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DevInfo common database for strategic decision-making. Organization of the presentation What is DevInfo? How does the UN benefit from DevInfo at country level? DevInfo as a common data platform DevInfo inputs in the strategic planning and programming process:
Organization of the presentation • What is DevInfo? • How does the UN benefit from DevInfo at country level? • DevInfo as a common data platform • DevInfo inputs in the strategic planning and programming process: • Analysis and prioritization (correlations, disaggregation) • Monitoring (trends) • Reporting
What is DevInfo? • It is a user-friendly database system that can be deployed on desktops and on the web and is distributed royalty-free • The system is designed to monitor human development • DevInfo is endorsed by the UNDG for use by Member States in monitoring the MDGs • It helps in the collation and presentation of data in the form of tables, graphs and maps
How does the UN at country level benefit from DevInfo? DevInfo can … … act as a common repository of data (thus reducing duplication of efforts and promoting agreement on indicators, data values, etc.) … be used as a common system for monitoring the UNDAF, MDGs, PRS, etc. … inform and guide strategic decision-making and programming … serve as a powerful data presentation tool and provide valuable inputs for advocacy purposes … help increase the accessibility of data and so promote data dissemination
When UN does not have common data platform . . . Statistics Institute (Census) Ministry of Education School attendance School infrastructure Population size Population characteristics UNDP Human Development Report CSPro MS Excel Employment Printed reports MS Word FAO Ministry of Labor Agricultural production WDI pdf’s SPSS Services in public hospitals GDP per capita (PPP) Vaccination World Bank Ministry of Health UNICEF (MICS)
Is a common data platform beneficial? Agency-specific systems/databases/data sets UNFPA ICPD UNICEF WFFC MICS • Used to monitor different issues based on agency priorities • Data kept in different formats • Data overlaps (’ duplication of efforts) • Sometimes contradicting data values UNAIDS CRIS (for UNGASS) UNESCO EFA WHO EpiInfo ILO KILM SIMPOC UNDP HDR etc… WFP VAM
DevInfo as a common data platform Common database UNFPA ICPD UNICEF WFFC MICS • Used to monitor national priorities (e.g. UNDAF) • Data kept in one format • No data overlaps (’duplication of efforts minimized) • No contradicting data values UNAIDS CRIS (for UNGASS) UNESCO EFA Common database WHO EpiInfo ILO KILM SIMPOC UNDP HDR • One source of data for: • planning and programming • monitoring • reporting … WFP VAM
DevInfo common database • Data easily accessible in one central repository • User-friendly tools for the presentation of data in the form of tables, graphs and maps DevInfo inputs in evidence-based planning and programming Comprehensive national analysis (e.g. CCA) Strategic prioritization (e.g. UNDAF or One Programme formulation) Monitoring and reporting (e.g. UNDAF annual review)
The DevInfo common database is the central repository of indicators and data to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the national situation (e.g. CCA).
The indicators in the DevInfo common database can be classified in different national priority frameworks, such as the national development plan, MDGs and UNDAF
The DevInfo common database is the central repository of indicators and data corresponding to the outcomes in the UNDAF M+E Framework
Analysis and prioritization DevInfo helps present two or more indicators for easy identification of correlations and possible underlying causes
Ecuador: Percent of girl and boy workers that work more than 40 hours per week and School attendance rate of working girls and boys (percent) Easy identification of correlations and possible underlying factors Percent of girl and boy workers that work more than 40 hours per week: h School attendance rate of working girls and boys: i Source: IPECInfo.
Ghana: Net enrolment ratio in primary education (percent) and Proportion of households who get access to the nearest primary school within 30 minutes Easy identification of correlations and possible underlying factors Areas where households have less easy access to schools seem to have lower enrolment rates Source: GhanaInfo.
Analysis and prioritization DevInfo helps present sub-national level data for easy identification of priority geographical areas within a country
Easy identification of priority geographical areas Source: DevInfo Serbia.
Mozambique: HIV prevalence rate (percent) Easy identification of priority geographical areas Source: ESDEM.
Armenia: Poverty level (percent) and Extreme poverty level (percent) High Poverty level and high Extreme poverty level Easy identification of priority geographical areas Source: ArmeniaInfo.
Afghanistan: Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources (percent) and Proportion of the population using improved sanitation facilities (percent) Easy identification of priority geographical areas Low Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sourcesand low Proportion of the population using improved sanitation facilities Source: AfghanInfo.
Analysis and prioritization DevInfo helps present disaggregated data for easy detection of disparities and discriminatory patterns, and identification of priority groups
Honduras: Mean years of schooling (years) Rural areas consistently lag behind Easy identification of disparities between urban and rural areas Source: ChildInfo Honduras.
OPT: Unemployment rate 15-24 yr olds (percent) Easy identification of disparities between sexes West Bank Women are more disadvantaged in both areas Gaza Strip Source: PalInfo.
Brazil: Life expectancy at birth (in years) Black men and women lag behind in all regions Easy identification of disparities between ethnic groups Source: Data from IBGE.
Monitoring DevInfo helps show changes over time and progress towards set targets
MD Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Target 7: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS 2002 2001 2004 Tanzania: Cumulative AIDS cases (number) 2003 Source: TSED.
Target: Reduce child labour by 30% by 2010 Target Target
Reporting DevInfo facilitates the creation of standard reports
The DevInfo common database is used to produce standard periodic reports, such as MDG reports
The DevInfo common database is used to produce standard periodic reports, such as UNDAF reports
Conclusions • DevInfo common database helps increase coherence of UN at country level: • Reducing duplication of efforts • Promoting agreement on indicators, data values, etc. • Providing a common source of data as basis for planning, programming, etc. • DevInfo helps in the presentation of data to support evidence-based planning and programming: • Analysis and prioritization (correlations, disaggregation) • Monitoring (trends) • Reporting (creation of standard reports)
For further information contact: Astrid Marschatz astrid.marschatz@undg.org Nicolas Pron npron@unicef.org Visit www.devinfo.org