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Meeting Public health challenges for controlling HCV infection WHO informal consultation with VHPB Geneva, May 13-14, 2002. Prof Alessandro Zanetti Institute of Virology – University of Milan. Hepatitis C: a major worldwide public health problem. 170 million chronic carriers.
Meeting Public health challenges for controlling HCV infection WHO informal consultation with VHPB Geneva, May 13-14, 2002 Prof Alessandro Zanetti Institute of Virology – University of Milan
Hepatitis C:a major worldwide public health problem • 170 million chronic carriers • In developed countries the incidence has • progressively declined for: • improvment of general standard of living • and hygiene • introduction of general public health mea- • sures (screening for safe blood, use of • disposable syringes and needles, universal • precautions in medical settings, etc)
Strategies for primary prevention of HCV • Identification of carriers and acutely • infected individuals (counselling, • treatment) • Interruption of the viral chain of • transmission
Measures to prevent hepatitis C transmission through: • Transfusion • I. V. drug use and other parenteral exposures • Nosocomial • Sexual • Household contact and daily life • Vertical/perinatal
Blood transfusion safety: prevention strategies • Selection of periodic, volunteer, • unremunerated donors • Evaluation of medical and personal history • Confidential unit exclusion • Implementation of donors screening • Viral inactivation • Proper use of blood, blood components • and derivates
Residual risk of transfusion-transmitted viral infections • Mostly related to the pre-seroconversion window period. • The probability of transmitting HCV through transfusion of screened blood is related to the length of the pre-seroconversion window phase and the incidence of HCV infection among donors. • The magnitude of residual risk may differ within countries depending on the sensitivity of the assays used for screening and on the level of HCV endemicity.
Residual risk of transfusion-associated HCV infection in Italy (Transfusion 2002, in press) Methods Matematical model (incidence/ window-period model) Study populationSite: Lombardy Period: Jan 1996-Dec 2000 n° records examined for periodic, volunteer, unpaid donors: 2, 411, 800 Mean donors per year: 223,500 Donation index: 2.1 Laboratory 3rd generation EIA supplemental assays
Estimated residual risk of transmitting HCV/HIV by transfusion of antibody-screened blood Year Residual risk Estimated donations +ve during the window HCVHIV phase x 106 donations (95%CI) (95%CI) HCVHIV 1996 1: 90,909 1:357,142 11 2.8 1997 1: 100,000 1:370,370 10 2.7 1998 1 : 163,934 1:1,000,000 6.1 1 1999 1 : 158,730 1:400,000 6.3 2.5 2000 1 : 181,818 1:400,000 5.5 2.5 Total 1 : 126,582 1:434,782 7.9 2.3 (100,000-175,438) (333,333-588,235) (5.7-10) (1.7-3)
Estimated residual risk to the blood supply in Europe and in the USA Cases per 106 donations Lombardy 18 15.03 16 14 12 9.7 2 10 7.9 8 6 4.481 4 2.03 2 2.3 1.75 1 2 0.58 3 0 HCV HIV 1Couroucé (1996);2Schreiber (1996);3Allain (1997)
Residual risk of transfusion-transmitted HCV • It is currently very small in developed • countries. • The safety of blood supply remains a major • source of public concern, requiring a continous • effort to reach zero-risk. • NAT can shorten the window period and, • consequently, further reduce the residual risk • of HCV transmission.
Declining time to detection of HCV/HIV markers during the window phase following infection HCV RNA HCV Ag EIA 3.0 EIA 2.0 EIA 1.0 0 13 14 70 80 150 (days) Infection HCV HIV RNA p24 Ag EIA 3.0 0 11 16 22 (days) Infection HIV
Estimated reduction of the residual risk of transfusion-transmitted HCV (7.9 x 106 donations) and HIV (2.3 x 106 donations) by using direct viral detection assays in combination with the existing serologic assays Estimated window Estimated window %Reduction Project yeld (infected Estimated phase period phase reduction unit detected x106 Residual Risk (days) (days) units) x106 donations HCV: NAT 13 57 81.4 6.4 1.5 cAg 14 56 80 6.3 1.6 HIV: NAT 11 11 50 1.15 1.15 p24 16 6 28 0.6 1.7
Measures to reduce risk of transfusion-associated hepatitis C • Solvent/detergent treatment of plasma and • derivates (utilized with success against enveloped • viruses). • Photochemical decontamination using psoralen • and UV light (effective to inactivate a wide range • of viruses). • The possibility to inactivate also agents whose • genomic sequences are unknown (not detectable • by NAT) offers the potential for approaching • of zero risk associated to transfusion.
