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Common Criticisms of Staffing Assessments

Common Criticisms of Staffing Assessments . Learning Objectives. Discuss why people believe assessments are not accurate Explore if staffing assessments can be faked by applicant Discuss if staffing assessments are not worth the cost required to use them

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Common Criticisms of Staffing Assessments

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  1. Common Criticisms ofStaffing Assessments

  2. Learning Objectives • Discuss why people believe assessments are not accurate • Explore if staffing assessments can be faked by applicant • Discuss if staffing assessments are not worth the cost required to use them • Discuss if staffing assessments pose a legal risk • Discuss if staffing assessments are an unfair way to evaluate people • Discuss if staffing assessments are offensive to candidates • Discuss if staffing assessments are to much time to the hiring process

  3. Staffing Assessments: Are Not 100% Accurate • Staffing assessments are not perfectly accurate • Depends on the types, how it is used and the nature of the job • Assessment do not provide as much detailed information about a person from working with them

  4. Group Discussion • Break into groups • Address and answer assigned questions of staffing assessment criticism • Report responses back to class

  5. Criticism 1: Staffing Assessments Are More Accurate Than People • They take a highly systematic, thorough, objective and often very complicated approach toward collecting and interpreting information • They only focus on information gathered from the candidate and not influenced by non-job-relevant information • Hiring decisions are more accurate if they use assessment information as part of the decision-making process • Many evaluations depend on biases, perceptions and other characteristics and not attributes

  6. Criticism 1: Staffing Assessments Are More Accurate Than People Question 1: What are some reasons researchers have found staffing assessments to be more accurate than people? Questions 2: What are the problems with discounting staffing assessment results if they do not align with our own personal knowledge and experience?

  7. Criticism 2: Staffing Assessments Can Be Faked By Applicants • Applicant Faking Is Not the Same As Lying • Many Applicants Do Not Fake • Believe it’s Intentionally faking is ethically wrong • Believe they will be caught • Believe it’s best to describe themselves in a candid manner • Most Applicants Who Fake Are Not Very Good at It • Some Faking Is Not Faking But a Lack of Self-Awareness • Faking Can Significantly Affect Scores of Some Assessments

  8. Criticism 2: Staffing Assessments Can Be Faked By Applicants Question 1: Based on empirical data, what reasons have been noted for applicants not distorting their responses on staffing assessments? Questions 2: What staffing assessments are susceptible to applicant faking? What affect do these staffing assessments have on the hiring process?

  9. Criticism 3: Staffing Assessments Are Not Worth The Cost Required To Use Them • Avoiding “catastrophic” hires • Increased retention • Increased staffing efficiency • Reduced time spent reading through resumes • Leveraging the Internet to screen out candidates • Easier for candidates to apply for a job

  10. Criticism 3: Staffing Assessments Are Not Worth The Cost Required To Use Them Question 1: What business case can be made to link the financial value of staffing assessments? Questions 2: What are specific benefits can be associated with these staffing assessments?

  11. Criticism 4: Staffing Assessments Pose A Legal Risk • Apply the Four-Fifths Guidelines • Show job relevance and validity • Create legally defensible assessments • Design or deploy assessments for candidates to perceive them as job relevant

  12. Criticism 4: Staffing Assessments Pose A Legal Risk Question 1: What specific reasons have found staffing assessments to be in violation of employment laws? Questions 2: What practices can be applied to create legally defensible staffing assessments?

  13. Criticism 5: Staffing Assessments Are An Unfair Way To Evaluate People • Staffing assessments are to ensure staffing decisions are based on the best information available • Staffing assessments provide the selection process that is more accurate, fair, efficient and legally defensible

  14. Criticism 5: Staffing Assessments Are An Unfair Way To Evaluate People Question 1: Do staffing assessments unfairly evaluate applicants? Question 2: If yes, make a case for why they are unfair in evaluating people. If you believe staffing assessments are fair, explain why.

  15. Criticism 6: Staffing Assessments Are Offensive To Candidates • Attitudes of candidates fall into the following groups: • Indifferent • Enthusiastic • Anxious • Annoyed • Candidates will accept assessments if they believe they are valid tools for predicting job performance • Face Validity • Address candidate questions

  16. Criticism 6: Staffing Assessments Are Offensive To Candidates Commonly Asked Candidate Questions: 1.) Why is the organization using assessments? 2.) Why are these particular assessments being used? 3.) How do the assessments work? 4.) How will the results be used?

  17. Criticism 6: Staffing Assessments Are Offensive To Candidates • When candidate do not want to take assessments • Common complaint is a candidate not having feedback on their candidacy • Not sharing assessment results with candidates

  18. Criticism 6: Staffing Assessments Are Offensive To Candidates Guidelines and Strategies for Completing Assessments: 1.) Respond positively to the request 2.) Don’t be afraid to ask about the assessment 3.) Approach the assessment in the same you approach a job interview 4.) Be honest 5.) Don’t be humble

  19. Criticism 6: Staffing Assessments Are Offensive To Candidates Question 1: What attitudes do candidates have toward completing staffing assessments in the hiring process? Question 2: What are commonly asked questions about completing staffing assessments in the hiring process? What are appropriate responses to these questions?

  20. Criticism 7: Staffing Assessments Add Too Much Time To Hiring Process • Assessments too Long = candidates drop out • Assessments too short = accuracy will be off It is not the length of an assessment that causes applicants to drop out, but the content !

  21. Criticism 7: Staffing Assessments Add Too Much Time To Hiring Process • Assessments taking ninety minutes or can be more effective later in the process • Highly predictive staffing assessments require sixty minutes or more • Assessments should be designed to take a long as needed to get the information required

  22. Criticism 7: Staffing Assessments Add Too Much Time To Hiring Process Question 1: What have researchers found out about the relationship of the length of staffing assessments and reasons applicants drop out of the hiring process? Question 2: What case can be made to incorporate longer staffing assessments into the hiring process?

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