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SOCIAL SAFETY NET PROJECT OVERV IEW. May 22, 2012. Presentation Overview. SSN Project summary Expected results Project Impact Cash Based Responses Challenges Lessons Learned. Project Implementation Areas. Project Summary. Social Safety Nets (SSN) Project

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  2. Presentation Overview SSN Project summary Expected results Project Impact Cash Based Responses Challenges Lessons Learned

  3. Project Implementation Areas

  4. Project Summary Social Safety Nets (SSN) Project Project duration: 30 months (June 2010 – Nov 2012) Beneficiaries targeted: 2,240 Target areas: Sanaag and Karkaar regions of Somalia Total Funds: 3.7 million Euros Funded by EC and SIDA

  5. Result 1: Targeted households are able to meet their basic needs throughout the year Result 2: Households’ access to livelihood opportunities within their own community has increased Result 3: Community capacity and resilience to livelihood related shocks has improved. Result 4: Project is monitored effectively & learning is documented & shared with other actors

  6. Project Impact

  7. Household Income & Debt

  8. Access to Livelihood Opportunities • Approximately 20% of beneficiaries have started new income generating activities since the start of the project. • Percentage of HH receiving external support has decreased from 23% to 15%

  9. Experienced food shortage in last 3 months

  10. Household Food Availability

  11. Number of Meals Consumed

  12. Use of Coping Strategies

  13. Challenges • Higher demand – number of vulnerable households is higher than allocated beneficiaries for Cash Relief and Livelihood grants. • Price increase of MEB. • No contingency fund

  14. Lessons Learned • Need to mobilize additional resources to increase the grant size to meet the MEB or supplement it through other sources. • What would a large scale safety nets look like? Is it a combination of cash with skills or cash/vouchers alone? • Is there a role for technical skills training, in safety nets? • Is graduation of beneficiaries a priority?

  15. Linking Cash Transfer to SSN • SSN project guided Cash Consortium for cash transfer at scale in South Central Somalia • Because SSN already existed, it was easier to scale up as experience and M&E tools were available. • Need to link present experiences to strategize Safety Nets initiatives at scale: • Consortium approach already exists to allow scale • M&E Tools exist • Experience already exists on how to do it at scale

  16. Contact Information Adeso Headquarters – Kenya P.O. Box 70331-00400 Nairobi, Kenya M: +(254) 710 607 378 T: +(254) 20 800 0881 info@adesoafrica.org Website: www.adesoafrica.org Twitter: @adesoafrica Facebook: faceboook/adesoafrica

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