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Kapitel 4. Netzzugang. Kapitel 4: Lernziele. Students will be able to: Explain how physical layer protocols and services support communications across data networks. Build a simple network using the appropriate cable.
Kapitel 4 Netzzugang W. Schulte
Kapitel 4: Lernziele Students will be able to: Explain how physical layer protocols and services support communications across data networks. Build a simple network using the appropriate cable. Explain the role of the data link layer in supporting communications across data networks. Compare media access control techniques and logical topologies used in networks. W. Schulte
Kapitel 4 • 4.1 Physical Layer Protocols • 4.2 Network Media • 4.3 Data Link Layer Protocols • 4.4 Media Access Control • 4.5 Summary W. Schulte
4.1 Getting it ConnectedConnecting to the Network W. Schulte
Getting it ConnectedNetwork Interface Cards Connecting to the Wireless LAN with a Range Extender W. Schulte
Purpose of the Physical LayerPhysical Layer Media W. Schulte
0 1 1 0 0 1 Line Codes Takt Binary (NRZ) Return to Zero Manchester - Logische Eins durch Transition von der unteren zur oberen Amplitude. Die Null wird invertiert. Polaritäts- orientiert. Eine oder zwei Transition pro Bitzeit - Benutzung bei CSMA/CD Differential Manchester - Polaritätsunabhängig - Keine Transition wenn Eins folgt, Transition bei Null - Benutzung bei Tokenzugriffsmethode W. Schulte
Purpose of the Physical LayerPhysical Layer Standards W. Schulte
Fundamental Principles of Layer 1Physical Layer Fundamental Principles W. Schulte
Fundamental Principles of Layer 1Bandwidth Bandbreite W. Schulte
Fundamental Principles of Layer 1Throughput W. Schulte
Fundamental Principles of Layer 1Types of Physical Media W. Schulte
4.2 Network MediaCopper Cabling W. Schulte
Copper CablingCopper Media Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) cable Coaxial cable W. Schulte
Copper CablingUnshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) Cable W. Schulte
Copper CablingShielded Twisted-Pair (STP) Cable Braided or Foil Shield Foil Shields W. Schulte
Copper CablingCoaxial Cable W. Schulte
Copper CablingCooper Media Safety W. Schulte
UTP CablingProperties of UTP Cabling W. Schulte
UTP CablingUTP Cabling Standards W. Schulte
UTP CablingUTP Connectors W. Schulte
UTP CablingTypes of UTP Cable W. Schulte
UTP CablingTesting UTP Cables W. Schulte
Fiber Optic CablingProperties of Fiber Optic Cabling W. Schulte
Fiber Optic CablingFiber Media Cable Design W. Schulte
Fiber Optic CablingTypes of Fiber Media W. Schulte
Fiber Optic CablingNetwork Fiber Connectors W. Schulte
Fiber Optic CablingTesting Fiber Cables W. Schulte
Fiber Optic CablingFiber versus Copper W. Schulte
Wireless MediaProperties of Wireless Media W. Schulte
Wireless MediaProperties of Wireless Media W. Schulte
Wireless MediaTypes of Wireless Media W. Schulte
Wireless MediaWireless LAN Cisco Linksys EA6500 802.11ac wireless router W. Schulte
Wireless Media802.11 Wi-Fi Standards Packet Tracer W. Schulte
Anschlüsse W. Schulte
WAN Schnittstellen-Standards Standard: EIA/TIA 232 (RS 232) Stecker: 25-Pin Geschwindigkeit: 64 kBit/s Standard: EIA/TIA 449 (RS 449) Stecker: 37-Pin D-Sub Geschwindigkeit: 2 MBit/s Standard: V.35 Stecker: 34 Pin Geschwindigkeit: 2 MBit/s W. Schulte
WAN Schnittstellen-Standards • Standard: X.21 • Stecker: DB 15 ISO 4903 • Geschwindigkeit: 64 kBit/s • Standard: EIA 530 oder RS 422/423 Ersatz für EIA 449 • Stecker: D 25 (male only) • Geschwindigkeit: 2 MBit/s W. Schulte
4.3 Purpose of the Data Link LayerThe Data Link Layer W. Schulte
Purpose of the Data Link LayerData Link Sublayers 802.3 Ethernet 802.11 Wi-Fi 802.15 Bluetooth W. Schulte
Purpose of the Data Link LayerMedia Access Control W. Schulte
Purpose of the Data Link LayerProviding Access to Media W. Schulte
Data Link LayerLayer 2 Frame Structure W. Schulte
Layer 2 Frame StructureCreating a Frame W. Schulte
Data Link LayerLayer 2 Standards W. Schulte
Layer 2 StandardsData Link Layer Standards W. Schulte
TopologiesPhysical and Logical Topologies W. Schulte