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Using Study Guides to help your staff to write a SoW. SLDM 22 nd June 2010. Quote:. “Traditional curricula in school science… … has been described as akin to being on a train with blacked-out windows – you know you are going somewhere, but only the train driver knows where .”
Using Study Guidesto help your staff to write a SoW SLDM 22nd June 2010
Quote: “Traditional curricula in school science… … has been described as akin to being on a train with blacked-out windows – you know you are going somewhere, but only the train driver knows where.” “Science Education in Europe: Critical Reflections” Who is the train driver?
Objectives and Outcomes WALT: To consider how to support your department to develop a SoW To review the materials available to support that development, especially those on the NS website. WILF: Delegates will feel confident about leading their departments in the re-writing of SoW. Delegates will become familiar with the latest materials available on the NS website.
Your Experience Question: Which Key Stage in your school has got the Schemes of Work that you are most proud of? Discussion: When you started your post, what did the schemes of work look like and what development has been done since? Who did this development, why was it done and what has it achieved?
Current position • So many new SoW are being written or amended at the moment… • New KS3 in light of KS3/4 transition changes (2 year KS3 in some schools) and APP. • New Btec (Sept 2010) • New GCSE (Sept 2011) • KS5!!!
Modification of current SoW: Identifying APP opportunities Chemical Hazards Risk 1.2c [APP AF4] Antacid Investigation 1.2 [APP AF4] Drug company claims Bias 1.1a2 [APP AF1] Common Acids and Alkalis 1.2f Secondary sources [APP AF3] Present report on findings of investigation Communication [Audience & Purpose] 1.1d [APP AF3]
What should inform you when rewriting a SoW • Content progression • Skills progression • AfL • Assessment opportunities • Needs of pupils… Learning Walk feedback. Pupil Voice – Gender Agenda materials (see over)
Gender Agenda Pupil Voice card sort • Do this individually. Think of a particular member of staff in your dept (it could even be you!). Put your cards in order starting with the activity you think that member of staff does most in their lessons. Photograph it! (optional today!)
Card Sort 2 • Now pick the 9 activities you think students will say helps them learn best and arrange in a Diamond 9. Photograph it! (again, optional today).
Card Sort Dept feedback • When you do this with students the cards are the starting point for excellent discussions which tease out what the students think. • At a Dept meeting the 2 photos can be used with your staff. • Card sort can be done with different sets, different groups (e.g. boys and girls) to see if there are any differences • Instant pupil voice information for SEF • Instant feedback to provide clues for writing a new SoW.
Variability in SOW/Lesson Planning The title for this unit is ‘Particle Theory’ In the text book, cover chapter 5 Start with solids, liquids and gases; teach particle theory; do some experiments based on particle theory Detailed ‘minute by minute’ lesson plans
In pairs, discuss the SoW provided • What do you think of it? • What are the positives, negatives and interesting points. • Use the PMI grid provided to record your thoughts. • Feedback
Getting started on a new SOW Blank piece of paper
APP AF3 5.3 Carbon Cycle APP AF1 5.3 Changes over time 1.2f Patterns/ Conclusions APP AF5 APP AF2 ATMOSPHERE OZONE EVIDENCE DEBATE APP AF3 INTRO 1.1a3 ARGUMENTS 1.1a2 Misconceptions MEDIA WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING GLOBAL WARMING 1.1d Communication 3.2 Chemical reactions PHOTOSYNTHESIS CAUSES COMBUSTION BALANCE IN NATURE 1.1a2 Media bias 2.2 APP AF2 4.2 Energy Conservation NON/RENEWABLE RESOURCES FOODWEBS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2.2 APP AF1 4.2 Energy generation 1.1b Decision making APP AF2 1.1a1 Models
Finding materials on the Framework • http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/secondary/science • Learning Objectives • Amplification • Rich Questions • Barriers • Collected documents
Objectives and Outcomes Objectives Activities Outcomes These are the ‘THINGS’ that children are to learn These should be chosen in order to achieve the objectives What the students can show us in the lesson and what we can assess. Various APP helps for HSW outcomes FRAMEWORK gives YLOs/ Individualise Study Guides
Where you want them to be in their learning by the end of the lesson. The things they will have done or produced to prove they’ve got there. Example: Objective Outcome/Success Criteria WILF: A written account for a younger child of how to polish shoes WALT: write simple instructions. Activities
Introducing Study Guides Study Guides have recently been added to the NS website. They are a collection of past materials on the following key topics with some newly-created materials:- • Cells • Earth and Universe • Forces • Particles • Energy • Interdependence (not being discussed today due to a printing malfunction!) Each coloured file contains the Study Guide. We have used some dividers to pull out some important/interesting sections for easy reference… Barriers to Learning, A section of the Science Framework and the Science APP Grid Discuss the Study Guide allocated to your group. Again use a PMI grid so that you can give feedback.
Feedback Discuss your findings with the other group who have the same study guide as you and come to some common ground so that you can give feedback to the whole group – if you can, pull out some really interesting bits to highlight to other delegates.
Outcomes Delegates will feel confident about leading their departments in the re-writing of SoW. Delegates will become familiar with the latest materials available on the NS website. All materials used today (including Study Guides, Framework Materials have been uploaded to the Herts Science Wiki:- http://hertssciencetalk.pbworks.com/ Please spend two minutes reflecting on this session and write a couple of Action Points