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Wedding Traditions and Customs. Bride's dress. The traditional white colour of the bridal dress symbolises purity, virginity, life, light and festivity.
Bride'sdress • The traditional white colour of the bridal dress symbolises purity, virginity, life, light and festivity
According to an old belief the groom cannot see the bride's dress before the wedding nor during getting dressed on the wedding day, because it brings misfortune
Wedding Ring • If during the ring exchange ceremony the ring gets stuck at the first finger joint, it will be the wife who will wear the pants, if the ring slips easily the husband will dominate
ThrowingBlossomsor Rice • Symbol of fertility. Usually a little girl throw blossoms before the couple on their way to the altar, so that their marriage would be free from cares and rich in children. Throwing of rice on the couple has always been symbolic of wishing prosperity and good luck.
In the Orient, throwing rice means, "May you always have a full pantry." Wheat and other grains are sometimes thrown in addition to rice, thereby also wishing prosperity and lack of want.
Tossing the Bride'sBouquet • After the wedding ceremony the bride stands turning her back to the maidens and attempts to throw the bouquet to one of her friends or favourites, with the hope that this maiden would catch her flowers and become lucky enough to wed soon.
Nowadays it is not the bride's bouquet, but a tossing bouquet that is prepared specially for this occasion.
"Just Married" Sign and Tins • The tradition comes from the US, the guests decorate the car of the newlyweds with "Just married" signs, tins and balloons so that the tins would make great noise to dispel the demons and poverty
WeddingCake • It is also a symbol of fertility: the larger and more decorated is the wedding cake, the sweetest will be the couple's life together topped with lots of children.
Cutting thecake together symbolise their connectionand unity. According to the custom, whosehand is above the others, it will be him orher who will wear the pants
Bride'sDance • As the old Hungarian custom goes, at midnight the bride takes off her white bride's gown and puts a red dress on. Formerly the brides wore an apron and small shawl as wellnowadays they choose an elegant red cocktail dress or they remain in the white bridal dress. • One of the groomsmen takes a pot to collect the money, while another groomsman (or bridesmaid) hits the dish-covers and shouts: "The bride is for sale"
If the guests throw money to the pot they can dance with the brid. • When the groom (or rather the bride) has enough of the dance, the groom takes the pot and lifts her bride and runs away with the money and his wife
Carrying the Bride Across the Threshold • During the days of "Marriage by Capture", the bride was certainly not going to go peacefully into the bridegroom's abode, thus, she was dragged or carried across the threshold
In even earlier times, it was believed that family demons followed the woman and to keep her family demons from going into the groom's home, she was carried across the threshold upon her entering for the first time
Salt and Bread • When entering the new flat it is a must to have salt and bread at home so that the newlyweds would never starve