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The Values Pendulum: Journey of Human Existence

Explore the evolution of human consciousness through the values pendulum model, transitioning from survival instincts to ego-centric thinking. Discover how societal conditions influence our worldview and decision-making processes.

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The Values Pendulum: Journey of Human Existence

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  1. The Values Pendulum • understanding the never ending quest of human existence ...bodies in motion, will stay in motion...bodies at rest, will stay at rest...unless acted on by an outside force...

  2. the values pendulum

  3. the values pendulum Model The Values Pendulum “Side View” Our life conditions are the inertia that causes the pendulum to swing As the pendulum swings to the next level we switch on the neurology required to overcome, deal with, or make sense of the life conditions presented 7: universality 6: community 5: independence 4: stability 3: power 2: connection “1” “How can I change the environment to suit me” “We” “How can I change me to suit the environment” 1: survival

  4. thesurvivalbob“automatic thinking” Life Conditions State of nature and biological urges and drives. Physical senses dictate the state of being • Key Characteristics • Driven by basic needs of hunger, thirst and reproduction • Individuals in third world countries may still be partially centralised in this level as it is uncertain for them where and when there next meal may be • In second and first world countries, individual are faced with these basic survival needs i.e. its lunchtime I’m hungry, however, they do so with the knowledge that food is readily accessible • In our world currently people may be challenged with survival needs from one of four contexts: • Physically • Mentally • Emotionally • Spiritually Characteristic Thinking Instinctive as natural instincts and reflexes direct Automatic existence Seek Out Survival Homeostasis physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually Reproduction Satisfy instinctive urges

  5. thesurvivalbob“automatic thinking” • Transition to Next Level • The transition to the next level occurs when the person develops a set of conditioned reflexes required to escape harm from various dangers. Eventually this way of living produces safety and security problems. These problems activate the next level of thinking attuned to sending, processing and acting upon conditions that threaten satisfaction of the non-imperative physiological needs. • “I’ve had enough of doing it alone – there’s strength in being connected” • Awareness of distinct self and awakening of cause and effect • Concerns with threats/fears and that survival requires group effort • Sense of blood ties and kinship • Thoughts of spirit realm and history • Collaboration turns on theconnectionbob

  6. theconnectionbob “traditionalistic thinking” Life Conditions Threatening and full of mysterious powers and spirit beings which must be placated and appeased • Key Characteristics • Curious about causes and forces in nature and reliance on ancestral / elders wisdom • There’s a force greater than me and is superstitious • Right or wrong decided by what ancestors thought / tradition • Seeks social stability and learns from cause and effect • Explains existence in a dichotomous way e.g. taboo, good/bad, superstition • Dim awareness of self • Task of daily life is to continue what has enabled the tribe, and therefore self, to be • Attribute life force to things e.g. the rock is alive • Live by custom and tradition • Identity is attached to customs • Rites of passage and rituals are present • Reciprocity rules where coordination and facilitation is present not dictation Characteristic Thinking Traditionalistic and according to tradition and ritual ways of group be that family, friends, community, or work; Seek Out Placate spirit realm Honour ancestors Protection from harm Family bonds

  7. theconnectionbob “traditionalistic thinking” • Transition to Next Level • Transition to the next level occurs when a person sees their existence as an individual, separate and distinct from others, including their tribe. Now, a perception switches on that other people, animals or spirits will fight back bringing the need for survival to the fore, with the objective now focused on building a way of being that will foster individual survival. • “Tired of adhering to the way of the tribe, I’m sure I can do better, maybe I can do it myself” • Emergence of dominant ego • Dares to confront adversaries for control • Spirit world and ancestors lose awe and respect • Reciprocity gives way to raw, rugged, individuality • Exploitation yields desired outcomes • Desire to test limits thepower bob

  8. thepowerbob “egocentric thinking” Life Conditions Like a jungle where the tough and strong prevail; the weak serve. Nature is an adversary to be conquered • Key Characteristics • Fully distinct self • People are for me or against me • Impulsive, guiltless and self-interest driven – “I’m somebody” • Immediate outcomes and gratification • Good idea because it suits me, spontaneous, cunning and unrestrained • Loyal to me • Fear of shame or being put down • Not fearful of death or punishment, little recognition of consequences of actions • Have pity without empathy • Extreme emotions • Talks straight • Every man for themselves • Nothing personal; you just got in my way Characteristic Thinking Egocentric: asserting self for dominance, conquest and power. Exploitive of others to suit own needs Seek Out Power / action Asserting self to dominate others Control Sensory pleasure

  9. thepowerbob “egocentric thinking” • Transition to Next Level • As this person moves to the next level, the individual seeks to develop a way of life based on the conviction that there must be a reason for it all. This search leads to the belief that the have and have not condition is part of a directed design, a design of a higher authority. The person now seeks salvation, a way of life that removes the pain of both the have and have nots. • “There’s some new young bucks coming along and they might beat me so I had better impose some rules and get some legitimacy to my power so I’ll make myself sheriff” • Deferred gratification and learning through punishment switches on • Beings to bind impulses and acknowledges they have rights • Awareness of other possibilities for being stronger and tougher • Extended time line and sense of delayed future • Recognition of mortality and eternity • Quest for meaning and purpose in abstractions • Guilt emerges along with consequential thinking thestability bob

