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Activity. While you are waiting for us to begin, please complete the question on the handout.
Activity • While you are waiting for us to begin, please complete the question on the handout.
ImplementingService Learning to Encourage Students’ Real World Application of Biology Amy E. Kulesza, Kelsie M. Bernot, & Judith S. RidgwayCenter for Life Sciences EducationThe Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Today’s Objectives • Recognize the distinction between service learning and community service • Analyze the potential areas of impact on student learning from a service learning course • Apply ideas for service learning to your own courses • Evaluate efficacy of service learning projects
Outline • Background on Service Learning • Our service learning course in an introductory biology class • The results of the course and how it impacted our practice • What changes we’ve made and plans for the future
What is the distinction between service learning and community service?
Why is Service Learning High-Impact? • Students think about biology for an extended time outside of the classroom. • Students integrate multiple topics across society and the classroom (Kuh 2008). • Students spend more time interacting with peers, community members, and faculty in purposeful scientific discussion (Brownell and Swaner 2010). • Students participate in several critical reflections (Ash and Clayton 2009).
MMORE (Multiple Myeloma Opportunities for Research & Education) • Service: Students volunteered at MMORE’s annual fundraising gala. • Learning: • Gala guest speakers • Visit MM research laboratory • meet a MM survivor
Waterman Farms • Service: Students planted thousands of tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and other plants in the Garden of Hope for cancer patients • Learning: • Visit School of Agriculture’s fruits and vegetables large scale processing facility • Learn about ongoing studies on the cardioprotective effects lycopene isoforms in tomatoes • Participate in a Consumer Sensory Testing experience
Red Cross • Service: Recruit participants and serve as administrative staff for blood drive • Learning: • Tour regional Red Cross manufacturing facility • Visit research laboratory that uses blood from the Red Cross to study immune cell function.
Pelotonia (Cycling Fundraiser for Cancer Research) • Service: Students designed and posted recruitment flyers/sidewalk art to raise awareness of Pelotonia • Learning: • hands-on training in robotic surgery (used for prostate cancer) • Visited a cancer research laboratory • Met a cancer survivor
Supporting our Furry Friends (OSU vet school) • Service: Students volunteered at the OSU Veterinary School Annual open house • Learning: • Students toured OSU Veterinary Medical Center
COSI (Center of Science and Industry) • Service: Students helped COSI guests test their brain power and problem solving skills while introducing them to puzzles, riddles and mental challenges • Learning: • Students visited the Science Center exhibits
PosterSession • Poster Design • metrics for analyzing the efficacy and significance of contribution • identifying specific connections between classroom biology topics and their service activity • presenting ideas for future contributions an individual, as a class, and OSU as a university • Peers, faculty, and community partners at a formal symposium
Discovery of Unexpected Instructor Benefits • felt more engaged with the students • felt more enthusiastic about teaching • requests from other students not in the class to join • Increased interdisciplinary collaboration
What kind of service learning could you incorporate into your classes?
How student responses informed our practice • Students wished more classes had service learning components • Students made connections between course material and service activities both verbally and in written format. • Students felt they had made significant contributions had had a better understand of the communities’ needs around them.
Activity Part II • As a group, use the rubric to evaluate at least one person’s response (5 mins)
How to measure associated changes in student learning? • Methods for assessing student skills vs. comprehension? • Short term vs. long term retention? • Formative vs. summative?
Acknowledgements • Community Service and Learning Partners • Nancy Kaufmann and Steve Fink, PhD (MMORE co-founders) • Laura Wieks (CelebrateMMORE gala volunteer coordinator) • Don Benson, MD, David Ciarilello, Matt Hare • Candice Hines (Red Cross Coordinator, OSU) • American Red CrossCentral-Southeast Ohio Region • Tiffany Hughes, PhD • Karl Koon (Pelotonia Team Buckeye Captain) • Ohio State's Center for Advanced Robotic Surgery • Michael Caliguiri, MD, Bethany Mundy-Bosse, PhD and Sabrina Garman • Glenn Mills (Farm Manager, Waterman Farms) • Center for Advanced Functional Foods Research and Entrepreneurship-Robin Ralston, MS, RD • Consumer Sensory Testing Center - Melody Leidheiser • Center of Science and Industry • Biology 1113H Students • Center for Life Sciences Education • Dr. Caroline Breitenberger, Director • Matt Misicka, Assistant Director • Instructors • Dr. Dick Swenson and Dr. Steven Justiniano • Service Learning Initiative at The Ohio State University