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ORGANIC vs CONVENTIONAL. Shawn Williams HW499 Health & Wellness Capstone Unit 4 Presentation. So What Is Organic?. Organic is a labeling term that designates products under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act.

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  1. ORGANIC vs CONVENTIONAL Shawn Williams HW499 Health & Wellness Capstone Unit 4 Presentation

  2. So What Is Organic? • Organic is a labeling term that designates products under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act. • All organic food must be grown and processed using no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. • Pesticides derived from natural sources (such as biological pesticides or biopesticides) are allowed. In fact, over 195 biopesticidesexist. • Organic farming is thus considered “eco-friendly.

  3. Is There a Nutritional Difference? • Comparing conventional to organically grown • Organic crops tend to have less protein, β-carotene, and lycopene. • With respect to minerals, trace elements, and vitamin B levels, there aren’t any extreme differences between organic and conventional foods. • To reduce your annual consumption of chemicals, organic produce from the so-called “dirty dozen” should be purchased.

  4. READING FOOD LABELS • All organic foods are required to meet strict standards set force by the U.S. Government. • All farmers or food manufactures who sell organic foods must be USDA certified in order to label their products as organic. • Single-ingredient foods that are completely organic are considered 100% organic. • Look for the USDA Seal that proves the item is at least 95% organic.

  5. COST COMPARISON CONVENTIONAL ORGANIC Apples $2.79 Bananas $0.99 Celery $2.99 Mangoes $1.99 Tomatoes $3.99 • Apples $1.99 • Bananas $0.69 • Celery $2.49 • Mangoes $1.49 • Tomatoes $2.99

  6. WHY THE COST DIFFERENCE? • More expensive farming practice. • More hand weeding. • Crop yields are lower

  7. WHERE TO PURCHASE ORGANIC FOODS • Local Grocer & Super Market • Direct from Farmer • Local Famers Market • Local Food Buying Clubs • Major Health Food Chains • On-Line: http://www.organicgrown.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=findinghttp://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/farmersmarkets

  8. REGULARLY STOCKED ORGANIC FOOD Some grocers stock organic produce that is locally grown and in season as well as those which are shipped in. Most stores are now carrying a wider variety of organic foods.

  9. Supplements FACT- Multivitamins/multiminerals are the most commonly used dietary supplements FACT - Use of supplemental calcium and vitamin D have both increased over the years. FACT- The National Nutrition Monitoring System is suppose to monitor the supplement use in the U.S. Failure to assess adequacy of nutrients could lead to inaccurate and misleading results.

  10. Choosing the Best Supplements • When you feed your cells exactly what they need, your body hums with vitality. • Most multivitamins are comprised of artificially synthesized nutrients. • Your body knows the difference between synthetic isolates and real food.

  11. Conventional Supplemental Facts • Folic acid: Is the synthetic form of folate that is found in dietary supplements. • Multivitamins/multimineralsare defined as dietary supplements that contain at least three vitamins and may or may not contain minerals • Selenium is required by the human body in small amounts, but ingestion of large amounts of selenium or selenium-containing products can be harmful.

  12. Organic Supplemental Facts • Organic Supplements Sales are up. • Purchasing organic supplements gives added piece of mind. • Organic supplements are made with only raw materials that have not come into contact with chemicals, fertilizers, or other substances. • Organic supplements are pure in form and have no added foreign substances to the body like synthetic supplements can.

  13. Nutrition Labeling • Manufactures must list the names and quantities of dietary ingredients present in their product, including the "Serving Size" and the "Servings Per Container. • The dietary ingredients without RDIs or DRVs in the "Supplement Facts“. • But what about the chemicals used in the processing?


  15. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) Retrieved from: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db61.htm Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2008) Retrieved from: http://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/selenium/supplements2008.asp Etcheverry, Paz (2011) Kaplan Higher Education. Retrieved from: http://healthandwellness.kaplan.edu/articles/nutrition/Is%20the%20organic%20produce%20more%20nutritious.html#cont

  16. References Continued FDA (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/GuidanceDocuments/DietarySupplements/DietarySupplementlabelingguide/ucm070597.htm Mayo Clinic (2010) Retrieved from: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/organic-food/NU00255/METHOD=print The Supplement Cellar (2013). Retrieved from: http://supplementcellar.com/vitamins/organic-whole-food-vitamin-supplements/ USDA (2011) Retrieved from: http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/nop

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