  10. thestabilitybob “absolutistic thinking” Life Conditions Controlled by a higher power that punishes evil and eventually rewards good works and righteous living • Key Characteristics • Consequential, obedient – code of conduct • Feels guilt • Linear sequence and order • Conform to external standards, rules and norms • Obedience to rightful higher authority with punishment / reward coming later“ • Know your Place” • Must / must not; Black / white; Right / wrong • Risk averse • Loyalty to company • Any form of “ISM e.g. nationalism, hinduism, communism and so on • Repetitive • Certainty • Religion and politics (one belief source) Characteristic Thinking Absolutistic: obediently as higher authority and rules direct; Black and White; Conforming; Guilt Seek Out Stability and order Obedience to earn reward later Meaning, purpose and certainty

  11. thestabilitybob “absolutistic thinking” • Transition to Next Level • When a person starts questioning the price they have to pay this sparks the next level of thinking. Why can’t pleasure be achieved whilst alive? A person will now move to the next level of thinking knowing that their security problems are solved, as they start their quest for their goal on how to live a life that offers pleasure in the here and now. • “Wait for what? Forget it I want to get my rewards now, enough of the sacrifice and the duty – I don’t want to wait that long” • Belief in change and ability to effect it and create a better reality. • Starts to challenge higher authority, first gently then harshly • Seeks best way among options and finds absolutes too rigidifying as risk tolerance increases • Focus on self-expression, not denial or sacrifice and aspires to improve life here-and-now • Self designated authority, asserts self and is curious • about independence and autonomy • Overcome authority and error with a desire for the • Freedom to do it my way theindependence bob

  12. theindependencebob “multiplistic thinking” Life Conditions Full of resources to develop and opportunities to make things better and bring prosperity • Key Characteristics • Scales instead of poles • Strategic, competitive and comparative • Measured and quantified • Risk taking / risk tolerant • Believe in own competence and ability to make things happen • Multiple options • Wealth of knowledge • Dominate earth • I determine what’s right or wrong • Get ahead • Goal oriented • Sarcasm and cynicism • I own this knowledge (Intellectual Property) Characteristic Thinking Multiplistic: pragmatically to achieve results and get ahead; Test options; Manoeuvre Seek Out Opportunity and success Competing to achieve results Influence Autonomy

  13. theindependencebob “multiplistic thinking” • Transition to Next Level • Once satisfied with their own material existence, a spiritual void forms. Whilst the person is able to master the objective physical world, they struggle to function in a subjective, humanistic world. They feel satisfied that they have obtained their version of a ‘good life’ through mastery of the physical universe, however, it has been achieved at a price – the price of not being liked by others for their use of knowledge for their own gain. The person may be respected but may not be liked. • “Life’s kinda empty. Is this all there is?” • Achievements require collaboration and consensus and attention to others • Need for acceptance, love and belonging and a need for affiliation increases • Material goods do not bring peace of mind and there starts to be a concern with community and spiritual being • Start to question how can I be more of service and how can I find peace of mind? • Seek to understand self in a complex world and a realisation that I am part of a greater whole • Resurgence of guilt as a collective feeling • Awareness of equity, fairness and disparities thecommunity bob

  14. thecommunitybob “relativistic thinking” Life Conditions The habitat wherein humanity can find love and purposes through affiliation and sharing • Key Characteristics • Quest for experience • Live with earth • Right / wrong is relative to the situation • All get along • Ambiguity and uncertainty • No concrete belief set, worshipful of many • Relativistic and situational • Context awareness • Disdain for judgement and harming people • Search for peace of mind and harmony • Egalitarian – salute person not rank • Share the knowledge • Leaderless Characteristic Thinking Relativistic: respond to human needs; affiliative and situational; consensual and fluid Seek Out Harmony and love Joining together for mutual growth Awareness Belonging

  15. thecommunitybob “relativistic thinking” • Transition to Next Level • With the focus now on the outer world the person begins to see the imbalance of life caused by their individualistically oriented, self-seeking objectives. As this awareness increases, the shift to the next level of thinking occurs. • “Enough talk…I need to make things happen” • Being moves above having or doing or belonging, and becomes more self-observing • Confronted by chaos in a world at risk and faces emotional and economic costs of caring • Need to achieve tangible results for systems and a wider knowing subsumes feeling • Enjoying now and being in the moment takes precedence over belonging, having and doing therefore it is stops and never happens again that’s ok • Increasing freedom from fear and compulsiveness • Desire to be flexible and fit in to a lot of places and • situations • Desire to live with less as awareness of scarcity • increases theuniversality bob

  16. theuniversalitybob “systemic thinking” Life Conditions A chaotic organism where change is the norm and uncertainty an acceptable state of being where comfort is found in paradox • Key Characteristics • Comfort in paradox, ambiguity and uncertainty • Freedom from compulsiveness • Freedom from irrational fear • Contextual and adaptive • Sees uses in many ways of thinking and being • Prefer being over having, doing and achieving • Easy fusion of material and spiritual • Accepts that “we just don’t know” • Gets tired of looping and will either take action or move on • Most functional approach • Contributive, critical of ideas not people • No need to impress or leave a mark Characteristic Thinking Systemic: functional, integrative and interdependent; existential and flexible; questioning and accepting Seek Out Independence Self worth Knowing

  17. the values pendulum Business Model The Values Pendulum “Side View” 7: utilisation 6: collaboration 5: innovation 4: structure 3: players 2: culture 1: survival

  18. the values pendulum 1. Where am I? 2. Where is my Avatar? 3. How should I position my business? 1. Where am I? 2. Where are my team? 3. Where is my business? - Language - Colours - Products & Services 1. Where is my business? 2. Where is the industry? 3. What’s our trajectory?

  19. The Values Pendulum • understanding the never ending quest of human existence ...bodies in motion, will stay in motion...bodies at rest, will stay at rest...unless acted on by an outside force...

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