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Die Rol van die Media in ‘n Demokratiese Samelewing

Die Rol van die Media in ‘n Demokratiese Samelewing. Verskillende vorms v d media. Wat beteken die volgende konsepte ?. Persvryheid :

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Die Rol van die Media in ‘n Demokratiese Samelewing

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  1. Die Rol van die Media in ‘n DemokratieseSamelewing

  2. Verskillendevorms v d media

  3. Watbeteken die volgendekonsepte? • Persvryheid: Eenwatniebelemmer is in syvermoëomkommentaarteleweroorpolitieke of sosialekwessiesnie (behalwewaarditinbraakmaak op ‘n persoon se demokratieseregte.)

  4. Def: Demokratiesegemeenskap ‘n Gemeenskapwatregeer word deurverteenwowordigers van die helenasie. In ‘n demokratiesegemeenskap is daarvryheid van spraak , vryheid van die individu en geregtelikevryheid. Vry en oopverkiesingsvind op ‘n gereelde basis plaas.

  5. Def: Vryheid van Spraak Die vryheidomjouopiniete lug sonder die vreesvirintimidasie– (maarjymagnie op iemandanders se inbreekmaaknie.)

  6. Def: Massamedia Die uitsending van inligtingna ‘n grootaantalmense. Ditsalinsluit: die radio, koerante, tydskrifte, die internet en televisie.

  7. “ ‘n Vryegemeenskap is eenwaarbinneditveilig is omongewildtewees.” Hoe kan die media hulselfongewildmaak in die oë van regerings, beideverkose en onverkose? Die media het die vermoëompopulêreopiniestebeïnvloed = openlikekritiek op ‘n regering = kanverkiesingsuitslaebeïnvloed. In ‘n land watniedemokraties is nie, kan ‘n joernaliswat die regeringkritiseerhomgereedmaakvirarrestasie, intimidasie, aanranding, of selfstronkstraf.

  8. Moet beperkings op die media geplaas word? ‘n Gebrekaanprivaatheid is dikwels die pryswatonsbetaal . Die hoofstroommiediablygewoonlikwegdaarvanompornografiesemateriaal, of materiaalwatdeurgroepe van die gemeenskap as aanstootlikervaar word, tepubliseer. In die meestedemokratieselande is daarsensorrade, maardit is baieseldedathullepolitiekekommentaarbeperk.

  9. What is the “watch dog” role which is ascribed to the media? If no-one keeps watch, the government and politicians could get away with anything. It is therefore the role of the media to be on the look out and to inform the public of anything of which they should be aware. The fear of negative publicity is often a deterrent for public figures when they need to decide how to behave in various situations.

  10. Do you think a journalist or a newspaper can ever be objective? • Possibly not. A certain amount of subjectivity is usually unavoidable. • However, reporting can be fair. Both sides of the story can be given and then it can be left to the reader to make up his/her own mind. • The omission of certain facts can also lead to prejudicial reporting.

  11. The Role and Responsibility of the Media Opposing Viewpoints

  12. More information about the functions and responsibilities Functions include informing the public about: • What is happening around them so that they can make informed decisions and choices based on relevant and accurate information. • Rights issues and • Political issues and agendas, ensuring that various political viewpoints and policies are given.

  13. The media are responsible for: • Ensuring that there is a clear distinction between fact and opinion. • Protecting sources of information if and when necessary. • Being professional at all times, verifying facts and information before printing or broadcasting them. • Getting permission before printing or reporting on a story and • Giving the facts clearly and correctly.

  14. The S.A. Constitution states the following in Section 16 (1): Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes: • Freedom of the press and other media • Freedom to receive or impart info or ideas • Freedom of artistic creativity • Academic freedom and freedom of scientific research. • Govt institutions e.g. Judicial Services Commission, Independent Broadcasting Authority, the Public Protector and the Auditor-General further support freedom of expression.

  15. Does the media reflect our society? The media presents us with a picture of society that is meant to reflect what is “normal”. In fact, the media often don’t reflect what society is like at all. For example in South Africa:

  16. Who is rejected/left out? • Which groups of people are predominantly shown on television? • Does the media reflect society? Why or why not? • How women should look • The way men should behave • What is important • What success means • Who commits crime • What Africa is like • Who are the experts/worthy of being quoted • The way gay people are viewed in society • The way differently-abled people are viewed in society.

  17. Promotion of Access to Information Act Aims: • To ensure that the state takes part in promoting a human rights culture and social justice. • To encourage openness • To create voluntary andcompulsory ways that give the right of access to information in a speedy, cheap and effortless way. • To promote transparency, accountibility and effective governanceof all public a private companies. Use your notes to evaluate the credibility of the media.

  18. Some careers in the media • Advertising manager • Attorney • Editor • Journalist • Librarian • Media liaison officer • Publicist • Radio announcer • TV producer • Web designer

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