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TO PLAY OR NOT TO PLAY. Grace Dong Oei Hun Ling Matthew Ong Ezzy Chan. The Plan. What is play? Play and learning Play and our digital game based learning community Play and reflection Play from a teacher’s lens Q & A. Play. Opposite of work and seriousness.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TO PLAY OR NOT TO PLAY Grace Dong Oei Hun Ling Matthew Ong Ezzy Chan

  2. The Plan • What is play? • Play and learning • Play and our digital game based learning community • Play and reflection • Play from a teacher’s lens • Q & A

  3. Play Opposite of work and seriousness What we do to expend excess energy (not for primary needs) Where the means are more valued than the end

  4. Why play? • Practice and perfect skills for the future? • Sensory-motor • Social emotional connections • Social norms • Release positive energy • Cope with negative energy

  5. Seriously, why play? • Problem-solving Ability to generalize and consider perspectives Problem-solving ability Characteristics of play materials

  6. Seriously, why play? • Promotes transfer between concrete to abstract tasks • Promotes creativity • Research found that highly creative children were more playful, and children who explored novel toys were also more creative

  7. Seriously, why play? • Footnote: The relationships highlighted in research do not affirm direct causation. But it does suggest close links and relationships between the elements and prerequisites in play, creativity, and problem-solving. Causation

  8. Seriously, why play? • Play and Language • Research supports strong links between abstract play and language • When children are regularly involved in dramatic play, they could improve ability to understand language better

  9. "I'm making a list of all the things I ought to do before I die.It's my oughtobiography."from May/June 1999 http://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2012/04/18/humor/cartoons-play-on-words.html

  10. Seriously, why play? • Social benefits • Play can build self-confidence • 66 children (between ages 4-8) were observed for how often they engaged in play • Researchers found that play was positively linked to social skills

  11. Why play? • I play, therefore I am http://bucultureshock.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/cat-lion.gif http://mirror-us-ga1.gallery.hd.org/_exhibits/bizarre/fearless-cat-walking-in-front-of-many-Alsatian-dogs-ANON.jpg

  12. Types of play matrix Unstructured, Individual Play Structured, Individual Play Unstructured, Social Play Structured, Social Play

  13. Horizon Report http://hameed.deviantart.com/art/Horizon-Widescreen-Wallpaper-19060656

  14. Horizon Report “a general consensus that gaming mechanics and the integration of actual games, whether online or in app form, are transformativein K-12 education because they foster more immersive learning experiences and increase student engagement.”

  15. Type of Games

  16. Challenges • Digital games without “effective pedagogies” (Squire, 2002) do not meet learning outcomes • Lack of resources • Lack of community and professional development support

  17. Kolb’s Experiential Cycle Framework Active Experimentation Abstract Conceptualisation Concrete Experience Reflection Observation Out-of-Game In-Game

  18. Concrete Experience: Why? http://krepon.armscontrolwonk.com/files/2011/08/fail-safe-original.jp http://www.integritystaffing.com/blog/?p=5359 http://carrotsareorange.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/expressyourpeepsonalityclues.jpg

  19. Concrete Experience: How? http://www.evolllution.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/reflective-teaching.jpg http://www.straightlineinsulation.com/Scaffolding/Scaffolding4.jpg

  20. Reflective Observation: Why? https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-7fmVlJXubUo/TWq4ERlpO4I/AAAAAAAACWE/V1cKFDJhOX4/s1600/tacit.png http://www.andrewstuart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Pension-consolidation-can-help-expats-in-Asia-get-the-most-out-of-dormant-retirement-funds.jpg http://www.unlockingthegrowth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/in-or-out.jpg

  21. Reflective Observation: How? http://education-portal.com/cimages/multimages/16/Classroom_Discussion.jpg http://pixabay.com/p-254582/?no_redirect

  22. Abstract Conceptualisation: Why? http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/man-s-mind-jigsaw-puzzle-16951307.jpg

  23. Abstract Conceptualisation: How? http://www.midwayisd.org/cms/lib/TX01000662/Centricity/Domain/37/ChainLinkPic.gif

  24. Active experimentation: Why? and How? http://careergirlnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Opportunity.jpg http://www.bevolunteer.net/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/progress?id=mw27Eby+JE

  25. Digital Game-Based Learning Community

  26. ETD’s Support • Professional Development sessions • Co-design sessions • Lesson review • Resources

  27. Resources tinyurl.com/opal-dgblc dgblc.weebly.com

  28. Interested?

  29. A Social Studies game • Ayiti: The Cost of life http://www.gamesforchange.org/play/ayiti-the-cost-of-life/

  30. Playing with reflection • Aims of the AYITI game to reinforce Social Studies topic on Governance • Leadership is key • Reward for work (Meritocracy) • Anticipate change and stay relevant (being forward looking)

  31. Strategies to link game-play with curriculum • The use of Socratic questioning to sieve out learning • Clarification questioning • Questions that probe assumptions • Questions that probe reasons and evidence • Questions about viewpoints and perspectives • Questions that probe implications and consequences

  32. Other reflection strategies • Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning • Thinking Routines • Bloom’s Taxonomy

  33. Collaborative Tools to support reflection

  34. My DGBLC learning journey… Ezzy Chan, Peirce Secondary School

  35. How it started….14 October 2013

  36. Take-away from the 14 October Session • Importance of the change of pedagogy when using ICT • Assessment for learning: Importance of providing opportunities for student to reflect and to apply their learning in a different context

  37. Marrying Gaming & Engaged Learning?

  38. Taking my first baby step…. Searching for a game that matches the lesson learning goal…. Ensuring that a reflection is completed during the game play Pushing of content Applying their understanding or utilizing skills learnt in related situation

  39. Setting the ground rules & managing expectation Trying out the games first. Pre-planning is required and formulate the lesson in the mind. Clear lesson objectives and time allocation to each segment of the lesson. Give students time to explore and reflect

  40. Concrete Experience: Experiencing the gaming world Save Toshi (available on iOS & Android platform) Electric Box

  41. How the lesson flows….(1st period) “Save Toshi” Download the game before coming to class. Game allows students to re-try and students get to see how the stability is disturbed by an application of the force which creates a turning effect. Objective is to allow Toshi to land on the green platform successfully

  42. Reflective Observation: 1st period A reflection on how the student clear the specified levels And to tease out the two critical conditions of equilibrium and if one of the conditions are not met, it causes the object to rotate.

  43. 2nd period differentiated assessment on the topic is given. Self directed and/or collaborative learning

  44. 3rd period A test is conducted to gauge if learning has taken place…. An online survey is also conducted to evaluate how the students feel about the lesson. Shared the lesson on ICT Connection

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