How Social Market Research for Charity (SMRC) Works * $0.03 NONINVASIVE PERSONAL ADVERTISING TO SOCIAL FOLLOWER MARKETS - BY & FOR CHARITY W/ REWARDSusing emotional algorithms that can tell what people really, really “Like”, as well as ‘How’ Much they “Like/Dislike” Anything/ Any-topic, *MONETIZES ALL DOCUMENTED FOLLOWER RESPONSE (DFR) TO CONTENT & PROMOTIONAL RESEARCH as Daily “Opportunities”for custom donations w/ rewards that do not require purchase for rewards,*CROWD SOURCING Traffic (Gamification of Research “Opportunities”)for Charity with Rewardsto your followers plus 7+ million socially active followers in the pipeline, noninvasively, to create the ‘Ultimate’ CSR-Cause Marketing Support Service & Personal Philanthropic vehicle for Society. • Truly the next “google” for advertising & traffic to Social Follower Markets – by & for Charity w/ Rewards www.socialmarketresearchforcharity.org– Monetizing Everyone’s “Social Cognitive Surplus” for “Social Good”
Cognitive Surplus: The ability of the world’s population to volunteer, contribute & collaborate on large civic, sometimes global projects. The world has over A Trillion hours a year of Free time to commit to shared projects. SMRC Captures Cognitive Surplus for Charity with Rewards, where no purchase is required – in the 2-way media landscape where every consumer of content is now a producer of content as well. Social Market research for Charity (SMRC):
Envision Our New World, that harnesses social cognitive surplus, “the free time of social producers [e.g. all of us]”, where people: Receive daily rewards, and donations to their favorite humanitarian* charities, for every bit of their anonymous everyday social content(every ‘Tweet, etc.) and feedback, as well as for feedback to their sponsor’s content at ‘day rates’ value (minimum $0.60 per day), Know, up to a week in advance, about on-line and in-store ‘Opportunities’ that alwaysgenerate additional rewards and custom donations, but do not require purchase. The opportunities are for feedback to sponsor content or rewarding $1+ research games to promotional content, in topics each person really “Likes”,supporting their favorite charities, convenient to their location and personal availability [e.g. customized to each person’s free time]. * Where Our Humanity is defined by our compassion for others and our need to socialize. Where each person’s host, in this by-invitation-only service, also receives a small donation to their favorite charities– for every bit of their Follower’s [1] Everyday Content /Feedback and/ or [2] Response to Rewarding Research. Where people will be literally ‘waiting’ in anticipation, for their scheduled rewarding research opportunities. Where Rewards are redeemed for prizes, games contests, awards of charitable receipts, or trade/ exchange . COGNITIVE SURPLUS FOR Charity WITH REWARDS:
SMRC research and reward services support a fully mobilized environment . This allows for original-content generation /everyday-content, feedback to sponsor’s content, and response/ quizzes to rewarding sponsored research – creating custom donations & rewards w/o purchase required, in topics each follower really “Likes”. By allowing people to interact to in-store audience research (demos), this bridges the social – mobile – business gap. The ‘mobile/handheld’ link on SMRC’s website offers multiple options for display/interaction – YouTube, MP4, Flash, or HTML slideshows (3 types). COGNITIVE SURPLUS FOR Charity WITH REWARDS: For MobilE, smartphones & tablets
Responding to Rewarding Research Never miss a web opportunity COGNITIVE SURPLUS FOR Charity WITH REWARDS: For MobilE, smartphones & tablets Everyday Social Content & Feedback The Potential for Mobile Content
SMRC allows every sponsor to easily offer simple $1+ audience research games that reward 10 documented minutes of a follower’s un-divided attention. While many people would not respond for $1-$2, most will, if it is for their favorite charities along with providing the equal value in ‘rewards’. Social Market research for Charity (SMRC): part 1
To personalize each sponsored research opportunity, SMRC monetizes the value of each piece of every follower’s everyday social (e.g. Tweets, comments) and sponsor content & feedback (at a minimum of $0.60 ‘day rates’).It uses an emotional algorithm that ‘knows’ what people really like, matched to their charities, location & availability. Social Market research for Charity (SMRC): Part 2 SMRC Monetizes the value of audience and media research, as a $0.03 per anonymous profile (sponsor cost) - Noninvasive Opportunities Report for research and/or content generation/feedback opportunities, that do not require purchase– published as a highly personalized search function.
