) Man caused.( Ibrahim(14) 22) Tested by God.( Al-maeedah(5) 39, Al- araf(7) 163) Atonement: Quran clearly claims only God can forgive the sin( Al-Imran(3) 135) Therefore, Mohammad asks Allah may his sins be forgiven.( Al- Fath(48)1- 3 , Al-Tobeh( 9)117) Quran also believes, if a muslim repent from his big sin, Allah will forgive his small sin(Al- Nesah( 4) 31)
  16. 3- Death and Resurrection of Christ We believe: He died according to the scriptures and raised from the death according to the scriptures and this has been proven by eye witnesses( 1 cor. 15: 1- 8 ) and Historical records.( Josephus p.977 ) Muslims believe: Jesus never died on the cross.( Al- Nesah( 4) 157- 158) He died as a natural death.( Al-maedah (5) 117) (Refer to the slide for Quran contradictions #21)
  17. 4- Divinity of Christ We believe: Jesus was Fully God and Fully Human. (John 1:1-15, Phil. 2: 6-11 , Col. 1: 15- 19) Jesus said “ I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I am”( John 8: 58 , Ex. 3: 14) Muslims believe: A mortal, created from dust ( Al- Omran(3) 59) An ordinary birth ( Al- Omran(3) 44 ) Only a messenger( Al- nesa(4) 171)Quran says “O Jesus, son of Mary, didst thou say to men, take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah?”(Al-maedah(5) 116)
  18. 5- Holy Trinity We believe: There is only one God.(Det. 6:4, Isa. 44:6 ) God is one, yet in three person: God the father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit. ( Gal. 1: 1, John 13: 15- 17, Matt. 3: 16- 17 , 1Pet. 1: 2 ) We worship the father in the name of the son with the Spirit. Muslims believe: We believe in three separate gods.( Al- maedah( 5) 73) We believe three gods and Jesus is the physical son of Allah( Al- nesaa( 4) 171)
  19. 6- Holy Spirit We believe: Holy Spirit is God.( Act 5: 3, 4 ) Creator.( Gen 1: 2 , Job 33: 4) Has power of his own.( Luke 1: 35- 37) Eternal.( Heb. 9: 14 ) Knows everything. ( 1 Cor. 2: 10- 11) Comforter.( Joh. 14: 16 ) Writer of the Holy Scriptures.( 2pet. 1: 20- 21 ) Muslims believe: There is no concept for Holy Spirit as we know in any where in Quran, but Holy Spirit= Angel Gabriel( Al-bagharah( 2) 97) , ( Al-nahal( 16) 102)
  20. 7- Eternal Life We believe: By Grace we have been saved.(Eph. 2: 8-9) Our salvation is eternal and not conditional.( John 10: 27- 30, Rom. 8: 38- 39, Heb. 7: 25) We will be with Jesus Christ after death, forever.(John 11: 25- 26, 14: 1- 4, 17: 24 ) Muslims believe: There is an heaven and Hell, and there is a judgment day, but no one is assured about his or her final destiny, unless 1- you die as a martyr for Islam and Prophet.(Al- omran(3) 142) 2- be doer of good works( yet salvation is not sure).(Al- Bagharah (2) 112)
  21. Contradictions IN Quran 1- Did Christ have an ordinary birth, or was He conceived with the Holy Spirit? Al-Omran(3) 59: Christ has been created by dust like Adam Al-Bagharah(2) 87, Merriam(19) 17, Al-anbia(21)91, conceived and empowered by Holy Spirit. 2- Jerusalem or Mecca? al-Bagharah(2) 115, Allah is everywhere, in the East and the West. And Al-Bagharah(2)142, indicate that early giblah was Jerusalim “ the fools among the people will say: “what has turned them from their giblah which they had?” and 149 , 150 clearly indicate that muslim must pray toward Mecca not Jerusalem anymore. 3- Jesus Christ: Death on the cross or not? AL- Omran 55 Allah Kills(Motafavah)Jesus. Al-Nesa 157 and Al- maeedah 117 Jesus didn’t died, someone else died instead. 4- Is the Bible from God and unchangeable or not? It is from God and Holy: Al-bagharah 57-101 , 146, Al- Omran 3-4…Al-nesa 136 and Al-maeedah 43-49 , 59and Al- Maedeh(5) 44). Has been changed by men and now is corrupted: Al- Bagharah 75-79, Al-nesa 46-47 and Al-maeedah 13 5- Is there freedom and liberty in religion or not? Yes, everybody is free to worship any god, Al- bagharah 191 , 256 and Al-Omran 84 No, only Islam is acceptable and no other religion prohibited, Al-omran 85 , 102
