HISTORY In 1904 the chemical-Swedish physicist SvanteArrhenius (1859-1927) predicted that the increasing industrial emissions of CO2 would be a remarkable change in the concentration of this gas in the atmosphere, causing global climate change. According to the prediction of Arrhenius this increase could be beneficial to the more uniform the planet's climate and stimulate plant growth and food production.
What can we do? • -Reduce the energy consumption. • -Use recycled paper. • -Use fluorescent bulbs. • -Limit water consumption. • -To walk or use public transport make. • -Use of solar energy. • -To make efficient use of the car. • -Plant trees near the houses to reduce the use of the equipped air. • -To recycle packing´s of aluminium, plastic and glasses, as well as the pasteboard and the role paper. • -Create awareness in other on the importance of taking actions aimed at reducing the impact of global warming.
Contact. 900455564or 722859456. www.elcalentamientoglobal.wordpress.com Theworldis in ourhands. The world is a dangerous place. Not because of those who do badly, but for those who do nothing to prevent it.