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Overview of Engineering Ethics

Overview of Engineering Ethics. G. Scott Rutherford, Professor Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Washington. (Original Notes by Dr. Ron Buckman, Affiliate Professor, CEE, UW). Definition of Key Terms. Stakeholders Conflict of Interest

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Overview of Engineering Ethics

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  1. Overview of Engineering Ethics G. Scott Rutherford, Professor Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Washington (Original Notes by Dr. Ron Buckman, Affiliate Professor, CEE, UW)

  2. Definition of Key Terms Stakeholders Conflict of Interest Significant Professional Relationship Family Members Insider Trading Confidential or Proprietary Information Outside Employment Bribes Kickback Harassment

  3. I – INTRODUCTION A. ETHICS VS. MORALS Morals and ethics often used interchangeably

  4. II – THE ETHICAL ENGINEERA. PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF THE PROFESSIONS • 1990 Survey of Executives of 200 National Companies • Question: Which of the following types of professionals do you think is the most ethical?

  5. Results • Engineers 37% • Certified Public 26% Accountants • Doctors 19% • Lawyers 9% • Dentists 8% • Investment Bankers 1%

  6. As a Result of the Results • More is expected of Engineers by the public.


  8. III - RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITY • A. “RIGHTS” due to law & tradition • B. RESPONSIBILITY for what you do • C. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITY IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE - Loyalty - Perform to best ability - Focus on goals

  9. IV - NINE BASIC STEPS TO ETHICAL DECISION MAKING • A. Step 1 Practice ethical behavior actively (ethical awareness training) • B. Step 2 Beware of “new ethics” (Postmodernism) • C. Step 3 Define the ethical problem when it arises • D. Step 4 Formulate and list alternatives

  10. IV - NINE BASIC STEPS TO ETHICAL DECISION MAKING • E. Step 5 Evaluate the alternatives • F. Step 6 Seek additional assistance • G. Step 7 Choose ethical alternative • H. Step 8 Implement the action • I. Step 9 Monitor the outcome • Examles: Oil Business & Forecasting

  11. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Nov 7, 1940

  12. Tacoma Narrows Bridge 40 MPH Wind

  13. Tacoma Narrows Bridge

  14. NEWTacoma Narrows Bridges

  15. Ethical Issues?? • First, designed by State Engineer • Conventional 25 ft girders, $11 Million • Next, fancy NYC Eng. Moisseiff (Golden Gate Bridge) • 8 Ft I Beams Total cost $8 Million

  16. Kansas City Hyatt Disaster • July 17, 1981 Walkways in Hyatt Fall • 114 dead & 200 injured (most ever) • Design detail changed by fabricator • Dispute on approval by structural firm • Huge loses, lost PE licenses, bankruptcy

  17. Kansas City Hyatt Disaster

  18. Kansas City Hyatt Disaster

  19. Kansas City Hyatt Disaster

  20. Kansas City Hyatt Disaster

  21. Hyatt Ethical Issues • Who is responsible for reviewing shop drawings? • Who is responsible for meeting building codes? • What can we do to avoid these problems in the future? • Avoid 442 page court rulings!!

  22. Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

  23. Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

  24. Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

  25. Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

  26. Minneapolis Bridge Collapse 2006 Inspection Report

  27. Bridge Collapse Issues • Steel Bearings • Steel Gusset Plates • Construction Vibrations • Construction Truck Loads • Secret CIA Sponsored Research at UM • Train Vibrations • Deck…..

  28. Ethics Warm-up You and 9 others have been held captive by FARC rebels for 2 months in the jungles of Columbia. You have paid a guard to smuggle you out but he can only take 6 people total. Since you paid it’s up to you to pick who goes. The others will be tortured, raped and executed when they become aware of the escape.

  29. Ethics Warm-upWho Will You Pick??

  30. Ethics Case Studies • Thursday 10/11/08 • Assemble in groups • Choose two case studies previously assigned • Pick a: group manager time manager note taker other

  31. Ethics Case Studies • Read and discuss two case studies. • What are the major ethics issues? • What would you do? • What should the person in the case study do? • Prepare Business Memo to Professor • Reference where you got format of memo

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