  22. 6- Desiring women is bad or good? Al-Omran(3) 14- desiring women, sons, gold and treasures is not good. Al- Omran(3)15- Allah give promise that in haven men will have a “goodly pleasures”(women). 7- Christians are friend or not? Al-Maadeh(5)51 , 57 : clearly indicate that a muslim shouldn’t take Jews and Christians as their friend. Al-Maadeh(5) 82: says, Jews are Muslims‘ worst enemy but Christians are good! 8- Can Muslims eat what a Christian eats or not? Al-bagharah(2)173, has a food restrictions for Muslim; Al-maadeh(5)5, opens Muslim to whatever Christians eat. 9- Can Muslims marry a none-muslim? Al-maadeh(5)5: with this verse Muslim takes credit and their scholars accusing Apostle Paul to restricting Christians to not married with none-Christians.(Paul never stated such a restriction.( 1Cor. 7: 12- 17)) Al-Bagharah(2)221 & Al-Omran(3)118: However ,Quran clearly and strongly indicate that Muslims should not married and take even friends of none-Muslims. 10- killing others is acceptable or not? Al-Maadeh(5) 32: if you slew one person (outside of jurisdiction order) it would be as if you slew the whole people and if you save one you have saved whole. Al-Maadeh(5)33 : the punishment of those who wage war against allah and his messenger is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land. ( there are many more contradictions throughout the Quran, we just considered these ten.)
  23. Is Quran accurate and inerrant? 1- event recorded in Quran regarding Mohammad and his personal life has been controversial since the early time: Arab’s nation rejecting Quran and its authority: Quran clearly indicate that been written Arabic for the Arabs( Joseph(12) 2, Al-Shora(42)7; yet its accuracy and authorities as a word of God never been trusted by Arabs( Al-anaam(6) 66 , 93), Al-Nahl(16)101. Arabs in Mohammad time had strong reasons not to believe: “ Zeynab” Zeyd-ibn- Hares’s wife event: (Al-Ahzab(33) 37) Mohammad had already had Ayesheh her very young wife and other wives, but he strongly captivated with the beauty of “Zeynab”, the wife of his own slave that been freed by him, and finally Zeyd-ibn-Hares divorce his wife that may Mohammad can take her. Allah in the Quran approved Mohammad for his desire! “Gharaniq” event: ( Al-Hajj (22) 52 & Al-osara(17) 73- 75) Mohammad try to convinced Arab’s leader to his belief system, so worship their gods: Lot, Manna and Ozza, and praising them. Allah says to Mohammad he has been captivated with demonic spirit and Satan guide him to say those words. This event challenge Arab’s to claim other Mohammad verses in the Quran inspired with Satan and demonic spirit. Muslim’s site of prayers event: (Al-Bagharah(2) 115, 142, 149, 150) In the beginning of his appearance Mohammad did pray toward Jerusalem for years to influence Jews and Christians of his time, then after gaining power and influence among Arabs, he changed this site toward Mecca. This was a huge contradiction to his early prophetic calling form God.
  24. 2- stories in the Quran regarding OT characters does not match with original OT text and documents: Observe just a few account: Al- Bagharah(2) 102: story of Solomon and angels. Al-Bagharah(2) 246- 248: story of Moses choosing king for Israel. Al- Bagharah(2) 249- 251: David and Goliath. Al- madeah(5) 31: Cain, a Crow and Abel’s body Al- Anaam(6) 74- 81: Abraham, his fathers and worshiping Allah. Al- Anbia(21)51- 71: Abraham breaking the idols, been tested by fire and Lot’s account is not in the Moses’s account. Al- Anaam(6) 84- 86; Al- Nesa(4) 163: wrong chronological account regarding OT Prophets. Joseph(12): some accounts never mentioned in original account of Moses.
