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Explore the meticulous scientific research and protocols employed by physicist Cláudio Brasil to analyze over 800 paranormal voices, ensuring rigorous methodologies in TCI experiments. Discover the use of advanced equipment like the Trifield Meter for precise measurements. Witness the detailed testing procedures and recorded transcotnacts revealing fascinating insights into paranormal communication.
SCIENTIFIC CONTROL AND RIGOUR... Presentation I amdelighted to talkaboutoneadditional work donebythephysicistand close friend, Cláudio Brasil. Duringthese 6 or 7 yearsof close friendship, hehasalreadyanalyzed more than 800 paranormal voices, consequently, hehasthebiggestrecordofstudiedanalyzes in the world. Every time we do a scientificproject, he is theresponsible for thecontrolareaandwhoelaboratestheprotocols to befollowed. Thegoal is to makeoursurveysthemostcompatiblepossiblewiththeparametersacceptedbytheacademicarea. Withanintensededication, helping in differentareasoftheIPATI’swebsite, Cláudio bringswithinhisbeingthehealthycuriositythat is peculiar to himwhich leads andmotivateshis work. It hasbeen great to seethateveryonewhodedicatesthemselves to this cause, growtogether in everypossibleway. Wehopethatourreadercanfollow us in one more stageofourevolution. Best regards Sonia Rinaldi There are many and simultaneous scientific parameters that we have adopted. The newest includes the use of this appliance. In December 7th, weweredonatedanappliancewithcallsTrifeld Meter, aninstrumentthatcandetectvariationsandmeasuretheintensityoftheelectricfieldsandmicrowaves. The use ofthisequipmentwassuggestedwiththegoalof determine iffield’salterationshappen in the local wherethe TCI experimentstakeplace. Weunderstandthatalltheresearchesmustfollowscientific rigor, sothattheresultscanbeaccepted. Herebywetalkaboutthefirstexperienceswiththeappliance.
Reportbydr. Cláudio Brasil, physicist, withdoctoradeby USP andoneofthosewhohelps IPATI about 7 years. December, 13th, 2007 Presents: Sonia Rinaldi, Silvio Mello and Cláudio Brasil Beforegettingstartedwiththe ITC experiences, a recognitionoftheapplianceand its usagemethodwasmade. Theappliance, as it’ namesays, is capable to measurethreetypesoffields: electric, magneticand radio/microwaves. There is a positionofkey to everyfield, besidestheposition “SUM” (plus), thatregistersthechangesoftheelectricandmagneticfield, simultaneously. Thefirsttestdonewiththeappliancewas to walkaroundallthearea in order to detectifanypointmay show a differentreadingfromwhat is considered normal. Thistesthad a negativeresult, it meansthat, neither in thelaboratory, which is locatedat Sonia Rinaldi’shouse, northerestoftheareashoweduncommonreadings. A secondtestwas to puttheappliance in the “MAGNETIC” position (to magneticfield) andchange its positionalongthelineNorth-Souththrough a fastspinning. In this case, theapplianceregistered a big changedue to thefactthatwe are in theearthmagneticfield. Suchtestallowed us to seetheperfect work oftheappliancebeforewe start theexperiencesoftheday. It wasdecided to adjusttheappliance to theposition “sum”, because it is more efficient to catch eitherthechanges in themagneticandelectricfield. Wetook note ofthereadingbeforethebeginningoftheexperiments. ManyrecordingtestsweredoneusingtheSoundChamber (seethetechnicaldetails in the e-book, to besoonreleased) withGerman background noises. ThetelephonecallwasmadethroughSkype, withthecaptionmadethrough a Panasonic telephoneof 2,4 GHz andthe digital recordingwasmadethroughthePrettyMay.