HCV transmission by i.v. drug use • In many developed countries, drug use is the • major source of HCV infection. • In Europe up to 60-70% of IVDUs living in urban • areas of the major cities, are anti-HCV positives. • The rate of infection depends on the lenght of • the time of drug abuse (25% of infection during • the first year of addiction, 50% after 5 years • and up to 90% for more than 5 years of use).
Prevention of HCV transmission by i.v. drug use (1) • Need of extensive education campaigns aimed: • to prevent initiation of drug use • to reduce harm-behaviours • to avoid sharing of syringes and needles, • water or drug preparation equipments.
Prevention of HCV transmission by i.v. drug use (2) • For IVDUs who cannot or will not stop injecting • drugs: • Easy access to sterile syringes*(syringe exchange • program), accompanied by counselling and health • education. • Safe disposal of used syringes (to reduce the chance • of re-use of blood-contamined syringes and to assure • the community about the risk of discarded syringes • in the neighborhoods). * some countries have legal restrictions on the sale and distribution of sterile syringes
Piercing, tatooing • Education on the potential risk of acquiring blodd-borne viruses through indequates sterilized equipment, including needles. • Tattoing makers must follow infection-control • procedures (i.e. using gloves, cleaning and • disinfecting surfaces, etc).
Nosocomial and occupational exposure • Nosocomial transmission of HCV through unsafe • injections and other medical practices or through • unscreened blood remains a major problem in • developing countries. • In developed countries, HCV spread is mainly • related to non-strict observance of universal • precaution measures (indequate disinfection/ • sterilization, sharing of medication vials and supplies • and contamined equipment).
Modalities of acquiring blood-borne viruses in health-care settings • Nosocomialfrom the environment to the • patient or from patient-to-patient • Occupationalfrom an infected patient to the • HCW • From an HCW to the patient
Nosocomial transmission of HCV • Anedoctical cases as well as outbreaks of HCV • are documented, especially in hemodialysis • and in haematologic settings. • Out patients facilities (i.e. endoscopic services • and dentist’s surgery) also represent high-risk • settings.
Measures to control and prevent nosocomial transmission of HCV • Strict observance of universal precautions. • Education and training of HCWs to the proper use • of standard precautions including vaccination • against HBV. • Hemodialysis setting • Precautions should be even more stringents. • Patients should have assigned specific dialysis stations. • Clean and contamined areas should be separated. • Isolation of HCV infected patients is not • recommended.
Occupational risk of acquiring HCV in health-care settings and measures to prevent it • Risk is low. • Follow-up studies of needlestick from HCV+ • sources indicate a 1-10% seroconversion rate in • recipients (mean risk of 1.8%). • From an Italian study carried out on 3,795 expo- • sures to HCV, the rate of transmision was 0.4% • (0.9% in cases of exposures to hollow needles and • 0.3% for conjunctival exposure)*. • Standard barrier precautions and engineering • controls should be implemented to prevent infection. *Eurosurveillance 1999; 4:33.
Transmission of HCV from HCWs to patients and measures to prevent it • Transmission can occur but is very rare. • To date, six reports of confirmed transmission of • HCV from HCWs to patients have been published, • including a Spanish anesthesiologist addicted to • oppioids who infected nearly 200 patients. • Look back of 2,286 women who had been operated • between January ’93 and March 2000 by an HCV • infected gynecologist, showed that only one • (0.04%) woman acquired infection by the • surgeon (Arch Intern Med 2002; 162: 805).
HCV-Provider-to-Patient Transmission Published Cases Case 1 An HCV-positive surgeon infected a patient during valve replacement surgery. Case 2 A highly viremic cardiothoracic surgeon infected five of his patients intraoperatively between 1988 and 1993. Cases 3 and 4 HCV provider-to-patient transmissions by two gynecologists. Case 5 An HCV-positive anesthesiologist transmitted the virus during a cardiothoracic operation. Case 6 A Spanish anesthesiologist addicted to opioids infected almost 200 of his patients intentionally. Esteban et al., 1996; Duckworth et al., 1999; UK Health Department, 2000; Bosch, 2000; Garfein, 2000
Management of HCV infected HCWs • No need to screen HCWs and no recommendations • (CDC, EASL) exist to restrict professional activities • of infected HCWs who, hovewer, must follow strict • aseptic tecniques and universal precautionary • measures. • According to a Consensus Conference held at the • ISS in Rome*, HCV infected (RNA+) HCWs should • abstain from directly performing invasive • (exposure prone) procedures while no other • limitations in their activities are necessary. • *Digest Liver Dis 2001; 33:795.