SOCIAL MARKET RESEARCH FOR CHARITY (SMRC): Part 2A * Optionally Complimenting & Enhancing the value of EVERY Existing Strategic Social & Syndicated Media promotion – incentivizing a 5-10X increase in response at $0.03 per profile.
Click HERE or on graphic to see enlarged view Social Market research for Charity (SMRC): Part 3 • The SMRC Content, Research & Noninvasive Personal Advertising Cycle for Charity
Note: These videos are also available from links in the first [show/hide] section of SMRC’s web site Clay Shirkey: How Cognitive Surplus will change the world Jesse Schell at G4/DICE: When Games Invade Real Life Social Market research for Charity: Social Proof Jonathan Harris: The web’s secret stories; the emotion of the blogosphere Inspired from TED.com – Ideas Worth Spreading. Click on a video to view highlights
Social Market Research Rewards If you were registered with SMRC, and could recall: The Social Game The two forms of audience research that SMRC monetizes into daily donations with rewards? At least 2 of the 3 highlighted keywords on the first page? The color of the smaller text on the first page? How does SMRC keep charities accountable? (hint: home page) What are the three colors in SMRC’s logo? What does DFR stand for? How/Why does SMRC know what people like, feel or wish for? In addition to the minimum $0.60/day ‘day rate’ (as donations w/ rewards for your everyday social content), you’d have just made $1-$2 (in value) for your charities and personal rewards. Of course, remembering details from a 5 minute presentation, with changing questions on every replay, would be more challenging.
Social Market Research • for Charity (SMRC): Traction & Impact – Year One is a technology service in the Cause Marketing, Advertising, Monetization of Business Intelligence/Social content, Motivational Research, and Gaming industries - Funding Charity & Philanthropy- with 7 million people in the pipeline, including major universities, major children’s health centers, and national youth groups, whose content will generate a minimum of $2.4 Billion in custom charitable donations (& member rewards), year one!SMRC incentivizes the monetization of content and research into custom 501-c3 donations, with a reward system that promotes enormous sponsor interaction, and Goodwill for Local Charity Traction and Impact, Year One!
Monetizing & Matching Cognitive Surplus as Donations with Rewards As stated in the SMRC website header: about funding charity socially SMRCMONETIZES(as Donations w/ Rewards),ALL EVERYDAYSocial/ Media Content, Feedback, and Sponsored $1+ REWARDING Games of Promotional Recall,NOT REQUIRING Purchase for Rewards » AS NONINVASIVE DAILY OPPORTUNITIESWhich Incentivize & Motivate Progressive Behavior USING TECHNOLOGY that "Knows" What People REALLY "Like, Feel, & Wish for" and How Much They "Like" (or "Dislike") Anything/Any-Topic: MATCHED TO EACH Follower's Favorite Charities, location & Availability. NIPA: NONinvasive personal advertising to follower markets:
The KEY to Noninvasive Advertising – Offer Aggregated Custom ‘Opportunities for Free Time - w/ o Purchase, for charity w/ rewards’ "The Key to Non-Invasive Advertising is to create a totally ‘Personalized Weekly Opportunities Report’: (for participation where no purchase is required), available anytime - at the follower's discretion, supporting the follower's Favorite profiled Local Charities (with additional rewards of equal value), offering a broad selection of quality offerings that they “Like”, online (when they are typically listening) or in their Local communities - where in every way they interact with sponsors, it’s a mutually rewarding experience“ NIPA: NONinvasive personal advertising to follower markets:(The KEY: enabled mobility)
SMRC Cause Marketing Sponsors – Monetizing Social Cognitive Surplus w/ Integrity A. Promoting “OPPORTUNITIES” (for donations w/ rewards) that do not require purchase, that each support each follower’s favorite charities, in topics they “Like”, convenient to their availability, SMRC monetizes the potential of: (1.) Your Social Follower's Anonymous Everyday Public Social Content, (2) Every bit of feedback to Sponsor Content (big value for celebrities & sponsors), (3) Sponsored $1+ Audience Research (10 documented minutes of un-divided attention) (4) User Experiences(along w/ 7+ million others) B. AS Visibility-Traffic, Goodwill-Charity, Deductible Rewards, Conversions & Loyalty; C. While keeping all charities transparent & accountable for their actions, AND ensuring nobody’s contact identity is ever sold or compromised. Here’s - How it All Works in Synergy… NIPA: NONinvasive personal advertising OF OPPORTUNITIES from SMRC cause mktg. Sponsors:
Cause Marketing Sponsor’s Image As Matched Opportunity providers $0.03 per profile, 50%+ Response to Waiting “Social Follower” markets Matched to each follower’s “Likes”, and that supports 1 of each Follower’s 5+ Charities – in the follower’s city, or the follower’s social media, or on the sponsor’s URL. Personal publishing/ search (by followers) of All feedback and research opportunities that generate donations to each follower’s favorite charities, with the equal value in follower rewards, and don’t ever require any purchase TURNS EVERY SPONSOR => A BEACON OF SOCIAL GOODWILL NIPA: NONinvasive personal advertising to follower markets:
Monetizing Cognitive Surplus as Goodwill/ Charity with Rewards No purchase required: $1-$2 for promotional research with increasing levels of donations with rewards based on the follower’s recall to promotional detail (capturing 10 documented minutes of their un-divided attention), whose benefits for sponsors include: Goodwill – “It’s for follower charity” – that you share/ Community / Corporate Social-Civic Responsibility Follower Attention-Behavior Insight/ Education/ Advocacy Follower Market Response/ Catalyst to all promotion (Also $5 in value/user testimonial or 5%/ post purchase review) Promoting simple Audience Research Opportunities with
Customizing Opportunities by Likes, Charity, & Availability/Time In order to only show those opportunitiesfor research or content generation/ feedback at “Day Rates” – that each follower “Likes” and that supports the same charities as each follower, SMRC monetizes the value of: Every piece of Anonymous Everyday Follower Social Content, and feedback to Sponsor social and business content at $0.60/day “Day Rates” - capturing: Follower’s Media/On-line schedules, Location by City Follower “Likes” and Follower Favorite Charities Neuro-Linguistic analysis of each content’s emotion/Like Monetizing Social and Sponsor social content:
Registering Sponsor Opportunities By Charity, Like, Location & Time The social content activity profiles that Sponsor acquire (at $0.03 per anonymous profile) – selected by the Charity Cause market they are supporting – associates (matches) each follower’s location [on-line schedule/media/city] - to those follower’s “Like” Tags , as well as 1 of the follower’s 5+ charities. When Sponsors acquire the social /sponsor content reports, they declare the time, location, and “Like” Tags, related to their $1-2 research rewards for charity offers, to preview promotions, that don’t require a purchase. Sponsors declare their research opportunities:
The Perfect Custom “Opportunities” Search Then, acting in behalf of the follower (as the sponsor has no identity/ contact data),SMRC finds all outstanding Sponsor offers of "Research Rewards for Charity, No Purchase Required", that matches: The follower's personal charities, In their social media, sponsor's media or city, respectively To the follower's likes and dislikes (from their social media and SMRC’s emotion analytics). In behalf of each follower:
No invasive emails or notifications, Rather people waiting for their ads The net result is non-invasive personalized advertising (for virtually any product/service), based on charity and local/domain charity markets, that will produce very high conversions, in response to research offers. Here, people will be literally, for their chance to respond to offers (of $1+ research or content feedback at “Day Rates”) that supports their charities with rewards, but doesn't require any purchase. Noninvasivepersonaladvertising is born!
Totally Noninvasive! – What Each Person Likes & Wants; Convenient "SMRC's services are totally noninvasive because SMRC (1) self-publishes each followers' market opportunities(for $1 promo research and content generation/feedback at 'day rates', that do not require a purchase), (2) as a highly personalized automated software function, (3) based on each followers' "charity" and dynamic "Like" profiles, using a context-based, Neuro-linguistics algorithm (AI), to distinguish the “real”emotional character (Like/Dislike) of each content artifact. By comparison, non-SMRC sponsors (1) "publish" their opportunities (most that require purchase for any rewards) (2) invasively, often (3) based on semi-static (non-dynamic) social media "Like" profiles, that also do not include a charity profile”. NIPA: NONinvasive personal advertising to follower markets:
Research for Charity Opportunity Report • The top section of the report contains all research opportunities, • Customized for each followerby their city and media/online schedule (that conveniently maps to each follower's regular personal on-line schedule, favorite media and city), • In the topicseach follower “Likes” • Each offer supporting1 of each followers' 5+ charities in each follower's charity profile.
