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ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeters. LOI submitted to LHCC by ATLAS collaboration 1 module built and tested in NA SPS beamline Funds in hand for construction of remaining modules Operation by end of ‘07 feasible. Sebastian White, Brookhaven Lab. Fwd workshop – January 2007. ZDC in ATLAS.
ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeters LOI submitted to LHCC by ATLAS collaboration 1 module built and tested in NA SPS beamline Funds in hand for construction of remaining modules Operation by end of ‘07 feasible Sebastian White, Brookhaven Lab Fwd workshop – January 2007
ZDC in ATLAS A Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is a calorimeter that resides at the junction where the two beam pipes of the LHC become one – at 0° from the pp collisions. It is housed in the shielding unit that protects the S.C magnets from radiation, and measures neutral particle production at 0°. It can play many roles.
Outline • ZDC Physics • Installation scenario • ZDC design • ATLAS TDAQ integration • ZDC performance (simulation, rad damage, testbeam) • Integration with Machine, LHCf • Planning
z Reaction plane y x Event characterization using forward detectors >>Direction and magnitude of impact parameter, b z Magnitude from complementary parameters Nparticipant=2*A-Nspectator • Spectator neutrons • measure centrality, • Min_min_bias trigger (Calorimeter@q<2mr.) Beam-Beam Counter Mult/1000
Probing small x structure in the Nucleus with gN->jets, in Ultraperipheral Collisions(UPC) di-jet photoproduction-> parton distributions,x2 by g with momentum fraction, x1 4pt2/s=x1*x2 <y>~ -1/2*ln(x1/x2) Signature: rapidity gap in g direction(FCAL veto) x1 x2 ATLAS coverage to |h|<5 units. Pt ~2 Gev “rapidity gap” threshold Analogous upc interactions and gap structure diffractive Non-diffractive
Rates and Kinematics Event yields from a 1 month HI (Pb-Pb) run at nominal Luminosity (4 1026 cm-2s-1). Counts per bin of dpt=2 GeV dx2/x2=+/- 0.25 (with M. Strikman and R. Vogt)
ZDC in pp( Phase II configuration) In pp, the ZDC can measure forward production cross sections for several types of particles at very high energies. This will be useful for adjusting parameters for simulations and models, and for cosmic ray physics where the energy in one proton’s rest frame is 1017 eV – a very interesting energy for extended air showers. What happens when a high energy proton hits the upper atmosphere? The ZDC can find a pi0 in the midst of several neutrons. (1M Pythia events analyzed by a ZDC)
RHIC ZDC as an accelerator tool (in pp) • Van derMeer scan (ZDC coincidence rate • vs. relative beam position) • ZDC (lower curve) bkg free over 4 • orders of magnitude • ZDC also measures beam • displacement (red points) • Useful for crossing angle • commissioning
Phasing with LHCf run Phase I Phase II
EMCal Module design (1 module only) Light collected from Strips of 1.5 mm quartz Transverse to beam (main energy and timing) And 1 mm quartz rods Projective to beam Latter measure coordinate Of showers.
