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Guided Reading and Phonics

Guided Reading and Phonics . Our aim is to help children to love reading. Today, we want to… . Let you know what we are doing in school to help your child to read. Let you know what you can do to support school in helping your child to read. Phonics .

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Guided Reading and Phonics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Guided Reading and Phonics Our aim is to help children to love reading.

  2. Today, we want to… • Let you know what we are doing in school to help your child to read. • Let you know what you can do to support school in helping your child to read.

  3. Phonics • This is how we teach children how words work. • It includes: letter sounds. • Putting letters together to make words. • Reading each letter to sound out words to read them. • Recognising words.

  4. Phonics • Phoneme- the sounds that make up words e.g. cat has 3 sounds c a t, light has 3 sounds l igh t, and fish has 3 sounds f i sh. • Blending and segmenting - Sound out words to read them (d o g) and to put sounds together to make words (dog). • Grapheme- the visual representation of a sound.

  5. Letters and Sounds • Split into phases- phase 1 to phase 6. • Lots of games. • Pip the parrot.

  6. Phase 1 • Throughout year R 1 and 2 right up to year 6. • Rhyme and alliteration. • Tuning into sounds. • Blending and segmenting games.

  7. Phase 2-6 • Letters. • Pronouncing phonemes. • Each phase builds on the last - lots of consolidation.

  8. Phase 2-6 • Letter fans. • Magnetic letters. • Quick write. • Phoneme frames. • Tricky words – the I.

  9. Reading • We read signs around the classroom. • Adults read to the children. • Children look through books and read to themselves. • Children read and retell stories to each other. • Children participate in guided reading.

  10. Guided reading • Informal. • Books with no words to build confidence, skills and familiarity with a group read situation (having a go). • Using books, turning pages, sequencing, where to start reading. • Once children are confident telling the story (using the pictures) in a group and recognise a few letters and words we move them onto books with words

  11. Confidence • They can pick up any book and enjoy it even if they don’t know the words- they can read the pictures and re tell stories. • Books where children can read most of the words. (80%) • Reading in groups can be less intimidating we are all learning together. • Group reading and discussion (like a book group) helps children get the most out of the books. The discussion is often 50% of what we do.

  12. To be a successful reader • Word recognition and decoding skills. • Comprehension.

  13. How you can help • Learning conversations – This is most effective thing you can do to support school. • Conversations you have with your child about what is going on at school. • Conversations about things like reading and phonics. • Conversations about anything- whenever the opportunity arises.

  14. How you can help • Listening to sounds around you. • Reading together – books, signs, cards. • Reading books – Please sign reading record.

  15. One more thing! • Reading packs, Parent packs to take home. • Check out our Wiki. • Any questions please feel free to ask one of us.

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