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YOUR EXPERIENCE:. 1.1 - A WAVE IS A DISTURBANCE. What you see depends on light waves. What you hear depends on sound waves. A WAVE IS A DISTURBANCE. A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. YOUR EXPERIENCE: 1.1 - A WAVE IS A DISTURBANCE What you see depends on light waves What you hear depends on sound waves

  2. A WAVE IS A DISTURBANCE A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another. A wave can transfer energy over distance without moving matter the entire distance. Ocean waves travel many kilometers, but the water moves up and down (a disturbance)

  3. FORCES AND WAVES Rope Wave Force is needed to change how an object moves. Examples of how forces cause waves:

  4. FORCES AND WAVES Water Wave Force is needed to change how an object moves. Examples of how forces cause waves:

  5. FORCES AND WAVES Earthquake Wave Force is needed to change how an object moves. Examples of how forces cause waves:

  6. MATERIALS AND WAVES A MEDIUM is any substance that a wave moves through. Examples – air, water, ground Mechanical Waves are waves that transfer energy through matter. Light is NOT a mechanical wave. WHY?

  7. ENERGY AND WAVES Waves caused by an earthquake show energy transfer. The ground shakes from side to side. The wave can travel kilometers. The ground does not. The energy that travels in a wave moves kilometers. In earthquakes, kinetic energy is transferred.

  8. ENERGY AND WAVES The “particles” of the wave (people) move up and down.The energy of the wave, moves around the stadium.

  9. WAVES CAN BE CLASSIFIED BY HOW THEY MOVE Some waves transfer an up-and-down (water wave) or a side-to-side motion. The direction of the wave is perpendicular to the disturbance. Known as transverse waves

  10. WAVES CAN BE CLASSIFIED BY HOW THEY MOVE Other waves transfer a forward-and-backward motion (sound wave). The wave is in the same direction as the disturbance. Known as LONGITUDINAL WAVES

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