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Unaccompanied minors Social Welfare Resource Department, Mamö city. 2. Unaccompanied Minors. Children under age 18 who at the time of arrival to Sweden are separated from both parents or from other person legally responsible for the child.
Unaccompanied minorsSocial Welfare Resource Department, Mamö city
2 Unaccompanied Minors Children under age 18 who at the time of arrival to Sweden are separated from both parents or from other person legally responsible for the child. (Source:1§ Lag (1994:137) om mottagande av asylsökande m. fl.)
3 Seeking asylum is a human right The right toseekasylum is stated in article 14 in the UN Universal Declarationof Human Rights: ”Everyone has the right tossek and toenjoy in othercountriesasylum from persecution”.
Four essential principals of the Convention of the Rights of the Child: Article 2: Protection against all forms of discrimination. Article 3: The best interest of the child. Article 6: Development of the child. Article 12: Opportunities for the child to be heard.
Number of unaccompanied minors who have sought asylum in Sweden • Year 2006 – 816 minors • Year 2007 – 1264 minors • Year 2008 – 1510 minors • Year 2009 – 2250 minors • Year 2010 – 2393 minors • Year 2011 – 2657 minors • Year 2012 – 3578 minors • Year 2013 – 3852 minors • Year 2014 – 4121 minors (as of August) • (Source: Migration Board)
Number of unaccompanied minors who have sought asylum in Malmö • Malmö Sweden • Year2011 – 1186 minors 2657 minors • Year 2012 – 1514 minors 3578 minors • Year 2013 – 889 minors 3852 minors • Year 2014 – 1193 (as ofOctober 22) 4121 minors (as of August) • (Source: Migration Board)
Number of unaccompanied minors who hade sought asylum in Sweden 2004-2014. • (Source: Migration Board)
Age 2014 (Source: Migration Board)
Which countires do they come from? 2014 Afghanistan Somalia Syrien Statslösa Eritrea Marocko Totalt 3 614 barn (Migration board)
Leagal aid attorneyAll asylum seekers are entitled to legal representation in the asylum process Legal Guardian Legal guardians are appointed to unaccompanied minors since the are under aged and do not have a parent or another adult legally responsible for them in Sweden. The legal guardian protects the rights of the child and looks after the child´s interests.
Malmö stad – municipal tranist housing • Municpal housing – • Tempo, Duvan and Humania • Three transit group home in Malmö where asylumseeking unaccompanied minors stay while waiting to move to another municipal, decided by the Migration Board. • In next municipal: • more permanent housing, the minor get a legal guardian, the asylum process start, school start etc.
Malmö stad – municipal and private housing for unaccompanied minors upholding permenant residency in Sweden • Group homes in Malmö with different taget groups • Västra Hamnen – 20 boys (16-21 years) • Villa Vånga – 21 boys (16-21 years) • Fyren – 15 boys (14-21 years) • Kompassen – 8 boys • Erikslust – 13 boys (14-21 years) • Aleris 1 – 12 boys and girls (0-16 years) • Aleris 2 – 13 boys and girls (14-21 years) • 25 appartements including independent living skills support – boys and girls (18-21 years)
Girls and boys upholding permanent residency in Mamö, today • 157 boys and 6 girls are under the responsibility of Malmö stad and the Social Welfare Resource Department (October 24, 2014) • Several of the minors live in family homes, or in different kind of health and rehabilitation clinics. How and where an unaccompanied minor live depends on that person’s specific individual needs (which are investigated by a social welfare secretary)
Steps towards improvementHow can we progress? • Collaboration (for example between municipals and NGO’s) • Listen to the experiences of the minors • Research • Competency development among staff working with this group • Spread knowledge and awarness • SKL (’Sweden’s minicipalities and local counsils’): a website for better reception of unaccompanied minors- http://www.ensamkommandebarn.skl.se • Social sustainability – Enable inclusion and integration on different levels and between different groups of people . On a grassroot level – for example mentoring. Dare too meet! Formula
Mikaela BergIntegrationssekreterareEnsamkommande barn och ungaMalmö StadSOCIALA RESURSFÖRVALTNINGEN, INTEGRATION OCH BOENDEMob.0723-869253Mikaela.berg@malmo.sewww.malmo.se