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Siemens Corporate Responsibility Social and governance perspectives

Siemens Corporate Responsibility Social and governance perspectives. Mohamed El-Mahdi Chairman and Managing Director Siemens S.A.E. Siemens’ values… …values for our global business. Responsible Committed to ethical and responsible actions. Excellent

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Siemens Corporate Responsibility Social and governance perspectives

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  1. Siemens Corporate ResponsibilitySocial and governance perspectives Mohamed El-MahdiChairman and Managing Director Siemens S.A.E.

  2. Siemens’ values… …values for our global business Responsible Committed to ethical and responsible actions Excellent Achieving high performance and excellent results Innovative Being innovative to create sustainable value

  3. Only sustainable business results in long-term success and profitable growth • Corporate Citizenship • Labor Practice Indicators • Human Capital Development • Social Reporting • Talent Attraction & Retention • Corporate Governance • Risk & Crisis Management • Codes of Conduct / Compliance • Customer Relationship Management • Innovation Management 100% 100% Average Score* Economic Social 50 % Siemens accredited as Industry Leader in Siemens Score Average Score* 82 % 61 % Siemens Score Environmental 91 % Average Score* 44 % • Eco-Efficiency • Environmental Reporting Siemens Score 83 % *Average score of all assessed companies in the sector Source: sam 2009, Corporate Sustainability Assessment – The Yearbook

  4. Did we always meet the expectations? How to become a “recognized leader”? Immediate Actions Implementation 2009 2006 2007 2008 2010 Compliance Program Conti-nuous Improve- ment Continuous Improvement Exchange of Leadership Team Compliance Organization Tone from the Top Values & Integrity Compliance Training Independent investigation Collective Action Compliance Tools SustainableDevelopment Centralization of bank accounts

  5. Continuous communication on all levels …and integration in all processes is key Anchor compliance in the entire value chain Promote Siemens' compliance tools Engage in regular communication with employees Middle Management needs to Full commitment towards Compliant and Clean Business Explain and demonstrate compliance-related issues Motivate and encourage employees Show priority of compliance at all times "walk the talk"

  6. Collective Action Siemens’ approach to drive fair market conditions www. Continuous stakeholder dialogue Collective Action project Project Compliance Learning Initiative Collective Action Learning Initiative NGO IO Top 5 NGOs 1) Transparency International UN GlobalCompact World EconomicForum • Fight corruption in joint agreement with industry peers and other stakeholders • Promote Integrity and Compliance Pacts as well as Long-Term Initiatives in order to foster fair competition in public sector • www.siemens.com/integrity-initiative to fight fraud and corruption (US$ 100 million over next 15 years) • Increase compliance awareness of current and future business leaders • Share compliance best practices with stakeholders by www.siemens.com IBLF World BankInstitute ICC CIPE Harvard Case Study2) Knowledge transfer Learning Compliance 1) NGO: Non-Government Organization TI: Transparency International ICC: International Chamber of Commerce IO: International Organization PACI: Partnering Against Corruption Initiative CIPE: Center for International Private Enterprise IBLF: International Business Leaders Forum 2) Is designed for class room discussions in university and highlights the importance of business integrity and compliance. Final draft will be presented by Harvard in Q2 FY 2010

  7. Controls and reporting are main elements … in fostering an integrity culture Questions to guide Siemens employees towards compliant and responsible behavior 1 Is it the right thing for Siemens? Is it consistent with Siemens core values and mine? 2 3 Is it legal? Is it ethical? Is it something I am willing to be held accountable for? 4

  8. Siemens CSR activities in Egypt STP – Earth Workshop INDAC Vocational Training Centers The Discovery Box The Green Box Best In Class

  9. Thank you!

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