Research for Charity Opportunity Report • The bottom section of the report contains: • Additional daily opportunities to generate original content andfeedback with other supporting sponsor's content – that are in addition to: • Each follower's everyday social content (Tweet) • Each follower's content and feedback at their host's [sponsor's] site: Creating mass crowd-sourcing for every Sponsor
Research for Charity Opportunity Report Click on Graphic for Enlarged Version or See 2nd Link on SMRC’s ‘Description’ section
Optionally Complimenting & Enhancing the value of EVERY existing strategic social, syndicated , & one to one media promotion – incentivizing a 5-10X increase in response, at just $0.03 per profile Increased value, as response to all sponsor content and promotion Click on Any Graphic to See Enlarged Graphics, or click HERE to see all the wireframes In the Social Media Ads In Stores Syndicated Streaming Media SMRC Program Reference draws response to content & research opportunities • Offering alternative adwords-adsense-like OEM alternative services • For more examples, see “Creating Daily Donations w/Rewards” Link.
SMRC Activity-Content-Research- NIPA Life Cycle Click HERE or on graphic to see enlarged view
SMRC 501-c3 Social Impact Reports support promoting the most worthy charities
4 Opportunities for Social Followers to create Daily Donations with Rewards: [1]Everyday Follower social content & feedback, in Follower’s social media or on the Followers’ Host’s media, for donations & rewards at “Day Rates” [2] Crowd-Sourcing other Sponsor’s Content (at “Day Rates” – multiples of minimum $0.60/day in value) [3] Sponsored Research Rewards for Charity, No Purchase Required opportunities ($1-2 in value per instance) [4] Double Bonus Commerce (rewards follower’s charity, follower’s rewards, and the follower’s host/sponsor) FOLLOWER BENEFITS
4 Ways Celebrity, Charity, Business and Social Organizations (Sponsors) Benefit: [1]Daily Goodwill (donations) and Rewards for Sponsors and Followers based on everyday follower social content and feedback. to sponsor’s content. [2]Millions more socially interactive visitors per month to your web media; An increase of 200%+ from your current followers; while all sponsors become social beacons in their communities. [3]Target cause marketing by charity, in non-invasive social and syndicated media or POS, where followers will be literally anxiously “waiting” for your/ (their) ads (supporting their charity). [4]Conversions/ Commerce: related to (a) increased traffic (perceived popularity), (b) research/ Goodwill offers, and (c) the value of SMRC’s double offer of rewards and donations. SMRC SPONSOR BENEFITS
SMRC's ‘Rewards for Charity - NO Purchase Required' model, motivates everyone to register as well as provide 2 • Invite followers, employees & other sponsors • Use the SMRC logo to motivate response, or just a reference to the SMRC program • Create a "Research Rewards for Charity" button (linked to the SMRC Research Server) on your offer/action page, • Contact SMRC and arrange your SMRC Marketing Package to 10 TIMES as much response to each sponsor content or promotion, that includes hard proof of each member's full attention to the promotion. Yet for all the value created, the program implementation couldn’t be simpler with only 4 Steps:
Why Register Today? [1] For a Lifetime of DOUBLE Rewards:Sponsors and Members who pre-register their charity and media profiles at least one (1) month prior to SMRC's market launch, will receive: • Social reward points for your last 2 years of social content activity. • DOUBLE the donations' value and social reward points-- for [*] your content as media research, [*] responding to behavioral research games rewarding your attention & recall, [*] providing testimonials of usage, or [*] for post purchase reviews - with SMRC Sponsors (supporting your commonly shared charities) --for life! [2]It's also quite IMPORTANT to register your followers as soon as possible, before another SMRC sponsor invites them to register.Any current pre-registered Sponsor or Member/Follower may serve as the "Host", inviting new sponsors or direct followers to join, however everyone can only have one "host". Note: Followers take 5 minutes to register; thereafter, they look for opportunities in their spare time. PRE-REGISTRATION BENEFITS
Get Invited(by invitation only) • Social Market Research for Charity (SMRC) is a “by-invitation-only” service, that monetizes everyday social cognitive surplus (free time, “Like” topics, mobile) for social good (custom charity w/ rewards), where there’s no cost to register, or any purchase required. • If you were not invited here by another sponsor, follower/member or a SMRC Promoter/ Founder, you should contact a SMRC Promoter to be invited. Use the "Contact" tab above or see the list of SMRC Promoters at the end of that form. Note: Followers take 5 minutes to register; thereafter, they look for opportunities in their spare time. BY – INVITATION - ONLY
For more information see:www.socialmarketresearchforcharity.org Monetizing All Social Cognitive Surplus as Noninvasive Opportunities which Incentivize and Motivate Social Change…w/ 7 million in the pipeline