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BONJOUR. Complex name, Simple aim!. S E A C S. What we wanted out of SEACS. To promote sustainable energy usage within the school community To allow students to build links with students in another country and explore the same topic together. S E A C S. SEACS Club Poster.
BONJOUR • Complexname,Simpleaim! SEACS
What we wanted out of SEACS • To promote sustainable energy usage within the school community • To allow students to build links with students in another country and explore the same topic together SEACS
What we have achieved? • Use of SEACS in MFL • Unit on the Environment in Y8 • Introduction to ideas: protéger la planète • Introduction of language structures linked to the topic e.g. ilfaut /il ne faut pas, on devrait / on ne devrait pas, ne..pas / ne..jamais / ne plus • Song: Laissez-nous respirer by IlonaMitrécy • Eco house: link to description of own home • Posters to promote SEACS SEACS
C’estquelconteneur? Triez les déchets! journaux boîtes en métal bouteilles en verre magazines bocaux en verre bidons en métal bouteilles en plastique catalogues prospectus pots en verre bouteilles en verre bidons en métal journaux magazines bocaux en verre boîtes en métal prospectus pots en verre bouteilles en plastique catalogues verre emballages papier
Sauver la Planète Recycler les Bouteilles Recycler le Papier
URGENT: Sauver la planète! Il faut aider! • papierrecyclé • recyclageplastique • bouteilles de recyclage • recycler les canettes Il faut aider la planète en recyclant et en économisantl'électricité et l'énergie
Il faut recycler les journaux. Il faut acheter du papier recyclé RECYCLER • Il faut recycler • les bouteilles • Il faut recycler • le plastique
School community…. • SEACS club every Friday • Climate change conference • Notice board of energy use
About Us • Hi, we’re from the SEACS group. SEACS stands for Sustainable Energy Across the Common Space. Although the name is rather complicated, our aim is simple; To communicate with a partner school in France about environmental issues. • We also want to save energy at school. It’s not just about saving energy; it’s about cultural differences between us and France. We’re trying to find out what the students in France are doing through a shared website, where we can post videos, PowerPoints and questionnaires.
Where are we going? • Switch off Fortnight • Developing international links • As a spin off – re-igniting Woodroffe EAT club SEACS
We have taken part in Switch off Fortnight. Last year more than 4400 schools took part, (including us!) some reporting energy savings of 20%.The campaign is based around two of the Pod’s energy activities, where students and teachers learn about the importance of saving energy and complete simple activities designed to help reduce their energy use. Nous avons pris part à Switch off Fortnight. L'an dernier, plus de 4400 écoles ont participé, (nous y compris!) Des économies d'énergie de 20% des rapports. La campagne s'articule autour de deux activités énergétiques du POD, où les étudiants et les enseignants en apprendre davantage sur l'importance d'économiser l'énergie et complets des activités simples conçus pour aider à réduire leur consommation d'énergie. Switch off fortnight
The Energy HouseA2 students looking at thermal properties of different insulation types
Where we go from here:Switch Off FortnightBuilding further links with schools abroadRe-launching our EAT club
Merci • Complexname,Simpleaim! SEACS