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P ossessives

P ossessives. Short form & long form. Possessive adjectives (short form). My mi(s). Our nuestro (a) nuestros (as). Your tu (s). Yours/theirs su (s ). His/hers/yours/its su (s) .

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P ossessives

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Possessives Short form & long form

  2. Possessive adjectives(short form) My mi(s) Our nuestro(a) nuestros(as) Your tu(s) Yours/theirs su(s) His/hers/yours/its su(s) Who it belongs to gives me the possessive. What is possessed gives me gender & number. Possessive adjective (short form) is placed before what’s possessed

  3. Juan trajo ___________ bloques. Yojugué con _________ muñeca Tú y yodibujamos con __________________ lapices. Nosotrosjugamos con ________________ marioneta. Ellosmiraron ___________ fotos. sus mi nuestros nuestra sus

  4. Possessive adjectives (long form) Ours nuestro(a) nuestros(as Mine mío(a) míos (as) Yours tuyo(a) tuyos(as) His/hers suyo(a) suyos(as) Theirs suyo(a) suyos(as) Who it belongs to gives me the possessive. What is possessed gives me gender & number. Possessive adjective (long form) is placed after what’s possessed

  5. Juan trajolos bloques ______________. Yojugué con la muñeca _____________. Tú y yodibujamos con los lapices _________________. Nosotrosjugamos con la marioneta _______________. Ellosmiraronlasfotos ____________. suyos mía nuestros nuestra suyas

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