RECORDED TRANSCONTACTS 7. Paranormal Voice “ We are with you on the radio ” 8. Paranormal Voice: “It´s your oportunity now ” ( É sua vez ) 9. Paranormal Voice; “I hear you” ( Ouço você) 10. German: “ Wait....you´ll hear” 11. Paranormal Voice: “I´m hearing” ( Escutando você) 12. Paranormal voice: “ we hear you, german” 13. Sônia: “Do you prefer with the voice? ” (I ask if he wants the background noise) German: “Of course, I asked for it! ” ( Claro que eu pedi ) 14. German: “peace has no time ” ( A paz não tem tempo ) 15. Sônia: “Can you see us?” Paranormal Voice: “I assure you ” 16. Sônia: “Do you want us to put anything? “ Paranormal Voice; “I´m asking you ” 17. Sônia: “Cláudio is bringing the telephone over here.” Paranormal Voice: “I can see it. ” ( Eu tô vendo ) 18. Paranormal Voice: “Did you call? ” ( Cê chamou? ) 19. Paranormal Voice: “yes, I can see it!” ( Já estou te vendo ! ) 20. Sônia: “Thank you very much... Kiss.... Bye bye “ Paranormal Voice: “I´ll go home” ( Vou para casa!) • 1. Paranormal Voice: “to test ” ( Testar ) • 2. Paranormal Voice: “I´m listening” • 3. German: “Are you listening to me? I am here beside you. ” • 4. Sônia: “I am on the telephone...” • Paranormal Voice: “Yes, I know! ” ( Eu já sei!) • 5. Sônia: “We are testing” • Paranormal Voice: “It´s a contact ” • 6. Paranormal Voice: “You are smiling. ” • Sônia: “Can you see that Claudio and Silvio are here? “ • Paranormal Voice: “ For sure ”
Spectrum 3D of one of the audios recorded, We point the amazing missing of the noises. In these graphics, when the more yellow and green, the highest the sound is. In this graphic, we can notice that all the high frequencies in blue, shows silence, it means that all the voice is concentrated in the low area. Right in the first experiment it was noticed that the paranormal voice was coming up practically without background noises, such was the clearness of the registered voices. This made us think about the possibilities to do the next test without any background noise as a base. So it was made, but without success, what shows the necessity to work upon the sounds. In new experiments we got many interesting contacts. One of them mentioned the word “radio”, just like the name of the appliance we were using, what made us think that maybe they would be using something like radio/microwaves. Because of that, a new test was made with the detector in the position “RADIO/WAVE”, but once again, no changes were detected in the field. In one of the last experiments, to our great surprise, we noticed that Mr. German’s voice came out directly from the acoustic box of the computer. This was really a great surprise. Foloowing, it was heard many other sounds, noises, which came out from the boxes, just like if the communicators were making adjustments to a direct communication. Even with the clear quality of the audio, it was not noticed a significant reading of the Trifield Meter, which always kept the reading near 1. The appliance is sensitive and would even detect the energy of a wireless telephone through a small change of the measure hand. The fact that the appliance reading didn’t change, shows that the ITC phenomenon happens without any interference in the eletromagnetic field of the laboratory, it means that the phenomenon does not occur upon the conditions known by our Science. ANALYZES: The analyze of the paranormal audios recorded by the new method shows significant variances when compared to the audios recorded by the old method. The main think that we noticed is that the audios now are clearer, according to what is how in the graphic bellow.
Sônia: “Have you noticed that we have an extra guest today? (“O senhor viu que nós temos uma visita extra hoje?”) Mr. Alemão: (You know, friendship is important...” (“Sabe, amizade é importante...”) Mr. Alemão: “Not complicated” (“Descomplicado!”) Sônia: “An E.T.?” (“Um ET?”) Mr. Alemão: “Guaranteed, testing“ (Garantido, testando”) Sônia: “We’re going to change now, we will use just one voice!” (“Nós vamos alterar agora, deixando uma voz só!”) Mr. Alemão: “I recorded” (“Eu gravei”) Sônia: “Do you think it’s better this way?” (“Por um acaso assim fica melhor?”) Mr. Alemão: “You should raise it, did you listen” ? (“Deve aumentar, escutou!?”) December, 28th, 2007 Presents: Sonia Rinaldi, Aldo Gabiroboertz and Cláudio Brasil. In this second day of experiences, the objective was to test the new appliance, Trifield Meter, a bigger control and register of the ongoing experiments took place. In the experimentation field our goal was to do a new test of recording without background noise and to record new eventual contacts through the acoustic box which is connected to the computer. The appliance was adjusted to the position “SUM” and the field intensity was measured before the beginning of the experiences. The appliance was adjusted in a way to bip if some alteration in the reading was detected. Experiment 2 Background noise: Mr. German in two appliances – volume is on the 5th scale; Test done with the acoustic boxes of the computer on and off; The first part: boxes on, The second part: the boxes were off. Sônia: “Do you hear me, Mr.German ? (“O senhor está me ouvindo, Sr. Alemão?) Mr. Alemão: “OF course, I am.” (“Claro que eu estou!”) Mr. Alemão: “I listen to the Central message”. (“Tá ouvindo mensagem Central”) Sônia: “”Now I don’t listen absolutely nothing from there” (Agora, realmente, não ouço nada dali!”) Mr. Alemão:“Understand!” (Entender!”) Mr. Alemão: “”Record here”. (“Grava daqui”) DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENTS: Experiment 1: Background noise: German in 2 appliances – the volume is on the 5th scale; Calling from Skype to a home phone, answered in a wireless telephone; Acoustic Boxes connected to the computer. Woman’s voice: “My friend” (“Meu amigo”) Woman’s voice: “He knows! That I see!” (“Ele sabe! que eu to vendo!”) Sônia: “”Hi Mr.German, good afternoon...we are testing...” (Oi Sr. Alemão, boa tarde... nós estamos fazendo um teste...”) Mr. Alemão: “You’re testing, I see it”. (“Tá testando, sigo vendo!”)
