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Четвёртая власть. Подготовила группа по английскому языку 8 «Б» класса: Васильева Мария, Голубева Дарья, Милова Алёна, Деньков Артём, Зайцев Илья, Козлова Ксения, Степанова Ирина, Ёркин Максим. Существует ли четвёртая власть?. Это средства массовой информации. Хорошо или плохо?.
Четвёртая власть • Подготовила группа по английскому языку 8 «Б» класса: Васильева Мария, Голубева Дарья, Милова Алёна, Деньков Артём, Зайцев Илья, Козлова Ксения, Степанова Ирина, Ёркин Максим.
Существует ли четвёртая власть? Это средства массовой информации. Хорошо или плохо?
Проблемные вопросы • что такое СМИ? • Что вы думаете о телевидении? • Вы читаете газеты? • А книги – тоже СМИ?
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Mass MEDIA • Mass media is a term used to denote a section of the media specifically envisioned and designed to reach a very large audience such as the population of a nation state. It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, although mass media (like books and manuscripts) were present centuries before the term became common. The term public media has a similar meaning: it is the sum of the public mass distributors of news and entertainment across media such as newspapers, television, radio, broadcasting, which may require union membership in some large markets such as Newspaper Guild, AFTRA, & text publishers. • The concept of mass media is now complicated by Internet media (like blogs, message boards, podcasts, and video sharing) because individuals now have a means to exposure that is comparable in scale to that previously restricted to a select group of mass media producers. The communications audience has been viewed by some commentators as forming a mass society with special characteristics, notably atomization or lack of social connections, which render it especially susceptible to the influence of modern mass-media techniques such as advertising and propaganda. The term "MSM" or "mainstream media" has been widely used in the blogosphere in discussion of the mass media and media bias.
History of mass media • Types of drama in numerous cultures were probably the first mass-media, going back into the Ancient World. The first dated printed book known is the "Diamond Sutra", printed in China in 868 AD, although it is clear that books were printed earlier. Movable clay type was invented in 1041 in China. However, due to the slow spread of literacy to the masses in China, and the relatively high cost of paper there, the earliest printed mass-medium was probably European popular prints from about 1400. Although these were produced in huge numbers, very few early examples survive, and even most known to be printed before about 1600 have not survived. Johannes Gutenberg printed the first book on a printing press with movable type in 1453. This invention transformed the way the world received printed materials, although books remained too expensive really to be called a mass-medium for at least a century after that. • Newspapers developed around from 1612, with the first example in English in 1620 [1] ; but they took until the nineteenth century to reach a mass-audience directly. • During the 20th century, the growth of mass media was driven by technology that allowed the massive duplication of material. Physical duplication technologies such as printing, record pressing and film duplication allowed the duplication of books, newspapers and movies at low prices to huge audiences. Radio and television allowed the electronic duplication of information for the first time. • Mass media had the economics of linear replication: a single work could make money proportional to the number of copies sold, and as volumes went up, units costs went down, increasing profit margins further. Vast fortunes were to be made in mass media. In a democratic society, independent media serve /electorate about issues regarding government and corporate entities (see Media influence). Some consider the concentration of media ownership to be a grave threat to democracy.
Electronic media and print media include: • Broadcasting, in the narrow sense, for radio and television. • Various types of discs or tapes. In the 20th century, these were mainly used for music. Video and computer uses followed. • Film, most often used for entertainment, but also for documentaries. • Internet, which has many uses and presents both opportunities and challenges. Blogs and podcasts (such as news, music, pre-recorded speech, and video) • Mobile phones, often called the 7th Mass Media, used for rapid breaking news, short clips of entertainment like jokes, horoscopes, alerts, games, music, and advertising • Publishing, including electronic publishing • Video games, which have developed into a mass form of media since cutting-edge devices such as the PlayStation 3, XBox 360, and Wii broadened their use.
ADVANTAGES of MM to rest, to relax, to receive information, to listen (to read) about famous people, to earn important events, to study foreign languages, to take part in shows and competitions, to get something for nothing, to travel round the world without wasting money, to study at home, to find new friends DISADVANTAGES of MM to have no time to communicate with relatives and friends, to damage your eyes, to get lazy,to put on weight, to have no time for sport activities in the fresh air, to stop writing letters to your relatives, to learn about the bad side of life,to get nervous, to sleep badly after horror films ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE DIFFERENT MASS MEDIA.
Television • It is almost impossible to imagine our life without TV. It plays a great and a very important role in the life of modern man. There is practically no family that doesn't have a TV set. TV is one of the mass media kinds. Radio and newspapers tell us about different events but TV not only tells but also shows. TV has a lot of channels and everybody can watch the programs he likes. Our television suggests various programs: talk show and game show, news and sporting events, about animals and about foreign countries and so on. Soaps-lovers can watch their favorite films almost every day. TV shows us a lot of films of different countries: detective and melodrama, comedy and thriller. As for me I like to see adventure films, fantasy, comedies. My favorite sporting events programs are about volleyball, swimming, track-and-field athletics and gymnastic. I watch many programs with great interest. These programs are: a wild nature program, "Anshlag", some game shows and so on. There are a lot of films (most of them of foreign TV-companies) with a great number of corpses, with seas of blood now. It's not very good to my mind. I think that one of the aims of TV is to bring up TV-viewers, to cultivate love to our country, kindness and other positive features of character.
