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A high-power, beam-based, coherently enhanced THz radiation source.
A high-power, beam-based, coherently enhanced THz radiation source We propose a Smith-Purcell radiation device that can potentially generate high average power THz radiation with very high conversion efficiency. The source is based on a train of short electron bunches from an rf photoemission gun at an energy of a few MeV. Particle tracking simulation and analysis show that with a beam current of 1 mA, it is feasible to generate hundreds of Watts of narrow-band THz radiation at a repetition rate of 1 MHz. Yuelin Li, Yin-E Sun, and Kwang-Je Kim Accelerator Systems Division Argonne Accelerator Institute Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439
Content • Power of THz imaging • Capability of current available source • Our Approach of THz generation • Coherence enhancement • Laser pulse train generation • E-beam generation and dynamics • Smith-Purcell radiation • Putting together • Challenges • Summary
Current sources • Broadband, THz TDS, <650 mW • CW • Gunn diode/Back wave oscillators, <200 mW • THz-wave parametric oscillators, <100 mW • THz gas lasers, <180 mW • QCL, <100 mW • FEL, >20 W, but bulky ~mW, 8 min H. B. Liu et al, Proc. IEEE 95, 1515 (2007). Higher power is needed field application.
The matter of coherence Radiation power from a electron bunch Coherent radiation Incoherent radiation dE/dw: electron radiation energy into per spectral frequency N: total number of electrons Coherence factor S(t): electron temporal distribution
Coherence factor as a function of bunch length Short bunch is the key for high coherent factor! Y.Li and K.-J. Kim, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 014101 (2008).
Degradation of coherence factors in electron bunches Energy from zero to 8 MeV (see later) The degradation is due to space charge force.
Effect of the space charge force Q: total charge sz, sr: longi and trans beam sizes g: relativistic factor To solve the problem Higher beam energy, costly on $$$$ Less charge, costly on photons How about bunch train? Reduced space charge but preserved coherence factor.
Preserve the coherence factor by bunch trains Coherence factor for a bunch train scoh: coherence factor for individual bunched tb: bunch spacing, to be set as 2p/w Nb: Number of bunches
Preserve the coherence factor by bunch trains Same coherence factor but narrower band width Coherent factor as a function of frequency for 1-16 bunches
Laser pulse train generation (Credit: Cialdi et al., Appl. Phys. 46, 4959 (2007)) Number of pulses= 2n, n is the number of birefringence crystals
Electrons Laser Gun Rf photoinjector • Need high duty factor, kHz to MHz • Laser power of 100 W • Klystron power: 10 kW L/S band gun Klystron Laser
Simulation for an rf gun: bunch coherent factor Coherence fator at harmonics
Smith-Purcell radiation (Credit: Scott Berg, http://www.cap.bnl.gov/spexp/) Resonant wavelength Radiation power per electron Ng, lg: number of grating grooves and grating period. le: evanescent wavelength n: diffraction order S.J. Smith and E. M. Purcell, Phys. Rev. 92, 1069 (1953). P.M. van den Berg, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 63, 1588 (1973).
Electrons Laser Gun Putting things together: radiation powers at 1 MHz, for 0.5 THz grating THz total radiation power as a function of the beam center-grating distance with a beam scraper height D in mm measured from the grating surface.
Summary • We showed that with coherence enhancement, a beam based source delivering hundreds of watts of THz power is possible and may be made compact for field application tools. Can we make a THz source like this? http://www.tfot.info/news/1051/boeing-tests-avenger-solid-state-laser-weapon.html
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