Figure 6. Wrist mode: (a) Schematic drawing of lock configuration BC (refer to Table 1), (b) pronation (P)/supination (S), (c) movement of Uni-versal Haptic Pantograph (UHP), (d) flexion (F)/extension (E),(e) movement of UHP under F and E, (f) radial (R)/ulnar (U) devia-tion, and (g) movement of UHP under R and U. Perry JC, Oblak J, Jung JH, Cikajlo I, Veneman JF, Goljar N, Bizovièar N, Matjaèiæ Z, Keller T. Variable structure pantograph mechanism with spring suspension system for comprehensive upper-limb haptic movement training. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2011;48(4):317-34.DOI:10.1682/JRRD.2010.03.0043