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2. Introduction. We recently managed to obtain confidential information on the technical specification of QIS4, which was discussed in the Extraordinary Members' Meeting of CEIOPS on 17 Dec 2007The specification we obtained only covers solo companies only, but is still 229 pages longThe Groups sec
1. 4.2 QIS 4 preliminary comments on draft TS
2. Introduction We recently managed to obtain confidential information on the technical specification of QIS4, which was discussed in the Extraordinary Members Meeting of CEIOPS on 17 Dec 2007
The specification we obtained only covers solo companies only, but is still 229 pages long
The Groups section was missing / still being drafted
This presentation summarises our preliminary findings, which is being shared with the SG
Key points that will be discussed are in a bold font
Lesser points for information are in a grey font
Once the final version is published we will review that in more detail and it should be noted that that some aspects of this may differ from the draft version we comment on here
3. Initial key messages improvements Some improvements compared to QIS3
Increased guidance provided, but we have not yet seen the spreadsheet
Includes many simplified approaches and proxies for best estimate liabilities
More flexible and pragmatic approach to market-consistent approaches
Market and premium risk removed from CoC-methodology
Can more fully use own company-specific factors in SCR for Non life premium and reserve risk
Introduction of geographical diversification in non-life underwriting risk
Mass lapse catastrophe stress reduced from 75% to 30%
4. Initial key messages - concerns
Some new concerns
Risk free rates based on government bonds and not swaps, which will significantly increase technical provisions and therefore reduce available capital
New linear MCR approach - not risk sensitive and a retrograde step back to Solvency I
Duration requirements for hybrid step up instruments could make them unmarketable and have major implications for existing instruments
Some old concerns remain
Treatment of deferred tax QIS4 spec is confused and not as agreed with EU Commission
6% cost of capital
Non life calibration
No allowance for expected profits/losses for non-life
5. Section 1 Valuation Technical Provisions Principles
6. Section 1 Valuation Technical Provisions risk margin
7. Section 1 Valuation Technical Provisions risk margin (cont)
8. Section 1 Valuation Technical Provisions life technical provisions
9. Section 1 Valuation Technical Provisions non-life technical provisions
10. Section 2 Own funds
11. Section 3 SCR general structure
12. Section 3 SCR risk mitigation
13. Section 3 SCR operational risk
14. Section 3 SCR market risk
15. Section 3 SCR counterparty default risk
16. In QIS 3, Ť Counterparty Default Risk is the risk of default of a counterparty to risk mitigating contracts like reinsurance and financial derivatives. ť
An alternative approach* for un-rated counterparties under Solvency II (total / equivalent) regimes, is to set up an equivalence between solvency ratio and ratings
Section 3 SCR counterparty default risk
17. Section 3 SCR life u/w risk
18. Section 3 SCR health risk
19. Section 3 SCR non-life u/w risk
20. Section 5 MCR