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Secure IP Telephony using Multi-layered Protection

Secure IP Telephony using Multi-layered Protection. Brennen Reynolds Off-Piste Consulting, LLC (formally of University of California, Davis) Dipak Ghosal University of California, Davis. Motivation. What is IP Telephony? Packetized voice over IP

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Secure IP Telephony using Multi-layered Protection

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  1. Secure IP Telephony using Multi-layered Protection Brennen Reynolds Off-Piste Consulting, LLC (formally of University of California, Davis) Dipak Ghosal University of California, Davis

  2. Motivation • What is IP Telephony? • Packetized voice over IP • PSTN access through Media/Signal Gateways (MSG) • Benefits: • Improved network utilization • Next generation services • Growth: • Revenues $1.7 billion in 2001, 6% of international traffic was over IP, growing [Frost 2002] [Telegeography 2002] • Standardized, deployed protocols (TRIP, SIP, H.323)

  3. Security Is Essential • IP Telephony inherits all properties of the IP protocol – including security weaknesses • Ensuring the security of a critical service must be a top priority • Convergence of two global and structurally different networks introduces new security weaknesses

  4. Agenda • IP Telephony Enabled Enterprise Networks • IP Telephony Call Setup • Vulnerability Analysis • Detection and Control of Flood-based DoS Attacks • Preliminary Experimental Results • Future Work

  5. IP Telephony Enabled Enterprise Network Architecture

  6. Net-to-Net Call Setup The Location Service is queried to check that the destination IP address represents a valid registered device, and for its IP Address DNS Query for the IP Address of the SIP Proxy of the Destination Domain The INVITE is forwarded 4 2 3 A request is sent (SIP INVITE) to ESTABLISH a session 5 The request is forwarded to the End-Device 1 6 Media Transport Destination device returns its IP Address to the originating device and a media connection is opened

  7. Vulnerability Analysis • Property oriented approach • Access control to use IP telephony service • Integrity and authenticity of IP telephony signaling messages • Resource availability and fairness in providing IP telephony service • Confidentiality and accountability

  8. Access Control • Deny unauthorized users access to IP telephony service • Central authentication servers • E.g.: RADIUS server • Enable various network elements to query authentication server

  9. Integrity and Authenticity of Signaling Messages • Call Based Denial of Service • CANCEL messages, BYE message, Unavailable responses • Call Redirection • Re-registering with bogus terminal address, user moved to new address, redirect to additional proxy • User Impersonation

  10. Payload Encryption • Capture and decoding of voice stream • Can be done in real-time very easily • Capture of DTMF information • Voice mail access code, credit card number, bank account • Call profiling based on information in message headers

  11. Resource Fairness and Availability • Flood based attacks • Network bandwidth between enterprise and external network • Server resources at control points • SIP Proxy Server • Voice ports in Media/Signaling Gateway • Signaling link between Media/Signaling Gateway and PSTN • End user

  12. Internet Originated Attack • Enterprise network connection can be flooded using techniques like SYN flooding • Resources on SIP proxy can be exhausted by a large flood of incoming calls • End user receives large number of SIP INVITE requests in a brief period of time

  13. PSTN Originated Attack • Signaling link between M/S gateway and PSTN STP becomes saturated with messages • Voice ports on the M/S gateway are completely allocated • Large number of PSTN endpoints attempt to contact a single individual resulting in a high volume of INVITE messages

  14. Secure IP Telephony Architecture

  15. Application Layer Attack Sensor (ALAS) • Monitors the number of SIP INVITE requests and the SIP OK (call acceptance) responses • URI level monitor • Aggregate level monitor • Detection Algorithm • Response Algorithm • Proxy or M/S gateway returns temporally busy messages

  16. Transport Layer Attack Sensor (TLAS) • Monitors the number of TCP SYN and ACK packets • Traffic is monitored at an aggregate level • Upon detection of an attack, throttling is applied by perimeter devices (e.g. firewall) • If attack persists, traceback technologies can be used to drop malicious traffic at an upstream point

  17. RTP Stream Attack Sensor (RSAS) • To detect malicious RTP and RTCP streams • Parameters of the RTP streams are known at connection setup time • Police individual streams • Statistical techniques to determine large flows • Packets corresponding to the malicious streams are dropped at the firewall • Need cooperation of upstream routers to mitigate link saturation

  18. Detection Algorithm for ALAS • Monitoring the volume of connection attempts vs. volume of complete connection handshakes can be used to detect an attack • Based on the sequential change point detection method proposed by Wang, Zhang and Shin (Infocom 2002) to detect TCP SYN attacks

  19. Detection Algorithm • All connection setup attempts and complete handshakes are counted during the observation period • During each sampling period the difference is computed and normalized

  20. Detection Algorithm Cont. • Under normal operation, the resulting value should be very close to 0 • In the presence of an attack, the result is a large positive number • A cumulative sum method is applied to detect short high volume attacks as well as longer low volume attacks

  21. Recovery Algorithm • Linear Recovery • This is the default behavior of the detection algorithm • Exponential Recovery • The cumulative sum decreases multiplicatively once the attack has ceased • Reset after Timeout • The cumulative sum decays linearly decays until a timer expires at which point it is reset to 0

  22. Preliminary Results • Types of attack • Limited DoS attack • Single user targeted by one or more attackers • Stealth DoS attack • Multiple users targeted by one or more attackers each with a low volume of call requests • Aggressive DoS attack • Multiple users targeted with high call requests • Ability to detect both aggregate level attacks as well as attack to individual URIs

  23. Preliminary Results Limited DoS Attack with 10 calls/min to a single URI

  24. Summary of Detection and Recovery Results

  25. Future Work • Detailed analysis • Tradeoff between detection time and false alarm rate • Formal vulnerability analysis • Additional vulnerabilities with ENUM • Routing layer issues • Vulnerabilities of multihomed networks

  26. Additional Information • Master’s Thesis Enabling Secure IP Telephony in Enterprise Networks http://www.off-pisteconsulting.com/research/pubs/reynolds-ms_thesis.pdf • Presentation Slides http://www.off-pisteconsulting.com/research/pubs/ndss03-slides.ppt • Contact Information: Brennen Reynolds Off-Piste Consulting, LLC brennen@off-pisteconsulting.com Dipak Ghosal, PhD. University of California, Davis ghosal@cs.ucdavis.edu

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