It occurs but the virus is inefficiently transmitted • through this route. Sexual transmission of HCV • Sex is a common behaviour and the existence of • a large reservoir of HCV carriers provides multiple • opportunities for exposure to potentially infected • partners. • Adolescents and young adults, individuals with • multiple partners, prostitutes and their clients, • patients with STDs, partners of HCV and HIV co- • infected persons are at the increased risk of • acquiring HCV sexually. • No reliable HCV markers (i.e. genotype or HCV load) • canpredict transmission.
Prevention of sexual transmission of HCV • Counselling and education (especially for adole- • scents). • Individuals in long-term monogamous relationship • should be informed of the low risk of transmission • and encouraged to discuss the risk and the use of • barrier protections with sexual partners. • The use of condom is strongly recommended for • individuals with multiple partners, with STDs • and for IVDUs. • There is no clear evidence that prophylaxis • with Ig canevent sexual transmission of HCV.
Prevention of HCV transmission (Household contacts and “daily life”) • HCV can be percutaneously transmitted within families. • Infected persons should be informed on preventive • measures. • Prevention includes avoiding shared use of razors, • toothbrushers and any item that pierces the skin. • Sharing meals or eating utensiles is not a known • risk factor. • “Daily life” is not a risk factor. • There is no evidence to justify exclusion of anti-HCV + • individuals from partecipation in social, educational • or employment activities.
Hepatitis C and pregnancy • Pregnancy is not contraindicated in women with HCV. • Maternal infection does not appear to affect pregnancy • adversely nor does pregnancy have adverse effects on • the course of the liver disease. • A woman with HCV infection should not be counselled • against becoming pregnant. • The major issue raised by HCV infection during pre- • gnancy is how to decrease the risk of viral transmis- • sion to the newborn. • Available drugs cannot be used in pregancy since they • are teratogenic (Ribavirin) or have adverse effects on • fetal growth (Interferon).
Mother-to-child transmission of HCV (1) • Risk is less than 5% but is higher for babies • born to woman with HIV co-infection. • Transmission is restricted to infants whose • mothers are viremic (RNA+). • Risk of infection increases with increasing • maternal viral load, but a specific cut-off value • which predicts transmission cannot be defined. • Transmission is not related to specific genotypes.
Mother-to-child transmission of HCV (2) • There is no evidence to support that caesarean delive- • ry may reduce risk of HCV transmission compared to • vaginal delivery. • The role of obstetric variables such as type of vaginal • delivery (spontaneous, induced, operative), duration of • rupture membranes and timing of caesarean section • (before, during labour) remains largely unexplored. • The safety of obstetric procedures (use of monitoring • devices and different instruments) during pregnancy • in mothers HCV+ is not well documented. • Caution should be recommended in using any invasive • procedures (i.e. chorionic villous sampling, amniocente- • sis, cord blood sampling) that may expose the fetus or • the neonate to maternal blood.
Mother-to-infant transmission of HCV • HCV can be detectable in colostrum and milk but • breastfeeding appears to be safe and is not • contraindicated. • Factors that might modify the risk of viral trans- • mission by breastfeeding (i.e. duration of lacta- • tion, levels of HCV-RNA in colostrum and milk, • exposure to chapped nipples) require further • studies.
Assisted reproductive techniques • There are insufficient data on the interaction between • HCV infection and ART to make recommendations. • If the woman is infected, the couple should counselled • on the potential risk of mother-to-child transmission. • If the male is infected, there is a potential risk of • transmission to female if semen contains HCV. • Over 1400 intrauterine inseminations attempts with • processed semen of males HCV+ have been perfor- • med without a case of transmission to the uninfected • partner (1). • There is no report of HCV transmission through • heterologous gametes by individuals infected with • HCV, but is recommended to select uninfected donors. • 1.Semprini AE - personal communication
Persons who should be screened for HCV infection • Persons who received transfusion or solid • trasplants prior to donor screening (1991) • Haemophiliacs • HCWs after percutaneous or mucosal exposure • to anti-HCV+ blood • IVDUs • Hemodialyzed patients • Donors of blood, organ or tissue transplantation • Children born to mothers with hepatitis C
HCV screening • Screening should be accompained by pre and • post-counselling. • Screening is not recommended for general po- • pulation as well as for pregnant woman (or limi- • ted to woman undergoing prenatal invasive • procedures?) and HCWs (except those involved in • exposure prone procedures). • Future availability of effective drugs to treat • infections and of a protective vaccine might • change our current strategy for screening.