Experiment 4 Background noise: Ruído de fundo: german in the computer; Acoustic boxes connected and the caption telephone put in the cone no cone de espuma. Note: these were the best results we got in the day. Mr. Alemão: “”To test, don’t you know? (Testar, ce não sabe”) Mr. Alemão: “Hello, testing the image” (“Alô, testar imagem!”) Sônia: “Experiment 4...” (“Experimento 4...”) It’s important to observe that during all the time they made it clear that they are helping us with the tests, telling us what we should do. Aldo: “What’s the dimensional level?” (“Qual o nível dimensional...”) Mr. Alemão: “Decrease”! (“Desce!!!”) Aldo: “...that we are going through” (“...que nós estamos atravessando...”) Aldo: “to our communication” (...para nossa comunicação”) Mr. Alemão: “Give another entry” (“Dar outra entrada!”) Experiment 3 Background noise: German in the computer; Noise reproduced in the earphones; Wireless telephone, using as the receiver and put between the speakers of the phone. Sônia: “Hi, Mr. German?” (“Oi, Sr. Alemão?) Mr. Alemão: “Hi” (“Olá!”) Mr. Alemão: “Know!” (“Sabe!”) Sônia: “Mr. Aldo has a question.” (“O Sr. Aldo tem uma pergunta”) Mr. Alemão: “Tower is Alfa” (“Torre ser Alfa!”) Sônia: “Does Mr. Narish has a message to Cláudio”? (“O Sr. Narisha tem algum recadinho pro Cláudio”) It’s good to remind that the name Alfa appeared in 1986 when Sonia Rinaldi wrote by channeling, a book called “Missão Alfa” (Ed. Clarim). It’s the possible name of the Station that contacted us. Mr. Alemão: “Pass way, this can be” (“Passar estrada, este pode”) Personal message related to Cláudio’s son. Sônia: “Mr. Narisha, are you following these tests?” (“Sr. Narisha está acompanhando estes testes?”) Mr. Alemão: “Yes” (“Está!”) Sônia: “A Kiss?” ( “Um beijo?”) Sr. Alemão: “To Aldo” (“À Aldo”) We remind you that Aldo is the person that we have as a guest at the moment of the recording. Mr. Alemão: “He is on a trip!” (“Está de viagem!”) It’s a truly confirmation that he knew Aldo, because Aldo was in SP but he would travel to RJ on the following day. Mr. Alemão: “”What a beautiful student”. (Que linda estudante”) Experiment 5 The acoustic boxes are on and on the highest volume; Background noise was not used; interference in the microphone happened, which obligated us to turn down the volume of the boxes. Mr. German:: “We explain, listen to me!” (“Explicamos, me escutem!”) He insists to direct us. Mr. Alemão: “Missing, beautiful mother” (“Saudade, mãe bonita!”) Sônia: “A kiss” (“Um beijo”) Sônia: “No, no, but it’s recording...” (“Não, não, mas ta gravando...”) Mr. Alemão: “But here too” (Mas aqui também”) Sônia: “Thank you” (“Obrigado!”) Mr. Alemão: “You’re welcome” (“De nada!”)
DIRECT IN THE RECORDER In order to dominate the occurences, everything was described in a digital recorder, which was always held by Cláudio. When we listened to the recordings, we noticed tha the paranormal voices became trembled, for example: Mr. Alemão: “I’m asking!” (Vai estou pedindo!”) Cláudio: “...that in the moment with the reading near the 1” (“... que no momento com leitura próximo de 1”) Cláudio: “(...) without significant changes” (“(...) sem alterações significativas...”) Mr. Alemão: “Interphone I am talking” (“Interfone estou falando!”) Cláudio: “(...) heard in this moment” (“(...) ouvida nesse momento”) Mr. Alemão: “It will be noticed, I saw it.” (“Vai notar, eu vi!”) CONCLUSION: The tests showed that Trifield Meter is working as it should and it has the sensitivity to dectect smalls changes in the intensity of any measurable field. Although changes didn’t happen in the eletric/magnetic field during the experiences, showing that there’s no influence upon the physical conditions in the place of the experiement. The equipment we were using at the moment can’t explain why and how it works.We are in the learning phase related to the paranormal phenomenon registered in audios and images and it is up to us to observe and register the happenings so that our science can grow and consequently help us to understand the process that allows to make the transcontacts possible. Control experiences are going to remain, mainly on tests with caption of images (what has not been done yet) and also, compare the measures of other enviroments so we can identify the different spaces. In other words, the recordings control matter is still beginning, but we are proud to have started it, because there are not too many researches that have started yet. The knowledge will grow little by little, just like our efforts. We hope that the future generations can be benefit by the effort we are doing now with so much passion, so they can go further in the discovery that will make the connection from the invisile to the visible flows.