Advantages and disadvantages of TV • TV has good and bad sides. First of all it keeps people informed, we can learn a lot of information watching TV. We can choose programs that appeal to us more, because TV provides programs for all interests. Sometimes we can relax, entertain ourselves when we are tired. Advertisement on TV gives us information about different products and it makes easier to choose things to buy. When we watch TV we learn about the world, famous people and global or recent news. • But TV has a lot of disadvantages. It takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. And it's very harmful for our health, expecially eyes. Some violent programs and films makes people violent. Violence become a vital problem. There is too much advertisement on TV. Sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don't need at all. Watching TV takes all free time from almost all people. We just watch it, not concentrate, and waste time. • In my opinion we need TV inspire of it's disadvantages. People need something like information center. As for me I watch TV about one hour a day. I watch it when I want to learn news or relax and entertain myself. People need TV, but it can't be the main thing in their life. It's interesting, but not the main thing in our life. • I don't really know what we must do to make TV better. I think we can do nothing. We just should not sit hour by hour watching TV. I think we must watch only the most important and interesting things. Because if we see everything we'll become mad.
Newspapers in our life It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers, magazines, tabloids, and reviews of all kind. And what was the first newspaper like? When it was made? The earliest newspaper appeared in 59 BC in Rome. It was a handwritten daily newspaper. It was very little – only one sheet. Julius Caesar, the Emperor of Rome, ordered to post them throughout the city to inform the people about political events, scandals, military conflicts and executions. In Europe printed newspapers appeared in the 15th century, when the letter press was invented. In the 16th century the first printed newspapers were issued; and in the 19th the production of daily newspapers increased greatly. People began to read more and the post developed quickly. The first daily newspaper in England was The Daily Courant Its first issue was published in London in 1702. In France the first daily newspaper Journal de Paris appeared in 1777,and soon after that, in 1784, The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States.
Reading the newspaper. Brookgreen Gardens in Pawlevs Island, South Carolina, United States.
Кто не знает русские газеты: «Комсомольская Правда», «Правда», «Аргументы и Факты» и т. д. А английские? Хотите узнать? NEWSPAPERS: • “The Times” /1785 / • “ Observer” /1791 / • “Sunday Times” / 1822 / • “News of the World” /1843 / • “People” / 1881 / • “Daily Mail” /1896 / • “Daily Mirror” / 1903 / • “Daily Herald” /1911 / • “Today” / 1986 / • “The independent” / 1986 / • “The independent on Sunday” /1990 / • “European” / 1990 /
Reading in the life of a modern teenager. You asked me why I like reading books, did not you? I should say books have been my best friends for many years. I am the only child in my family and my parents are very busy with their work and I used to spend a lot of time reading books. They present me with wonderful new books: fairy tales, fantasy books, science fiction. When I was a little girl, I loved turning the pages over and over, looking at the beautiful pictures and guessing what the characters would say and do. I started reading when I was five. I imagined myself travelling everywhere, speaking different languages, climbing mountains and flying to other planets. Those of my friends who read a lot are smart and interesting to talk to. As a rule they are very good at English. Reading is a special world full of adventures and joy.
Lots of my friends are not keen on reading books. They prefer going to discos, playing computer games, watching TV and videos. I did not like reading when I was a little boy. As for me it was boring to sit for hours with a book in my hands and trying to learn what happened to the characters. I used to play football and basketball with my friends.
I have to confess, I read very slowly. At school we are given a lot of homework, so I have to read anyway: history and literature, biology and geography. So much reading! I have a computer at home. My father bought me my first CD book and the situation changed. These days you can read books on CDs of course they are different from printed books, they are animated, moving and well illustrated. It is fantastic! It is like a computer game. Turning the pages over you can see what`s happening in pictures, in colors and in action. It is really amazing. I think CD books will be much more popular with teenagers of my generation than printed books.
Our favorite English writerAGATHA CHRISTIE Agatha, Dame Christie (1890-1976) – an English writer of popular books and plays, many of which have been made into films. She helped raise the detective story to prominent place in literature. Her fiction is noted for its ingenious plots, sustained suspense, and for its ever-present congenial humor. Her most famous characters are the detectives Hercule Poirot and an elderly spinster Miss Marple. Two of her best-known books are Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile. Agatha Christie`s play The Mousetrap, also a detective drama, has been running continuously in London since 1952. Besides being a detective writer, Agatha Christie has written six romantic novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott, several plays and a book of poems. She also assisted her archaeological husband Sir Max Mallowan of many expeditions to the Near East. .
Robert Burns Robert Burns (1759- 1796) – a Scottish national poet. Son of a tenant farmer in Alloway, southwestern Scotland, Burns spent his youth in hard labour and hopeless poverty. He had only a few years of schooling, but he was an avid reader, esp. of Shakespeare and Robert Fergusson, a talented Scottish poet (1750-1774), Burns began writing poetry at the age of fifteen, but he was 27 when his first book– Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect -- was published in 1789, which won him immediate success. The source of Burn`s poetry is the life of common toilers and Scottish folklore. Asense of liberty is the animating force of his genius. His sympathy fr the Great French revolution is well-known. Burns is deeply aware his poetry is the inborn gift of quiet mirth which brings with it a touch of fine irony. The most popular poems by Burns are My Heart`s in the Highlands, John Barleycorn, The Tree of Liberty, A Red, Red Rose, Auld Lang Syne and many others.