  25. 3- stories in the Quran regarding NT events, specially life of Christ does not match with NT text and documents: Observe just a few account: Al Omran( 3) 35- 37: account of Mary's mother, Mary’s birth and infancy. Al- Omran(3) 46: Christ talking from His manger when He is just an infant! Al- Omran(3) 49 & Al-maadeh (5) 110: Christ making doves by the clay.( this account been taken from Apocryphal Gospel according to Thomas 1: 5- 9 ) Al- Nesa(4) 157: Christ never died on the cross but was someone else, God didn’t let Him to die!
  26. Q&A Q: What should we answer when a Muslim accusing Christianity with this question: if Christ is the only way, why do you have so many denominations? A: Beware! This type of argument is a false argument and called: “red herring fallacy”. They’re turning you away from their own problem. Islam itself from the very beginning been divided to hundreds denominations and even today, within Islamic system some new beliefs and new denominations are rising. Therefore same question can be reverted to them! Why Islam if is the final religion has so many denomination? However, as far as Christianity; yes, we do have so many denominations, but we have only ONE Christ; and He is same as He was, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
  27. Q: What should we answer when a Muslim accusing Christianity with this question: if Christ says love your enemies and you accusing Islam to have many wars and killing other, why do you have war of crusaders? A: This is another wrong reasoning! they try to get approval for their wrong action regarding wars and killing people with another wrong action from the Church of Rome! We need to go back to the Foundation of our teaching from our leaders: Christ never promoted wars and killing for the sake of the religion and converting others to His way. Those who did this in His name, did not follow His command. in the other hand, there are hundred verses in the Quran that Allah, god of Mohammad orders for such a war and killing and converting other to “the Religion of the Prophet”
  28. Q: Does Quran and Islam teach polygamy? A: Yes. Al-Nesa (4) 3, 127, 129. Al-Ahzab(33) 50. Their scholar may refer to the conditions and certain circumstances in the Quran and Mohammad’s life, but the fact of the matter is, been taught from the very early Islamic time, been followed through out the centuries until now. Q: Does Islam believe in heaven and hell? A: Yes. But it is very graphic and physical. Al-bagharah(2)25, Al-naba(78) 24- 34, Al-raad(13)35, Al-safat(37) 42- 51. Quran pictures very graphic about heaven and hell: Heaven full of virgins, white skin, never been touched, strong breast, river with cold water and variety fruits and shadow of the trees!
  29. Q: Why do Muslims hate Israel? A: There is no short answer to this question! However, the reason for this hate does not belong to today or Arabs-Israel's wars, but goes back directly to the Quran, 1400 years ago. The Quran clearly teaches this hate. Quran calls Jews and Christians “Infidels”; Al-bagharah(2) 135, Al-omran(3) 19, 20, 67. Q: Does Quran recognize Israel right in her land? A: Yes. With surprise of many, Quran do accept and declare not only Israel as a chosen Nation by God, but also promise land( today’s Israel-Palestine territory)given to her by God! Al-baghareh(2) 122, Al-maadeh(5) 21, Al-aaraf(7) 137.
  30. Q: Is Islam fastest growing religion? A: Yes and No! to your surprise, the growing Islam population in Europe and USA is not by faith and conversion to Islam but by birth and multiplication!( they are applying God’s command in Gen. 1:26-28) And this is not just about Islam! Muslims and Jewish girls have the authority of their parent over them and by tradition get married at a very early age. In these families, Children become Muslim or Jew by birth not by faith! abortion and divorce is strongly prohibited, having as many as children specially boys is greatly follows joy and celebrations; because they are Ommah. i.e., nation of Islam. Furthermore, having many wives is traditional in Islamic countries for this great purpose, and has been followed for many centuries, even today.
  31. Q: What is the difference between Radical and non-radical Muslims? A: In general: A radical Muslim is an individual who views the Quran as the foundation for all of his/her beliefs. Which include: Jihad, Killing infidels, holding Sharia Law and forcing to the society, not been friend with Jews, Christians and none-muslims, limit the freedom for none-muslims in a Islamic country, persecute and killing none-muslim in their land; these are all in the Quran and been taught by Imams and Islamic leaders for centuries. Moreover, those “non-radical” Muslims who do not believe in these facts and say and act otherwise in the eyes of other Muslims are not Muslim! See: Al-bagharah(2)191, 216-217, 244. Al-omran(3)13, 85, 102, 142-145, 157, 168-169, Mohammad(47)4.
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