Strip detail and air Lightguide 648 1.5 mm diameter rods Provides main energy and Timing measurement
Hadronic module with Coordinate readout ( 1 module per arm) Rods are grouped into 4 per readout pixel
Energy resolution for Photons and neutrons (GEANT simulation) Coordinate resolution for photons and neutrons
ZDC L1 trigger • The ZDC trigger will be used primarily as a 2-arm coincidence (each arm above a preset threshold) in Heavy ion runs • Trigger bits assigned in Central trigger Processor board ctp_cal • Ctp_cal is designed to accept calib triggers as well as trigger from small systems like the ZDC
Aperture limitations from upstream components of the machine
Background (PYTHIA / GEANT-FLUKA simulation) Sources of signal and Background Interaction Point Decays in Flight “Walls”
Background (PYTHIA / GEANT-FLUKA simulation) Sources of Signal and Background Interaction Point Decays in Flight “Walls”
Absorbed dose (rad/yr) in TAN at luminosity 1033 cm-2sec-1 ~1 krad MAPMT TAN slot 180 MAPMT PMT PMT PMT PMT 150 ~10 krad 800 ~100 krad 290 Ionization chamber ~1 Mrad ~10 Mrad ~100 Mrad Beam ~1.8 Grad 180 ~100 Mrad ~10 Mrad 30 100 150 150 30 150 150 150 90 1000
We exposed quartz rods at the BNL linac Isotope Producer facility At 5 Grad absorbed dose Light loss corresponds to A 30% deterioration in Resolution of coord measurement
Test beam exposure in SPS North area parasitic with RP (Oct. ‘06) Single module exposed to 230 GeV proton beam Spectra with 0, 10 and 20 cm steel blocks inserted in the beam Comparison to simulation (note same energy scale used in all Simulations)
Beam tuned to enrich positron component Peak used to confirm light yield and agreement With simulations
Tested correlation between coordinate measurement and Position of 2 mm high beam scintillation counters
What we are planning • Install full (8 module) ZDC phased with the LHCf run plan • Integrate ZDC into ATLAS DAQ and provide a level1 trigger • Will remove ZDC for highest Luminosity pp runs • Provide a critical role in Heavy Ion program • Important measurements of forward particle production in pp collisions over full acceptance permitted by TAN constraints • Funding from US Nuclear Physics program
Schedule • 1st module completed and tested in beam-no design changes planned • Construction of mechanical modules can begin 2/07 expect completion in 6/07 • Remaining cables installed this spring • Main schedule uncertainty is daq electronics • Operation possible at end of ‘07 in conjunction with LCHf detector
ZDC time, space and energy resolution (Average over active area) ZDC response to neutrons Neutron space resolution Neutron energy resolution Photon space resolution Photon energy resolution Neutron time resolution
In tunnel at 140 m 8 ZDC modules 8 XP3292B Quartz window PMT’s 10 Multi anode PMT’s 138 preamp/driver chips(5 w total power) 2 Led driver modules for monitor system Patch panels In USA15 Patch panels 3 VME crates(~300w power consumption) PMT HV supplies Low voltage for tunnel (5v, 10W) Trigger signal cable to LVL-1(USA15) Equipment location
ATLAS ZDC Schedule • Draft LOI circulated to ATLAS forward and Heavy Ion Working groups + LHCf - 2/06 • ZDC design completed- 4/06 • Radiation Damage studies at BNL - 6/06 • 1st module completed -8/06 • CERN beam test- 10/06 • Presentation to LHCC- ? • Module production completed - 5/07 • Ready to install- 7/07
Conclusion • ATLAS ZDC has unique capability for Heavy Ion as well as pp and beam tuning due to coordinate readout • Preparation for beam test at CERN and radiation exposure at BNL. • Have prepared full project file (down to WBS level 4- 150 items) • Installation of Phase I by summer of ‘07 depending on approval
ZDC Project file (p.1) including Phase II eqpt and labor costs
Up/Down Left/Right 965 Cables 190 94 50 94 520 Left/Right 180 100 180 150 150 760 980 Concept for remote module replacement
Background MARS15:Radiation in TAN, LHCf & ZDC – N.MokhovTAN Integration – CERN, Mar.10, 2006
Installation • Install in TAN coordinated by LEA/TS(Tsesmelis group) • Many common issues • Cabling,lift fixtures • Material activation • Surveying not critical (~1mm tolerances) • We assume we are responsible for cost of cables, panels , installation • Have requested Phase I installation ~7/07 (like CMS) + 4 weeks of checkout • LEA aware of request and considered possible
Installation(II) • Phase II configuration after LHCf reaches limit (L~1028-1029) for run • ZDC design rad hard through L=1033, after that will remove for pp runs • Heavy Ion rad dose negligible. • We are requesting approval from the collaboration to proceed with LOI submission to LHCC (this is a critical step before we can proceed with installation)
ZDC role in Heavy Ion Physics (event tag for hard photoproduction) Probing small x structure in the Nucleus with gN->jets, heavy flavor. di-jet photoproduction-> parton distributions,x2 by g with momentum fraction, x1 4pt2/s=x1*x2 <y>~ -1/2*ln(x1/x2) Signature: rapidity gap in g direction(FCAL veto) and leading neutron from beam fragments Leading Particle in peripheral collisions -> ZDC tag in Heavy Ions analogous to Roman Pot tag in pp
Assembling module: installing X-Y rods Bare module Rod is put in module and measured Rod is removed, cut to size and replaced Rod is put in module and measured Rod is removed, cut to size and replaced All rods installed