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3. Which literary work exposed the evils of slavery? (1) Common Sense (2) The Jungle

1. Abolition, the Underground Railroad, and the Dred Scott decision would all be included in a discussion of: (1) banking ( 2) slavery (3) foreign affairs ( 4) transportation.

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3. Which literary work exposed the evils of slavery? (1) Common Sense (2) The Jungle

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  1. 1. Abolition, the Underground Railroad, and the Dred Scott decision would all be included in adiscussion of:(1) banking (2) slavery(3) foreign affairs (4) transportation

  2. 2. An issue that divided the North and South and led to the Civil War was the(1) length of the term of the president(2) use of judicial review by the Supreme Court(3) balance of power between the states and the federal government(4) application of the impeachment process

  3. 3. Which literary work exposed the evils of slavery? • (1) Common Sense (2) The Jungle • (3) The Grapes of Wrath (4) Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  4. 4- The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were added to the Constitution during the Reconstruction period to • (1) bring an end to the Civil War • (2) limit the powers of the president • (3) improve the operation of the electoral college • (4) grant legal rights to African Americans

  5. 5. The separate but equal principle established by the decision in Plessyv. Ferguson (1896) led to the • (1) start of the Civil War • (2) end of the Reconstruction period • (3) spread of racially segregated public facilities • (4) integration of white and African-American military regiments

  6. 6. How were many African Americans in the South affected after Reconstruction ended in 1877? • (1) A constitutional amendment guaranteed their social development • (2) The Freedman’s Bureau helped them become farmowners • (3) Jim Crow laws placed major restrictions on their rights • (4) Southern factories offered them jo training and employment opportunities

  7. 7. Which newspaper headline would have appeared during the Reconstruction period after the Civil War? • (1) “Jim Crow Laws End” • (2) “Former Slaves Made Citizens” • (3) “Supreme Court Issues Dred Scott Decision” • (4) “Emancipation Proclamation Issued”

  8. 8. After the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, African Americans continued to experience political and economic oppression because • (1) the amendments were not intended to solve their problems • (2) many African Americans distrusted the Federal Government • (3) Southern legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws • (4) poor communication kept people from learning about their legal rights

  9. 9. In their plans for Reconstruction, both Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson sought to • (1) punish the South for starting the Civil War • (2) force Southern states to pay reparations to the Federal Government • (3) allow the Southern States to reenter the nation as quickly as possible • (4) establish the Republican Party as the only political party in the South

  10. 10. The term carpetbaggers was used during Reconstruction to describe • (1) Southern whites who supported Radical Republican programs • (2) African Americans who gained control of former Southern plantations • (3) Northerners who moved to the South seeking personal gain • (4) formerly enslaved African Americans who moved to the West

  11. 11. Which change occurred in Southern agriculture in the years following the Civil War? • (1) Many formerly enslaved persons became sharecroppers. • (2) Subsistence farming became illegal. • (3) Cotton production ended. • (4) Most small farms were joined into large plantations.

  12. 12. Poll taxes, literacy tests, and the grandfather clause were all created during the late 1800s to restrict the voting rights of • (1) Native American Indians • (2) women • (3) immigrants • (4) African Americans

  13. 13. Which reference is a primary source document of the Civil War? • (1) an encyclopedia article about the North’s advantages over the South • (2) a biography of General Ulysses S. Grant • (3) a battlefield map drawn by a soldier serving at the Battle of Gettysburg • (4) a book on the effects of the Civil War on the South

  14. Base your answers to questions 14 and 15 on the illustration below and on your knowledge of social studies.

  15. 14. The situation shown in the illustration demonstrates the operation of the • (1) Emancipation Proclamation • (2) poll tax • (3) slave codes • (4) Jim Crow laws

  16. 15. Which term best describes the practice shown in this illustration? • (1) populism • (2) integration • (3) socialism • (4) segregation

  17. 16. What specific rights were given to freedmen with the creation of the 14th and 15th Amendments? • (1) Former slaves were now able to serve in the army and vote for the president • (2) Slavery was abolished and freedmen were given birthright citizenship • (3) Former slaves were now considered citizens but only men could vote in a presidential election • (4) Freedmen and women would now be considered citizens and vote for the president

  18. 17. Although important strides were made, Reconstruction failed to provide lasting guarantees of the civil rights of the freedmen.” Which evidence best supports this statement • (1) passage of the Jim Crow laws towards end of 19th century • (2) ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments • (3) refusal of Southern states to allow sharecropping • (4) passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1866

  19. 18. The Jim Crow laws of the post-Civil War era were attempts by • (1) the Federal Government to improve the status of African Americans and Native Americans • (2) state and local governments to restrict the freedom of African Americans • (3) states to ban organizations such as the KKK • (4) the Radical Republicans in Congress to carry out Reconstruction Plans

  20. SIGNIFICANCE • What were the immediate long-term effects of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments? • HOW DOES THESE AMENDMENTS AFFECT YOU? • WHAT WERE THE ROOT CAUSES WHICH MADE THE 13TH, 14TH AND 15TH AMENDMENTS A NECESITY

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