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Superintendent’s Recommended Budget: FY 2010-11 Rockingham County Public Schools March 23, 2010

Superintendent’s Recommended Budget: FY 2010-11 Rockingham County Public Schools March 23, 2010. 2010-2011 RCPS Budget Timeline To Date. Oct, 2009 Budget process begun Jan 12, 2010 Public hearing at JWES Jan 26, 2010 Board reviewed all requests Feb 9, 2010 Board reviewed Gov. Kaine ’ s Budget

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Superintendent’s Recommended Budget: FY 2010-11 Rockingham County Public Schools March 23, 2010

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  1. Superintendent’s Recommended Budget: FY 2010-11Rockingham County Public SchoolsMarch 23, 2010

  2. 2010-2011 RCPS Budget Timeline To Date • Oct, 2009 Budget process begun • Jan 12, 2010 Public hearing at JWES • Jan 26, 2010 Board reviewed all requests • Feb 9, 2010 Board reviewed Gov. Kaine’s Budget • Feb 23, 2010 Board received updates • Mar 1, 2, 3, 4 Community Budget Discussions • Mar 9, 2010 Board reviewed budget • Mar 23, 2010 Board receives budget recommendation • Mar 25, 2010 Second Public Hearing at WSPMS • Mar 30, 2010 Board adopts budget

  3. General Assembly Impact on RCPS • Local Composite Index “unfrozen” with Hold Harmless $1,900,000 • VA Preschool Initiative Preserved $890,000 • Relaxed Primary Class Size Requirements $630,000 • Funded technology in full $648,000 • Lottery - 100% earmarked for specific school programs $0 • BUT, overall revenue cut $6,854,724

  4. 2010-11 Reduction Areas include: Professional Staff • Central Office Administrator (anticipated) • Elementary, Middle, and High School Classroom Teachers • Special Education Teachers • English Language Learner Teachers • Student Assistance Counselors Total: 55 positions $2,900,000

  5. 2010-11 Reduction Areas include: Classified Staff • Custodians: increase square footage • Special Education assistants • Central Office secretaries Total: 10 positions $310,000

  6. 2010-11 Reduction Areas include: Contract Changes • Central Office Psychologists/Social Workers • Middle School Counselors • Middle School Agriculture Teachers (reduced 10 days) • Reduced Alternative Ed Night Programs Total: 13 contract changes $146,000

  7. 2010-11 Reduction Areas include: Supplement Reductions $182,000 Athletic Supplement - Assistant Athletic Directors $36,000 Total Supplement Reductions $218,000 Impacting 189 employees

  8. Personnel Reduction Summary 65 Positions Absorbed 13 Contract Changes 189 Supplemental Pay Reductions Total Personnel Reduction $3,576,630 Attrition expected to account for all positions absorbed Employment stability remained a top priority this year

  9. Budget Reduction Areas (continued) • Instruction $204,000 Reduced spending in the following areas • Professional development • Technology supplies • Tuition assistance for teachers • Band instruments/repair • Supplemental Retirement Program $230,000 • Reduction in daily rate of pay for participants • 11% for 20 days • Boys and Girls Club $122,890 • Transportation $340,000 • Fuel, buses and bus route review

  10. This recommendation further includes… • 0% increase in salary for employees for 2010-11 • Continued reduction of summer school locations for summer 2010 • Reduction of special education programs due to fewer identified students • Projected health insurance increase (effective October 1, 2010) estimated at 10-12%

  11. Our Partnership…and commitment East Rockingham High School • Personnel $2,000,000 • Utilities/Maintenance $507,420

  12. Projected ERHS Staffing:33.22 new FTE’s to be employed • French Teacher 0.33 • ICT Teacher 0.80 • Technology Ed Teacher 1.00 • Agriculture Ed Teacher 0.80 • Bus Drivers 3.00 • Bookkeeper 1.00 • HS SIS Clerk 0.25 • Secretaries 1.00 • Custodians 5.50 • Maintenance Staff 2.00 • Principal 1.00 • Assistant Principal 1.00 • Activities Director 1.00 • Athletic Trainer 1.00 • Guidance 1.00 • Art Teacher 0.50 • School Nurse (RN) 1.00 • Content Area Teacher 9.00 • Alternative Ed teachers 0.54 • Band Teacher 1.00 • Chorus 0.50

  13. Math Summary State Revenue Shortfall $6,850,000 Other Revenue Shortfall $95,000 Total Revenue Shortfall $6,945,000 FY 10-11 ERHS Expenses $2,500,000 FY 10-11 Health Insurance Increase $890,000 Total to Cover $10,335,000 Operating Cuts from FY 09-10 Expenses $4,435,000 VRS/GL/HCC Savings $3,400,000 Local Share of Revenue Increase $2,500,000 Balanced FY 10-11 budget $0

  14. A Partnership Rockingham County Board of Supervisors Rockingham County Public Schools

  15. Meals Tax Revenue Support March 2010 - June 2010 $200,000 July 2010 - June 2011 $600,000 Total Support $800,000 • To be applied to ongoing costs for ERHS (personnel, utilities, maintenance)

  16. Superintendent’s Recommendation for RCPS for 2010-11 Current Funding Request from County Board of Supervisors $42,522,930 Support for ERHS Opening $2,500,000 Total Request $45,022,930 5.88% increase in appropriation

  17. 2010-11 RCPS Budget Process Timeline Continues March 25, 2010 Second Public Hearing WSPMS, 7:00 PM March 30, 2010 Anticipated School Board Action on FY 2010-11 Budget School Board Office, 5:30 PM Information available: Superintendent’s Office Dr. Carol Fenn 564-3230

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